Manifesting Kinetic Capability (Demonstrating)

Kinetic capability is the act of manifesting [“Spell“] Demonstrations. The methodology approach of Manifesting occult capability is referred to as Casting. Each capability is different, and most can be personalized or modified through additional research and experimentation; Most choose the quickest/common manifestations as customized versions take more away from in-game time after Character Inception. All capability is usually classified by Aptitude.

Common Manifesting Aspects: Common aspects of working with psychic powers/capabilities may include such things as raw will power, deep understanding (sometimes based on Aptitude), perception and filters, the use of anima energy, materials (symbolic, sometimes consumed), mental visualizations, specific movements and combinations of any of these. Where one or more are not required may be a way to improve the potency of the Manifestation by adding such a requirement to it, especially materials if offered destructively as part of the act.

As with most aptitude based Manifesting of powers, Demonstrations can also be accomplished through Blood Magic if a character wishes to expend their Vital Reserves.