Records of The Saelish
Before it was The Saelish, it was part of the Bronzelands. Dunstrand Vale was ruined in the war between the Bronzemen and Sea Kings. The only unaffected area was SW Dunstrand, what is Barony of Crestwold and The Saelish today. Sae-Lisch was the Bronzemen’s term for the area, a “provence” of their culture.
About/Chronicle of The Saelish
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability. If nothing is indicated, assume Common Knowledge.
Most Recent History
Commonly Understood Origins
Commonly Understood Development
The Orrish and Nurth have nurtured it.
General knowledge…
- Key Places
- Key Entities:
- Key Concepts
Secret Knowledge is information not available in any known references; It is not necessarily
Forbidden Knowledge.