The Saelish (of Bar-Innis) “Last of the Bronzelands”

Steel Realms
The Saelish is a southern territory within the Earldom of Bar-Innis of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand. It has a few peerage titled lands, but is mostly inhabited by the old remnants of the Bronzemen that use a different Landsman system. These are descendants of a people who once fought for the Dunstrand Vale against the Sea King empire. During the worst of times, even when most of the Dunstrand Vale was uninhabitable after that clash, a small colony held out in this place, allied with a hardy halfling population which settle in the area of what was to become Loamwold. Long ago, the Umbakians took and have held onto the territory now known as Pavecia. It is home to the terrifying Orrish fortress of Hungerdouse. Before Dunstrand, the Duchy, was settled and built the Vale of Dunstrand was fought over by many forces. The Sea Kings moved into the vale in CY 4903, right before The Sundering in CY 5000. The forces of Umbak fought them, and eventually the Bronzemen stopped their progress up the vale along the path of the Nanford River – as recorded of Bronzefolk in Dunstrand in the ancient annals of Dunstrand. After they were spent fighting the Sea Kings, their population moved into this area, gradually forgetting many of their traditions and ancient faith – though they still venerate The Celestine entities – especially popular is the Late Harvest Fair (honoring Isis).

Cultural Analog(s): Czech (naming/speech)

Combined the families formed the “clan” of Saelisnea which ruled a large portion of southern Bar-Innis area, small parts of southern County Faer and even lands which would eventually be officially ceded to Loamwold. They were united by blood, war and commerce and formed a bulwark against the aggression of the Umbakian neighbors for centuries. A series of defensive forts and small towns were built and maintained for countless generations before the a bloody war with Umbak and civil strife (ending in 8749) brought them low.

A portion of their lands was conquered by Umbak and their people were driven out and/or killed. The Bronzemen use no peerage titles, but several towns in the area were settled by Dunstrandians – displaced Riverdan folk (who have always had good relations with the folk of The Saelish) and brave homesteaders. There now exists several “fiefs” which have title controlled by the Duke’s and Earls’ subordinates (as peerage title) – though they are mostly the fortress towns which keep back Umbakian incursions.

All total the area supports a population of some 35,000 people. The core Saelish territories has always been home to some 4-500 Elon folk as well – who squat and farm small area near ruins and remote valleys for a year or 2 before moving on – there have always been a decent peaceful relations between the Saelisnean peoples and the travelling folk (though they pay no tribute or taxes – they are cooperative and have even helped fight against Umbakian incursions).

Rulership: Landsmen council; In order to integrate though, the ducal authority appointed three hereditary “Lords of Saelisnea”; the families of Nasaeles, Mcaelway, and Mcbraen. Additionally, there are the “New Lords” that have been given peerage titles.

Symbol: Nasaeles, Mcaelway, and Mcbraen all have different. The Saelish as a “fiefdom” uses a bronze shield with crossed bronze spears in front of it. – though there is no “house” that claims it.

Today, deserted forts crumbling with age, roofless crofts, and tumbled arch markers are concealed by wet meadow grass. The family blood is scattered to the Riverdans, county Faer, a few left in Bar-Innis and Tarmysia of all places. They do not present a face of solidarity – each family scrabbling in its way to get by… some even prosper in their local ventures though the clan and name of Saelisnea is nearly lost to memory. There are fortified towns garrisoned by the Earl’s forces and supported by the local populace of Bronzemen. A few hardy prospectors and single family home steaders come into the area each decade. It has long been a haven for bandits – there are many places to hide in The Saelish.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic