A Mystic Reservoir is a construct that is built up (using visualizations, meditation, prayer, etc.) on mystic traditions and approaches that holds related arcane knowledge (Mystic Formulae, etc.) and allows the possessor to apply triggers to channel and shape their effects. These reservoirs are increased with experience and as the possessor accumulates more power. Some reservoirs have different properties, but all leverage a primary Attributes.
Character capabilities (Pathway, etc.) grant you specific slots that vary by measure (level or rank) as well as a certain number of Mystic Formulae from a related source that may be affixed that count as ‘prepared’ in immediate memory matrices to be triggered with great speed compared to a ritualized version. Aptitude Thematics may also rely on Mystic Reservoirs.
Requirements: All Mystic Reservoirs require the Meditation capability.
The specific manifestation of a reservoir and its Formulae comes from a Class Based Understanding (see hereafter) – this typically means mystic materials recorded by one class take some deciphering and re-writing for a related class (ex: Wizard, and Eldritch Knight) if possible, using a related skill.