Treatise (Significant Knowledge Reference)

A Treatise is a form of knowledge organization that reflects knowledge typically contained in Lores measures 5-6.

  • Mundane Cost: Dependent on setting, culture, and technology.
  • Materials: Dependent on setting, culture, and technology.

Mystic Scope: Knowledge of a specific, singular power or capability meant to teach something advanced and/or dangerous. It assumes the character is capable and the Treatise will have its own skill, intelligence/reason, and/or knowledge requirements, which may involve Rituals and Ceremonies for mystical subjects.

Requirements to Use: If Tutelage is self-taught via a Primer, the learner/observer must be fluently literate in the language it is written in or means it is imparted in (taught by another directly). Actually gaining any benefits assumes the character has the basic requirements (knowledge/Lore, powers, scholarship/reason/intelligence/etc.) to make use of/wield such power.

SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE: Reference works and basic exposure alone may only provide the foundation for gaining a [mechanics based] advantage. To reflect the practice and experience to gain that benefit consistently, typically requires a cost in Character Points.