Horakty Colony (hidden ruins)

Steel Realms
Horakty Colony was the enclave and center of the initial Ducateon presence on Helca. It is buried and covered over with a millennium of growth and shifting.

This knowledge is considered RARE or even HIDDEN. It is not referenced by available texts of the Modern Age of the Steel Realms.

The Ducateon build a spaceport in what would become the Fallen East/Dark Lands called Horakty Colony (this is the source of the label in The Horakhty Heresy of the Lightbringers – records found and now lost?). There is no record in the Imperium – awakened Helca has worked to obscure every record and overgrow it – buried in earth and greenery over millennium.

Known in the Nakreha: From the time of The Nakreha came ancient stone inscriptions that speak of the “Sky Ducateons” – Ducateons that came from and flew up into the skies above and beyond Helca. This is a reference to the Horakty Colony.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic