Hearth of the Frozen Fire

Steel Realms

The Hearth of the Frozen Fire is a massive sacred hearth in the great hall of castle which is the home of the King of Stillness in the capital of Juniper, in the far, far north. It burns with a cold blue fire. It is the anchor to the land, to the Blue Wall, that gives feelings and a semblance of life to Theodrose and his Crystal Rider retainers.

The Hearth of the Frozen Fire is known to serve as a channeling point for the power of the Blue Wall away from its environs itself. It helps to keep the once murderous forces of Theodrose the Spectre Lord, king of Kalascor in the north, bound to the people and land he now serves, and to warn him when the power of the Fangedfrost shifts its normal course.

It is not common knowledge, but it allows communication between the Thedrose and the priests of the elemental goddesses, and the Order of Davros.

All of the Crystal Riders and Theodrose of the north are bound to this hearth. When they die, 33 years later their spirit will emerge from the ever-burning hearth of Merkaine in Castle Vulgarate.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic