Neverwinter Quests (adv log)

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ORIGINALLY THE ADVENTURE LOG FOR Guillermo the Absolver AND CREW for the Neverwinter Quests.

Created: Feb 2024 by Kelly Berger for campaign GM: Ben Persinger – Neverwinter Quests!
World: Faerun/Forgotten Realms – begin in Neverwinter and greater area
Campaign Changes: Sanity 11 or swap; up to 4 inspirations; Int+ = skills or language; item resilience; Intimidation to use the higher of STR or CHA; Use the rule of averages; full action = full healing potion; (average/full/crit) from Incarna

Holy Water Sprinkler – Neverwinter Rules

Light Mace or morning star (chain). Adds holy water damage. It will give you 10 attacks per flask of holy water, But they’re expended even if you miss, And a crit counts as 2; On a crit you’d need to roll a d6, On a 1 they break. Crit fail automatically breaks. COST = x2 light mace;

Buckler/Bracers – Neverwinter Rules

Heavy Bracers give no AC but have 1 resilience. Anyone can use. COST = 1gp

Buckler uses shield proficiency, give 1 AC, 1 resilience, weight 1lb, and you can hold another light object in the same hand (Dagger, torch, potion, etc…) OR it counts as a free hand for spellcasting. COST = 2gp

PARTY 3/16/2024:
Guillermo = El Douche (el dou-shay)
Lucas – Arthur human (outdoor rogue) “king of the britons”
> Party leader!
ArabusVeindor; human (warlock – displays as paladin) – devout of Tyr) “vindaloo”
CoreyHaushren; Leonin (fighter) “ole” *snap snap*
EarlBlist; kobold (sorcerer) “master blaster”
RockyBrown (fighter) “streak”
Kelly BergerGuillermo the Absolver human (cleric)
Mission: Temple of Tyr hires us as escort Father Morgan to the Leonin settlements; blesses party each day
+1 inspiration for “Tyrorist” label; hire a cartographer for 20gp (-5 from rocky)
Rocky stays in the glory barrel at the dockside inn
> take the new route! saves a day!
Ogre – we choose to kill! butcher meat
Going through woods on day 2… Arthur secretly takes the group past worg riders and orcs
-1 day ration; warm camp; ratings attack (rainbow lightning shit = spell scared)
-2 days rations/travel 2 days; orcs come to talk and say they were hired to get priest and bring him back to old watch tower in Neverwinter. We don’t treat with them, we attack them (I lead them with my phrase!); find the letter ordering them to capture Father Morgan, path expected, appearance; signed “Bartlett”
+ half day = success!
+1 LEVEL = 2
+1 day, encampment with pallisade and 100 leonine = Day 4
games to prove ourselves. 300′ square/goal zone is 15′ wide marked
> I decode not to participate, the others will just drag me down = individual merit
I hear that ole *snap snap* was sent to bring help, and our group is who he brought
> king, vandaloo, master blaster, ole, streak = participants
tall grasses, 8′ high – traverse one side to other, do not get caught by hunters
= results may vary; 3 out of 4
obstacle – rope, climb, pits, traps
= arabus flies w/Earl; other 3 get bless – success!!!
shelter the storm (shamans involved) – fog and rainstorm from shaman
mold earth = mound + trench under a tree; enhance with gathered wood and trenching
Nolan, the clan leader comes out and says “clan must fight”
– I cast Command once to balance out their cheating; I’m held, game ends.
Nolan says we cheated, I say he cheated first. 25% of Leonine are on my side. They heal vindaloo, I heal Nolan and tell him its not personal, just balanced – my perspective.
He accepts us and our gods and says we can help them!
Vindaloo asks about wrestling, then charges him and tackles! Nolan waves off guards as he is tackled!
FEAST! Tyr prayer, restock healer kit
Want to make peace with the local “many arrows” orc tribe, been there 200 years.
Needs PC help. Find an artifact valuable to the orcs. there will be Undead
– ask Shamans for healing herbs and stuff
4 spells worth of max effect, or +1 save/dc
holy water
healing (+1 HD recovery; stabilize @1 not 0; 7 charges)
2 DAYS to get there…
I got a bad feeling about this. San check each night or 1 level exhaust = master blaster fails night 1
Spookier, darker, oppressive.
Undead owlbear attacks us
(+1 INSPIRATION for adventure log)
cartographer gives Lucas a copy of the map, is going back to Tyr Temple!
heading where the fort used to be on the side of a cliff face to get a enchanted shield as a peace offering to the orcs.
– full day in dark woods and make camp; mold earth shapes campsite; Lucas+Rocky drag marks took away
– I get us lost, but master blaster corrects me; find a boot of Lucas w/cobweb/mesh
= lighter density woods, can see the sky finally! Bottom edge of a collapsed cliff face. @3rd day
climb up, sink holes, go in through top, ignore cliff face
– 3 bodies of lamp lighter mercenaries
build a barricade
go towards cliff face direction; locked door
next room is temple with raised altar, el douche goes to defame the altar of its weakness; find magic ring
Exploring; 2 spiders, 3 carrion crawlers
find the cocooned bodies of comrades, side passage el Douch finds the scale mail, arrows, and shield = all magic
El Douche (pees on shield) gives his brother a black eye for falling asleep on the job or something like that
Lucas+Rocky have half their HP -2 for black eye
Find healing potions in larder and way out on cliff face
Search spider tunnels: find rocky’s ax, a ring with ruby, 10gp

Returns to Leonine encampment; Halfdan the Shield joins the group.

CURRENT = You are setting out for Neverwinter from the Leonin village of Thundertree on the morning of August 21st, 1484 DR.