The “Timid Towers” of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms

These are rumors only. They are towers that appear at odd angles, out of the corner of the eye and when sought after cannot be found. No one knows why they were built, if they were, and no one has claimed them as their creation – not even The Celestine of Helca. The most well known is one north of the city of Oerdney.

Chronicle of The Timid Towers

Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

These are rumors only. They are towers that appear at odd angles, out of the corner of the eye and when sought after cannot be found. No one knows why they were built, if they were, and no one has claimed them as their creation – not even The Celestine of Helca. The most well known is one north of the city of Oerdney.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

They seem to be reported across the entire breadth, with as many as a dozen logged though never “re-discovered”.

Locations: 1 North of Oerdney, 1 in North Pines, 1 near East birch Cut in the north, 1 in Kaald, and 2 in Nakria. At least 2 are mentioned in The Fallen East.

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

Some say a few have figured out how to approach them but they are impregnable.

Locations: 1 in the Riverdan of Pelmon in Dunstrand.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

Obscure/Hidden Knowledge is not generally available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden.
DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT unless a character has the capability to gain such knowledge [through association, organization, or relation] if they do not possess it themselves or the reader intends to participate in scenarios using this material as a PLAYER! GM Narration will typically provide relevant information by check or story.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic