Ritual of Gleaning

All permanent mystical items are imbued with anima energy manifesting as a dweomer or power. Non-sentient items (having Essence or an Aura themselves) can have these energies removed through various practices. This process is known as “Gleaning”. The specific method is typically created by an individual or institution using knowledge and insight, and typically involves many trials to repeat it safely. Certain institutions, faiths, and orders may provide for the ability to do this as an Offering – but this destroys the item offered.

Each ritual created for this has a specific outcome that strips the item of the imbued properties and returns a portion of that as anima energy to go into an associated Pool reservoir.

Type Base Cost Gleaned Power
Divine 2 Cost Portion Synergy anima
Kinetic 4 Cost Portion Chi anima
Occult 1 Cost Portion Mana anima
Psychic 3 Cost Portion Focus anima