Toolkits (basic/portable workplace)

A Toolkit is a set of tools that allows a character to do basic item crafting/creating, repair and patching, and perform tests, analysis, and operative troubleshooting on related materials. Generally, there is no “one size fits all” toolkit – they are tailored for a particular function. Each toolkit has a Load/Encumbrance to it.

Toolkits are portable versions of dedicated Work Stations (which offer much better facilities to accomplish their function). Each Setting may have Devices and Technology that enhance Toolkits and Work Stations.

A character may gain a Toolkits and Work Stations by purchasing in-game (depending on availability) or at the time of Inception using Assets. Typically all characters with Trade/Vocational (Craft/Artisan) Practices will have an appropriate kit or station.

Common Properties

Contents: The specific contents of the ‘kit’/’pack’ will manifest using common Technology (ex:physical vs. digital), materials and Items that are specific and appropriate for the season/weather/terrain in the Setting and locale. Costs are dependent on the locale and always affected by Availability.

Quality: Higher quality will last longer with better functionally, and/or be adorned and a sign of Social Standing/Status. Where necessary (and above average quality usually) they will be sheathed, locking, and water/puncture proof or similar. Improved versions of these items may be made by master crafters and may signify and gain the benefits of Prestige Marks.

  • Basic – The typical kit
  • Advanced
  • Professional











i20™ Toolkit Details

5.0/2014 Tools base reference >

  • Basic – The typical kit; +1 to associated checks
  • Advanced; +2 to associated checks
  • Professional; +4 to associated checks

iCore iCore™ Toolkit Details