Veindor (character)

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Created: Feb 2024 for campaign GM: Ben Persinger
World: Faerun/Forgotten Realms – begin in Neverwinter
Campaign Changes: Sanity; Int+ = skills or language; Use the rule of averages (average/full/crit) from Incarna

PARTY 3/16/2024:
Lucas – Arthur human (outdoor rogue) “king of the britons”
> Party leader!
ArabusVeindor; human (warlock – displays as paladin) – devout of Tyr) “vindaloo”
CoreyHaushren; Leonin (fighter) “ole” *snap snap*
EarlBlist; kobold (sorcerer) “master blaster”
RockyBrown (fighter) “streak”
Kelly BergerGuillermo the Absolver human (cleric)