Occult Primer

An Occult Primer is an introductory text to enable the non indoctrinated to learn and understand the basics of an occult process or power and becoming a Magus. Assuming the Primer is used on a New Character, it takes no additional time, and is part of their ‘build’.
> Otherwise: Significant time to acquire/achieve outside of Character Inception. + 1 Cost Portion

Outcome: A character studying a Primer makes a Codex (spell book – separate cost) for themselves, reflecting the Occult Primer’s Knowledge Outcome and the perspective under which they practiced – translating it to something others could use is difficult. If the character is not using this methodology for their occult tradition, the Codex may not be part of the output, but rather rely on memory and occult reservoir alone.

SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE: Reference works and basic exposure alone may only provide the foundation for gaining a [mechanics based] advantage. To reflect the practice and experience to gain that benefit consistently, typically requires a cost in Character Points.

D20 Occult Primer Details

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

d20 Requirements: Intelligence of 10 to use a Primer.

Knowledge Outcome

Class Based achievement, or Magic Initiate Feat

Magic Initiate (Feat): Wizard, Bard, or Sorcerer spells (only). The process takes +1 years (add to character’s age). The character must make a DC 10 Intelligence check to become capable enough to reliably be able to use the powers. If they fail, they must continue to learn for another 6 month time period, until they succeed at the check. Druid and Cleric are covered under Divine Primer.

Class Based: Allows a character to gain 1st Level in a Occult Class: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock, (Occult Slants) Fighter (Eldritch Knight) or Rogue (Arcane Trickster). Acquiring as Multiclass/After Inception: The process takes +4 years (add to character’s age). The character must make a DC 10 Intelligence check to become capable enough to reliably be able to use the powers. If they fail, they must continue to learn for another 6 month time period, until they succeed at the check. HALVE THE TIME IF:

  • You possess Occult Aptitude.
  • You are a single class character assuming your occult pathway as part of 3rd level progress, you can assumed the full time except 3 months was covered in study during your progress as a character – if you’ve had the Primer since 1st level. Otherwise, total time is normal.
  • Warlock using Offerings of Sacrifice; Blood and Souls Offering reduces total time to 1 month (requires Ritual instruction as part of the Primer or separate work to contact an entity).

This method overrides the spell mechanism normal for the class in the following ways:

  • If the class normally does not have a spellbook, they now have one reflecting their 1st level of known spells, including cantrips.
  • Occult Slant pathways lose the following abilities: You cannot “replace” a known spell as you advance levels. Your codex is your reference, not Seared Impressions/Memory.
  • For the Occult Slants: You can add as many spells as you can learn and copy into your spellbook, exactly as the Wizard class. Spells within the primary schools cost in value and time are the same as a Wizard, spells outside of this are double cost. You automatically begin play with the spell Detect Magic as well.
  • Losing your spellbook is handled the same as the Wizard class.

iCore Occult Primer Details

Story Hook ++

This presents a good opportunity for adding Character Story elements to the Character.

Adventure Hook ++

This presents a good opportunity for the Game Master to use character Features as part of an Adventure.