Blixt (character)

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Created: Feb 2024 for campaign GM: Ben Persinger
World: Faerun/Forgotten Realms – begin in Neverwinter
Campaign Changes: Sanity; Int+ = skills or language; Use the rule of averages (average/full/crit) from Incarna


Created on: 5-2024/ Created by: Earl

Background: An Ancient Bronze Dragon named Riktig’Havsblixt chose to tutelage some of the smallest of his Draconic kin, by teaching them about the many aspects of Asgorath Dragon God of Creation and how living in harmony with the other races is more beneficial then at odds with them. Through these teachings and guidance the Kobold clan started to challenge their own racial preconceptions, seeking to judge other races even their hated foe the gnomes with objectivity.

In time with Riktig’Havsblixt guidance and encouragement the clan started spending a good amount of time above ground in the sun, by doing this the clan is no longer sun sensitive. They also started trading ore and gems they mined with the local committee for better tools, food, etc. The clan elders came to the conclusion that in order to keep this new peace and time of prosperity the clan would need to keep other kobolds who did not want to live in peace with the other races away from their home and committees they traded with. Of course any kobold who wanted to live in peace and in doing so open their mind to the teachings of Riktg’Havsblixt were welcome.

After multiple generations of Riktig’Havsblixt tutelage were during that time the kobold clan named itself the Havsblixt clan in his honor, he left on a personal quest. During and after his time with the Havsblixt clan, the relationship with the local committees grew stronger. To the point the kobolds of the Havsblixt clan could walk in the open to barter without fear of being attacked or killed by the people of those committees.

During Riktig’Havsblixt time with the Havsblixt clan, unknown at the time he would use polymorph from time to time and mingle with them, to see if they were truly tacking his tutelage to heart. During these events he would join his blood with theirs. This joining of blood resulted in the clan having bronze scales, to the point it’s very rare for a kobold to be born without bronze scales. Also because of this infusion of true dragon blood the rate that a Dragonwrought Kobold is born to the Havsblixt Clan is higher than normal.

Since Riktig’Havsblixt departed it’s been 200 years the Havsblixt clan is living alongside the local committees in peace, over the years they have established new clan’s in the surrounding areas that are also living alongside the other races. These clans are still worshiping the more good aspects of Asgorath.

Chronicle – Growing Up

A kobold was born not too long ago not only was he born as a Dragonwrought, he also had protrusion on his back indicating he would one day grow wings. Within the first year of his life it became clear he would grow into a Draconic Sorcery, even at a young age would summon lightning. As he grew he was drawn to one of the few Scales that Riktig’Havsblixt left behind, in time the elder allowed the young one to interact with it. With it his magic became more forces and easy for him to control. He was named Blixt to honor Riktg’Havsblixt.

At the age of 10 (Dragonwroughts mutual slower) his wings still have not emerged, but despite that he had become a reliable young sorcery. Over the years growing up he could feel a presence in his mind keeping an eye on him and in time started to give encouragement to travel north. It took some time but the elders of his clan agreed he could travel north to see where this presence would take him, this would also be a good opportunity to learn more about his Draconin Blood. They also gave him a mission to establish good relations with Neverwinter, so they could establish a new clan in time. So the worship of good aspects of Asgorath could be spread to the other kobolds in the area, or force them out if they dont change from the evil aspects.

Chronicle – Coming to the Party

Chronicle – Time in Campaign

PARTY 3/16/2024:
Lucas – Arthur human (outdoor rogue) “king of the britons”
> Party leader!
ArabusVeindor; human (warlock – displays as paladin) – devout of Tyr) “vindaloo”
CoreyHaushren; Leonin (fighter) “ole” *snap snap*
EarlBlist; kobold (sorcerer) “master blaster”
RockyBrown (fighter) “streak”
Kelly BergerGuillermo the Absolver human (cleric)