Faerie genus in the Steel Realms have more variety even than humans, though their population size is much smaller. Like any population, the normally life-allied elven population has its share of Faey, as well as the fallen ones that dwell in the underlight and persist by blood – Faet m’un. There are those which breathe underwater (Glyddin; “Sea Elves”), which fly and breathe the thin high air (Syphim; “Winged Elves”), and all manner and size of land dwelling variety. These are divided into two ‘camps’ as seen by the rest of the species on Helca; The deep forest dwelling Ynthian Elves and the Wyld Elves of open plains and natural places outside of the Forest of Ynth. There are no known settlements of the ancient Aelfs left on Helca – if there were ever any. Faerie races are treated with suspicion, as they are nearly as adaptable as humans and in direct competition most of them, but inscrutable to most humanoids.
@RP Impact: Reaction penalty in some places. Most faerie enclaves have some group that are Faerie Wind Weavers.
i20 assumes you are familiar with the 2014 DnD 5.0 SRD and the PHB it is based off of.
Best Practice starting (@Character Inception) i20 Characters begin play with a PC Race/Species, a Background, and a Pathway of Experience all appropriate to their setting and no other CP unless noted by the Game Master.
Are you using Best Practice guidelines? (ask your Game Master)
This corresponds to the HALFLING ( Race/Species)
The following aspects deviate from or add to the base race, though may also vary by setting, back story, and/or cultural experience; ‘Baseline’ values are just average/defaults to be used * without specific reference checks. *
The character comes from an area which has a dominant culture of the race/species and evinces it’s common physiologically and sociologically developed features. As they develop, the cultural norms are ingrained and stay with them in absence of consciously ridding themselves of them (and their benefits).
> This inherits from: None.
Wherever the character grew up, they eschewed the common cultural experience in favor of a more individualistic approach to life. While they are aware of the cultural norms, they chose not to be confined by them and not to benefit from them, and any unconscious behavior that reflects them gradually fades over time. Unless noted, all Archetype options are available.
The following elements reference game details that are physically part of every character of this race/species:
Faey elves become incredibly powerful, very quickly, twisting their powerful soul-gem into a dead one, an intuitive tunnel to the power of the void.
Nearly ALL faerie races have a Long Life Thread, living more than 200 years.
d20 Raise Dead and equivalent/d20 Revivify and equivalent: Creatures with a Long Life Thread (ex: Elves) cannot be targeted by either of these spells (they simply fail) – it takes stronger spells to impact the character enough to bring them back from the dead.
Folk of copse and hill, folk of glade and wood, folk of sea and wave, folk of cloud and breeze, folk of grass and sky
the [contentblock id=playlink1] is the defacto starting point for characters and races of the Steel Realms. The Faerie of the Steel Realms correlate to the (Fey) Elves of DnD.
Elves: Wild (sylvan) and Ynthian
The target will find themselves ‘watched’ by the tiny natural allies of the faeries. They will pointedly stop and stare, unblinking, and the targets pass – it should be obvious if the PC’s are paying attention that something is amiss. The small animals will generally not scurry away unless the targets approach threateningly. Those with Lore: Faerie or any sub race may make an Insight skill check DC 15 to understand the ‘faerie watchers’ are relaying what they see as a prelude to the faeries making contact.
Displacement of the Aelfs: Only the elves of Ynth know that at one time about 500,000 years ago, their ancient brethren, the Aelfs, once dwelt on Helca. Were it not for only trace evidence of their spirits in Ynth, no one would know. The Aelfpaths of Helca were made by them, discovered by the elves of Ynth, and their existence kept secret. Once Ynth began its decline, more have become aware of them and started to explore them. The Elves of Ynth only know that at one point, they were on Helca, and then they were gone – before the coming of the Celestials. They do not know about the massive amount of Augmentum ( as it is known in the realms) that drew them. It also drew the dragons, and made powerful their dreams. Before a terrible war between the two could break out, the Aelfs left Helca completely, after only about 50,000 years of living peacefully and quietly.
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