
The victim’s perceived situation no longer consistently defines their response. This can be caused by a low sanity or effects. Once the victim has entered into a state of of confusion (resistance and duration determined by effect), their behavior becomes erratic. It often swings from paranoia, to puzzlement, to outright violence.

i20™ Confusion Details

Impacted by Attribute: None | Lore(s): None

i20 [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence

i20 Text

iCore iCore™ Confusion Details

Basic Confusion Effect Summary
Impact Description
1-10 2 Blank SAN check to understand current events & friend from foe under stress; no attribute bonsues to skills can be applied
11-20 0 Distracted Seems lucid but responses are slowed (all actions +1 cycle/AM) and -2 initiative penalty
21-35 -2 Erratic Although skill levels can be used, they are penalized with full non-proficiency penalties
36-55 -4 Overwhelmed Absolute fear – shout &amp run as fast as possible using nearest exit
56-70 -X Unstable SAN check or attack nearest target; living preferred
71-85 Languid No offensive actions; can only evade to move clear
86-100 Catatonic Unmoving; overcome by dread