Dark Frontiers

Dark Frontiers Logo - Red

Dark Frontiers Logo – Red

This setting is part of the iVerse continuum.

Despite humanity’s pessimism, in Dark Futures, humans establish communication with another life form and find evidence of civilizations on mars and beyond. There is a philosophical revolution for a while, but the emergence of corporate giants out of the technology age of the 21st century gets in the way of dealing with the aliens… we alienate the aliens in a corporate attempt to improve our trade position with them and the governments and corps begin to wage a war of espionage on each other. Armageddon is narrowly averted and the aliens we came in contact with pull back – as if from a feral dog. Humans have a diaspora, following the aliens into a region of space where they have learned to live together with some regard and peace. Eventually the home world system of human kind are lost, due to war and calamity within humankind.

The greatest discovery the aliens provide (and regret) is astro navigation (warp) using astro Lay lines to move.

  • The universe is vast, distances great.
  • The struggle between forces that shape the cosmos are mostly those of chaos and order.
  • There are multiple races and corporations in competition for resources and they do not trust each other.
  • Magic and Faith are the weakest; magic is nearly gone and faith is a shell for fear of the unknown; Psychic powers are feared but present in most races.
  • PC’s are not inherently exceptional; they rise above through their actions to become that.
  • The world is mostly fair – technology can bring all things cheaply through social welfare; however beings will do whatever it takes to advance their own cause.
  • The average person just wants to live and has no agenda – they leave such to their corporate and government leaders.
  • The common person is literate, has access to vast amounts of information, educated, and still manages to be opinionated and obstinate in the face of facts.
  • The verse needs no heroes – chaos and unrest follow such people.
  • There is no greater good served – meaning is found in local communities and divisions of race, corporation, class, clan, planet or region.

National Development

Natural and man made boundaries

Strange Phenomenon/Anomalies



Political Relations: Global and Local

Sovereign Confederation of Saturnians

The many moons and resource rich and diverse materials of the Saturnian sphere has produced a multitude of small sovereign national claims, banded together in a confederacy.

Sol Hegemony

No longer the hub of human activity, the Terran government is still one of the most powerful and resource rich. It has the largest trade in tourism of any of the human habitations.








Various religions groups that feel earth was bed of corruption/”sin”, and off worlders are chosen. As soon as everyone is off earth god will reveal himself again. also, that alien contact was god manifesting himself.

have a large sect, cult and church presence

Askari guardians

a group of neo-templar/masonic psychic warriors bent on the uplifting of man and destruction of the corporate giants. they are rumored to have a secret fortress on earth



Warfare / Non-Interference

© Dark Frontiers 2005 (designed by Kelly Berger and Larry James)