Icrane Erelhays (Character; DEAD)

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Class: [Storm] Sorcerer 6th / Warlock (+1 in Service); Harpys Messengers Coven Member
HD: 6,4,4,4,4,4 / +4 [+6/+1] [-4] = 33
  • Shadow of Death: The character always starts with 1 failed death check.
  • Nightmare Dreams: Each other night DC 10 Sanity check or it will not count as a Short Rest.
  • Shadow of Death: When the character dies, they become a shadow and attack the party.
  • Essence of the Night: CANNOT HEAL DURING SUNLIGHT – Any attempt at healing causes the target’s shadow to wither and the healing to fail. When this happens, all animals in a 30’ will use their Reaction to move away for 1 round.
  • Decay of the Light: Non magical items in contact with the character degrade and disintegrate in sunlight; clothing in 24 hours.

Essence: 9 (31 @ Start) / Character Points = 3 / Inspiration = 1
Strength [9] -1 (carry capacity = x15 lbs)
Intelligence [14] +2
Wisdom [12] +1
Dexterity [12] +1
Constitution [12] +1
Charisma [20] +5 {21 max}
Sanity [13] +1

Proficiency +3 bonus @6/7th level

  • Skills: History {+2}, Persuasion {+5}, Singing {+5}, Arcana {+2; 1 Mana gains a +1 on an Arcana check (maximum bonus +4 on any single check)}, Insight {+1}, Perception (non-proficient; +5 with Raven)
  • Lores @+2: The Oldening, Medja, Montvin (locale), Celestials
  • Tools: None
  • Weapon: daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows; Simple Weapons
  • Armor: Light
  • Saves: Constitution, Charisma, Wisdom, Sanity
  • Trait: Natural Occult Talent, Mana Pool (7cp; 32), Aura of the Magus (augmented)
  • Communication: Dundarum (speak + literate), Primordial (speak + literate; Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran), + Feyloise (speak and literate), Gladnorian (primitive; group commands)


Movement: 25′ (-5′ of movement in normal walking and combat, but not when performing a Dash action)
Armor: Studded Leather (2; 1 Resilience); Dex (1)
Resistances: Thunder, Lightning


PROHIBITED: Fire and Force causing damage spells
Occult Aptitude 4 / Mana = 40 / Sorcerer Spells Known 7+4 (natural aptitude) = 11
Spell SAVE DC = 16 (+1 within Magus Aura; +1 tribal focus/thunder damage)
Spell Attack 8+1 = +9
Sorcery Points = 6+2
Recovery: All Sorcery Points and spells slots regained after a Long Rest (1 Sorcery Point/Short Rest)
Metamagic: Quickened Sorcery (@2 for convert action to Bonus Action); Subtle Spell (@1 cast spell without any somatic or verbal components), Distant Spell (When you cast a spell that has a range of 5 feet or greater, you can spend 1 sorcery point to double the range of the spell. When you cast a spell that has a range of touch, you can spend 1 sorcery point to make the range of the spell 30 feet.), Robust Spell (@1 sorcery point affects an area +50% as big, but limited to same creature maximum – if any)
Flexible Casting: Sorcery points for additional Spell Slots/Spell Slots to gain additional sorcery points. > As a Bonus Action on Your Turn, you can expend one spell slot and gain a number of sorcery points equal to the slot’s level.

  • Feat – Resilient: Wisdom
  • Feat – Elemental Adept: [Thunder] Ignore resistance; +1 per dice of damage (min. +1)
  • Feat – Ritual Magic: [Book; INT, Wizard/1 Mana per spell level] Speak with Animals, Find Familiar, Identify, Detect Magic, Tenser’s Floating Disk, Augury cards, bones, etc. (Weal, Woe, Both, Nothing)
  • Cantrip Combatant: You can cast a cantrip that requires an attack roll in place of a weapon attack, adding your spell-casting ability modifier to the damage of the attack. If the cantrip requires a melee touch-attack roll and your unarmed strike normally uses a damage die, you can add the die and its relevant ability modifier to the total damage. (This effect cannot be used or stack with extra/bonus attacks granted from two-weapon fighting and/or granted by ki points or any other feature allowing attacks to be made as a bonus action; only those granted by the primary attack action). When you cast a cantrip that causes a creature to make a saving throw, the damage die is increased 1 die level (i.e. a d4 becomes d6, etc.) and you add an additional die to the damage roll.

At Will Powers

  • [Concentration Powers] = Serves as uninterruptible Concentration for the following: Blur, Detect Thoughts, and Polymorph (self) as long as the effects stay within the aura. Additionally, it counts as Concentration for one additional spell of the occultist’s choice that has an effect on a target that stays within the aura.
  • Storms Blood: +1 Damage on all Thunder and Lightning spell damage (+1 min.); with the lightning struck arcane focus an additional +1 to lightning and thunder spell save DC
  • Comprehend Languages: As a ritual, at will
  • Storm Guide: If it is raining, you can use an action to cause the rain to stop falling in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on you. You can end this effect as a bonus action. If it is windy, you can use a bonus action each round to choose the direction that the wind blows in a 100-foot-radius sphere centered on you. The wind blows in that direction until the end of your next turn. This feature doesn’t alter the speed of the wind.
  • Heart of the Storm: If you cast a spell of 1st level+ that deals lightning or thunder damage, stormy magic erupts from you. This causes creatures of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you to take lightning or thunder damage equal to half your sorcerer level.
  • Tempestuous Magic: As you cast a spell of 1st level+ you can use a bonus action on your turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you. Before or after you cast the spell allows you to fly up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
  • Aptitude Powers: Sense Magic (detect magic becomes a Bonus Action instead, and last an additional 10 minutes * Occult Aptitude), Occult Assistant (Unseen Servant moves twice as fast; Bonus Strength and HP = Occult Aptitude).
    • Occult Assistant:
    • Sense Magic:

1/Short Rest Powers

  • Aptitude: Detect Magic, Unseen Servant, Arcanist Magic Aura, Shield
  • Magus Aura: Magic Weapon (weapon cannot leave aura or spell ends).
  • Shadow of Doubt: (# of times = CHA mod) As a Reaction, the effects are as a Bane spell (3 creatures/30’/CHA save/-2 Attack & Saves/1 minute with C). The shadows of the target are seen to twist and backstab.
  • Shroud of the Shadows: A shroud of cold comes down on the character. Frosty vapors roll off them as they move, and the air around them is cold, and their skin is cold like a corpse. The shroud grants resistance to Cold, and doubles all cold damage from the character, for the next three rounds. However, during those rounds, if the character does take cold damage, all within 15’ suffer the same effect/spell (no save).
  • Shadow Life Their own shadow twists and stretches out. False Life at a level equal to their proficiency bonus (maximum) on anyone who’s shadow they can see within 30′. Until a Short Rest, they cannot heal and lose any Stealth proficiency.
  • Shadow of Weakness A shadowed, claw like hand reaches up to each target. Ray of Enfeeblement can target an additional creature per point of Strength drain the caster suffers up to 5 total. This drain returns after a Short Rest.
  • Occult Aegis: Treated as a spell (no concentration), cast as an Action and takes the form of a small shield attached to the off hand: +2 AC w/2 Greater Resilience, 1 use Counterspell as a Reaction, lasts for 1 hour; it surrounds the occultist with visible shimmers – Stealth is not possible); Non-Detection (immune to divination); False Life when cast (maximum affect = 8) and Mislead once (used as a Reaction – ends the aegis if used). As a Reaction, move their Occult Aegis onto any willing ally within the aura – only the Occultist can trigger its protective powers, as a Reaction. While the Aegis is up and protecting the Occultist only, any attack from within the aura will do retaliatory damage equal to the maximum value of the base dice (i.e. if it does 3D8, it would do 8 damage) – the damage type is radiance or necrotic, and cannot be saved against.

Long Rest Powers

  • Luminary: The character ritually incants for 4 hours uninterrupted and switches one of their Cantrips Known with another one from the same occult class for 10 Mana.
  • Shadow Storm: (# of times = Proficiency bonus) Storm Sphere
  • Contingency: [Aura of the Magus] The occultist casts any combination of spells of 4th level or lower, totalling 4 levels (cantrips count as a 1st level spell), on themselves and those spells will not trigger until the conditions set when cast have been met (the spell slot is used until a Long Rest or it is triggered). Alternatively, the occultist may cast a single spell of 1st or 2nd level in this way, and another spell caster may cast a spell of 1st or 2nd level to be triggered. External spells require an Arcana DC 15 check for the occultist to affix, and the caster loses the spell slot for 1 day (after which it also is removed from the target – though another may be cast within the Long Rest period as long as it does not trigger).

Cantrips: Sorcerer 6/Warlock 2

  •  Eye  > Thaumaturgy (Bonus), Minor Illusion (Reaction)
  • Dancing Light
  • Mage Hand (Warlock; 30′, #10)
  • Prestidigitation (Warlock) – 2 effects w/Magus Aura
  • Ray of Frost: 60′, 2D8/9+5 + lose 10′ of movement
  • Shocking Grasp: 2D8/9+6 lighting [+3 lightning within 10′]; advantage vs. metal armor & Dexterity save or can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.
  • Thunderous Split: 3D10/16+4 thunder [+3 lightning within 10′]/60’/2 foes within 5’/Con Disadvantage save
  • Thunderous Boom: 60′ You cause disorienting thunder on one creature that you can see within range. The target must make a Constitution Disadvantage saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 3d10/16+4 thunder [+3 lightning if within 10′], and it has disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.)
  • Song of the Awakened Dead: [replaces Spare the Dying] 1 action, 60′, V, S, M (a musical instrument or whistling), 1 minute with C
    You begin to whistle an eerie tune. As an action, you can cause TWO corpses or skeleton within 60 feet of you to lash out at a creature within 5 feet of it (using Warlock spell attack modifier), dealing 1d6/3+5 bludgeoning damage and 1d6/3+5 necrotic damage on a hit. At 5th level (and each level that adjusts a cantrip power), you can affect a second corpse or bone pile.
1st Level: [4+1 Sorcerer Spell Slots] Thunderwave (15′ cube/2D8[9 +3] [+3 lightning within 10′] & 10′ push away/vs. Con), Chromatic Orb (90′ range/3D8[13 +4 thunder] [+3 lightning within 10′] choose type/attack), Fog Cloud (120’/20′ radius/1 hour with C), Silent Image (60’/14′ cube/10 minutes with C) / [1+2 Warlock Spell Slots] Armor of Agathys (1 hour; 5 HP/Cold Damage per level) [+3 lightning within 10′], Protection from Evil/Good,
2nd Level: [3+1] Shatter (3D8[13 +4] [+3 lightning within 10′] & 10′ rad/60′ range/vs. Con), Detect Thoughts (30’/Spell Mastery > no spell slot if prepared – Fiend of Knowledge), Crown of Madness (120’/Wisdom or attack designated target/1 minute with C)
3rd Level: [3] Thunder Blast (150’/20′ radius/8D6(28) [+9/+5] like fireball; Dexterity or lose 10′ of movement), Slow (120’/40′ cube/6 creatures/Wisdom or -2 AC, half move, no Reactions + Bous OR Regular Action/1 Minute with C), Clairvoyance (1 mile)

Eldritch Invocations


Arcane Focus: Tribal Talisman/Fetish – Branch (piece) from lightning struck tree (+1 to DC thunder)
Worn: Arthur’s Medallion (under his shirt), wedding ring (50; plain)
Armor [typical]: Studded Leather (1 Resilience) = AC 13
> Anuator’s Shield
Weapons [typical]: Bromokol (spear)

Thunder Fist (tattoo talisman)

As part of the Trials of the steppe shamans, given tattoos on arms and fists. If they are broken, the power is gone until it can be restored. Spell powers can be cast as a Action or As a Reaction. Each time a thunder spell or effect is cast in combat, it regains a # of charges = level of spell (CHARGES = 1 / max. 12). Unless noted, each use does 1 Hard damage.
1) Bonus CHA adjustment in damage to thunder/lightning spell or effect & triggers Tempestuous Magic (10′ fly) per spell level – normal damage, not hard.
2) Thunderous Smite (next melee attack +2D6/7 [+3] thunder [+3 lightning within 10′] & Dex or knocked back 10′ and prone)
3) Gaseous Form (1 hour/10′ move)
4) Sleet Storm (40′ radius/150’/Dex save or fall prone; with Frost Bite on initial cast for anyone caught in it)


  • Normal: Shelgray: 100′ telepathy and senses; Can deliver a spell using a Reaction of any Spell with a range of touch. If the spell requires an Attack roll, you use magus Attack modifier for the roll.
  • Sentinel Raven: Koranthi: It always obeys your commands, which you can give telepathically while it is within 100 feet of you. While the raven is perched on your shoulder, you gain darkvision with a range of 30 feet and a bonus (CHA modifier) to your passive and active Wisdom (Perception) checks.
    • While perched on your shoulder, the raven can’t be targeted by any attack or other harmful effect; only you can cast spells on it; it can’t take damage; and it is incapacitated.
    • You can see through the raven’s eyes and hear what it hears while it is within 100 feet of you.
    • In combat, you roll initiative for the raven and control how it acts. If it is slain by a creature, you gain advantage on all attack rolls against the killer for the next 24 hours.
    • The raven doesn’t require sleep. While it is within 100 feet of you, it can awaken you from sleep as a bonus action.

    The raven vanishes when it dies, if you die, or if the two of you are separated by more than 5 miles. At the end of a short or long rest, you can call the raven back to you—no matter where it is or whether it died—and it reappears within 5 feet of you.


Description: Race: Human (native of Orlec), male, 6’0, blue eye (left covered by patch), Black Hair (short), clean shaven w/sideburns, right handed, dusky skin, #170, 8″ thang.
Tattoos: Sorcerous fetish on arms, chest and legs. a bunch of words from a book on his chest and back that were tattooed on him when the magic book attacked.
Background: Noble; Persuasion, History, Singing (tribal; instead of gaming?), +1 Language

Personality Trait: The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity. I must publicly promote their welfare and be generous.

Ideal: Power. If I can attain more power, no one will tell me what to do.
> Picked up traveling with Death’s Cradle and the harsh treatment of the people leaving the oldening and in Cheril.

Bond: The common folk must see me as a hero of the people. I must champion the cause which improves their lot.
> Tied to the history of his family and its role in their clan.

Flaw: I too often hear veiled insults and threats in every word addressed to me, and I’m quick to anger.

Orlec Travels Campaign

The Harpy’s Messengers

Headquarters: Merowey – Harpy Hall (harpy statue on each side of the roof)
> Familiar stays at the Hall of the Harpy unless noted. It is watching for anyone to infiltrate.
Merowey is under the protection of The Harpy’s Messengers. In the coming struggle for the world, Medja must reign supreme. The allies may not always appear polished and shining lights of righteousness… we are of that ilk, but ultimately we stand with the light and life. The Harpy’s Messengers are swift, merciless, and exacting in their toll for justice. We follow the lawful precepts, but when they are subverted against the people then our own laws kick in.
Within the group:
The chain of command is absolute; Icrane is the leader. Obey or suffer their wrath.
Do not endanger members without good cause. Never betray the trust of a fellow.
Support the causes of right and good through battle and glory.
Sink to the levels of your enemy if you have to, to achieve victory – victory is absolute.


Wiped out 2 noble houses. Civil war.
Braget we had lunch with, he poisoned us then gave us the antidote after we agreed to help. He must die.
Tree Cutter Downer?
Massive Clash! 200 vs. 400 (200 are levy) + mini siege engines – Esme took 2 out.
Adventuring With: Norian Aurthur, Prykevagon, Esni, Yew Deep, Silvas

Ritual of the Dark Sun

Astral Projection: Lost Rallying wind, -1 Essence, -1 Strength, items worn in sunlight degrade, cannot heal in sunlight, when character dies becomes shadow and attacks party, 3 short rest powers and Menacing feat

  • Dark Revenge: When the character dies, they become a shadow and try and kill their former companions
  • Shadowed Will: The characters shadow has a will of it own; the character loses 5′ of movement in normal walking and combat, but not when performing a Dash action (fast movement)
  • The character always starts with 1 failed death check. They gain their Proficiency bonus per Long Rest in Storm Sphere

Icrane was a child of the winter people, from Ghunfan Reach in The Oldening. The Winter People were mountain valley folk, with auburn hair, pale skin and living at great heights among the blustery cold winds. They worshiped a strange elemental power named “Achrae”, also called “The Lonely Voice” – Achrae roamed the remote peaks searching for a counterpoint to his whistling voice. They had a tradition of powerful magic and song, though there were few of them. Icrane was brought up strong on his family traditions, and became a sorcerer like his grandfather and mother before him. He took on song and dance, to take his mother’s place and lead the people of his village in their ceremonies.

He learned the powerful voice he had by singing from the high mountain tops to echo for as long as he could. He followed the hunters of his clan and sang them the song of war to bolster their courage and used the wind he summoned to amplify his voice. He withstood the trials of ice, wind, and lightning with his mother in order to wrestle the powers of the elements.

Following his people’s traditions, he left them for a year and went north, following the peaks into Ghunfar to have his far-ranging time as all of the singers must, and return with knowledge of the outside world and tell stories of it. For months he watched the edges of civilized society, learning their ways and the dialect of his people’s language.

In Ghunfar he struggled, but soon fell in with a band of violent sell-swords called the Death’s Cradle. He was saved by them, nearly killed by a runaway cart in one of the cities when Elid the Stoney stepped in and saved him. In Icrane’s culture, his life was then bonded to Elid. Forced into depravity and violence, he served a full three years in the debt to Elid before he repaid it.

Civil War of Meritan

The mercenaries were hired by the council of Meritan. Suspicions grew over time, of council members acting inappropriately. Two factions of the city of Meritan plunged it into civil war. The faction of Sir Hugh Duvre lead a people’s army against the governor and council which had overtaxed the populace and left little to defend them from the marauders of the steppe that were preying on the caravans and fields. The civil war lasted over 4 months and at least 10,000 were killed. At first, the civil war was a war of factions in the streets. Then the council got desperate and enjoined the smugglers and thieves of the city – and even a few shady mercenary bands on the sly. Soon, civilians were turning on each other and the city burned. Trade crashed, fortunes fell, and the population fled. Sir Hugh turned to desperate tactics himself lives of innocents were snuffed out in reprisal. Sir Hugh Duvre was captured and hung and quartered for his crimes. The people were brutally suppressed just before a force of the king’s arrived to take matters into his hands. Some of the council were jailed; the mercenaries escaped just ahead of the trials.

Assault on Twin Rocks

Death’s Cradle were hired to spearhead an attack against encroaching nomads of the stripped Steppe – though they were merely defending themselves against the loss of river valley land taken from them in conquest. An attack was launched on their sacred place, called Twin Rocks. It was there, in the ensuing chaos, that Icrane managed to save one of the brotherhoods own and repay the debt. Despite this, he did all he could to save as many of the steppe folk in secret. He betrayed his bonds – binds he never believed in other than keeping his oath to repay those that saved him.

Time with the Steppe Folk

He spent a year among the Silver Hair clan of the steppe folk – trying to erase the debt for attacking their people. The shaman of the people understood he was also a sacred one, a wind-talker like some of their healers. He studied with them and learned more esoteric arts, building on his own wrathful powers with a softer perspective.
[Gain: Magic Initiate + Rallying Voice]

Return to the Winter People

He returned to his people a changed man, nearly five and a half years later. He found his place had been taken by his younger sister. He no longer fit into the clan of his own people, and grew more despondent. He made the choice to leave his people, and fled to the lowlands. HE had not completed his training among his people, and he cannot seen the energies of FIRE and EARTH.

Leaving His People

There he followed seekers, looking to escape The Oldening and make their way across the steppe to the south. They exploited him for his power to protect them, and after three attempts they finally made it to the free city of Cheril. There, he was robbed of nearly everything he had over time. Weakened and with his sacred bundle stolen and held hostage, he was forced into petty crime. He managed to recover his satchel with his people’s mementos and escape. They caught up with him in the dark alleys of Cheril, and he barely managed to throw his satchel into the gutter before he was jumped and beaten by a gang of thugs. He was beaten and left for dead.

Montvin or Bust

He eventually recovered and slowly traveled south towards Montvin regaining his strength and purpose. He learned of the cultures as he went, and knew that he would never fit in in the crossroads city of Montvin – though there was plenty of activity in the area to hire the like of him.

MOTIVATION: The character is an angry one, looking for purpose and meaning, having suffered several let downs trying to make it on his own. He knows he has strayed for from his people, he no longer cares and sees the world as cruel and wants nothing more than power to be the master of his own destiny.

DEATHS: Yeti Breath

BUILD OUT: Start @2nd; +1 level for basic background; extended background to gain 4th level Feat Magic Initiate [Warlock] at 3rd.

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