Bestial Urges is a collection of dangerous Rituals and Ceremonies related to some of the unique Occult related species powers. These consist of a passages that allow the practitioner to reach out to a Patron/Sponsor to enact Rituals that take existing items and powers and increases their violence and lethality. There are some obscure texts that link the Bestial Urges of Rastillion’s Diabolique (Malificent Minorus) to the corrupted druids of Darupet.
Practitioner: The character attempting to use/enact the powers of the Grimoire.
Pact Source: Multiple; Each Ritual (Urge) has a different sponsor.
COMMON REQUIREMENTS: [su_permalink id="12965"]Literate – Fluent[/su_permalink] in order to read the texts – though they are not all recorded in the same language, most are the ancient dialect of Old Glaerdian. The oldest contain many scribbled notes in Sylvan and Druaeda (“Druidic”).
SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE: Reference works and basic exposure alone may only provide the foundation for gaining a [mechanics based] advantage. To reflect the practice and experience to gain that benefit consistently, typically requires a cost in Character Points.