Notable Orrishish Weaponry of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms

There are many instances of Notable Orrishish Weaponry of the Steel Realms. The Orrish of Helca are known for their nasty tactics and unlimited hatred in fighting. Their weapons reflect this intent to inflict maximum suffering. Darkland Rangers are known to have a difficult trial to make themselves proof against the toxins of Orrish weapons.


Wormblat is a the name the Orrish give the “poison” that they generally use on their weapons. They apply this to their weapons with tips and blades using a mixture of offal, blood, and feces. It gets its name because the pouches holding this are soon crawling with maggots. This causes all wounds to apply a Minor Infection.

Burrowing Flint/Heartseeker

Many Orrish weapons are made of stone and flint. Flint that was mined in the Dark Lands, while those lands were the Dark Lands for a thousand years. Taken and bathed in the blood of captives in the darklight of the Murkenstone, they become deadly weapons, also called “Heartseeker” – when they strike, a piece breaks off and seeks the heart of the enemy.

i20™ Orrishish Weaponry Details

Wormblat: All wounds do an extra 1 damage, and the recipient must make a DC 10 save vs. Poison or the wound becomes Malaise if it is not remediated completely within a Short Rest and it becomes Infected – converting any remaining damage from the wound into Malaise.

iCore iCore™ Orrishish Weaponry Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic