Work, Wages, and Common Services of the Steel Realms

Wages are processed by individual businesses and entities based on agreed and contractual obligations as part of Items and Services of the Steel Realms. It is the foundation of the Base Cost Portion and typically paid out in the standard currency of Silver Crowns. The Bank of the silver Stacks and organizations like it.

Typical Work Week: The work week of most places is 6 days a week, depending on season, weather, and policy. The pace is usually fair and work typically never starts before sun up or goes beyond sun down and includes a fairly long break mid-day. Many businesses that have the facilities will run multiple short shifts. Employers wanting maximum efficiency often provide basic foodstuffs and drink. At-home work also takes place in the late night hours as needed.

Typical Mundane Service Costs of the Steel Realms

Service Cost Benefits/Explanation
Low Quality Meal 5 coppers calories basically
Common Meal 10 coppers (bread, cheese, ale, potato, turnip, beans, rice, lard)
Common Meal (prepared) 1 sc
Decent Meal (prepared) 2 sc (includes a some meat)
Good Meal (prepared) 4 sc (includes wine, pudding or pie, meat, butter, gravy)
Night of (low quality) Drinking 1 sc
Night of (common) Drinking 2 sc
Single Night Stay (low quality) 5 coppers Straw palette, blanket
Single Night Stay (normal quality) 1 sc Bed, sheets, wash basin, chair/table
Single Night Stay (high quality) 3 sc Large bed, sheets, divet, writing desk, table, couch and chairs, *bath service optional +1 sc
Common single room [tiny] flat 8-10 sc Monthly; not including heating
Common 2 room [tiny] flat 15-20 sc Monthly
Common 2 room [large] flat 30+ sc Monthly
Bathhouse 1 sc

Typical Mundane Wages of the Steel Realms

Job Daily Wage Benefits/Explanation
Common Day Laborer 2 sc + typically low quality food
Full Time Laborer 3 sc
Specialist 4-6 sc
Mercenary 4 sc Food + Lodging; Share of Loot
Soldier 7 sc (war)/1sc (not on field) Food + Lodging; Discounted services
Tradesman (apprentice) 5 sc + shared food/lodge
Tradesman (journeyman) 10+ sc
Tradesman (master) 30+ sc
Team Lead +50% base 3-8 people
Crew Chief +100% base 9-30 people
Scribe 8-10 sc literate