This great blade glints as a pale steel, worked with veins of red. It is said to be forged by the master smith Arundal Bladesemmer, in the days after he retired and before the north fell. Myth has it that the forge was secret, and metals left over from a meteorite used to make the sword ‘Kings Hand’ (now vanished in the north) were used. So too it is said to have been cooled in a glacier, tempered by ice and freezing winds. It was carried into battle in the east, against the forces of darkness and the Orrish hordes – said to have been drenched in the blood and brains of a great Ork chieftain in its christening fight, forever has it stood as a light against the darkness of Orrish savagery. Sir Oswald Bormender, once an adventurer, sought fame and treasure in the fallen north. After years of seeking his fortune, he returned with the blade Truevein and enough money to buy an errant knightship and title to the lands along a the Lonely Road. There, Truevein became the symbol of Merchant Cities power. Wielded by Oswald at the head of a garrison of soldiers, the Merchant Cities pushed their northern domain many miles. When Sir Oswald fell, his squire Henry Northfort took up the calling and the sword and it’s wielder’s reputation long held the tribes and Orrish at bay – until only the war in the north (9130’s) drove them back into civilized lands seeking foods during famine. It is estimates that the blade cost over 100,000 Silvers to make and was a Family Heirloom. It was sometimes called the Slayer of Darkness in the east for its use against the Orrish hordes. In later years it was known as a symbol of (north) Merchant Cities power.
Incarna 5.0
Requirements: Min. RCT – 2/ Min. STR – 1
5 AM
18 Base Dmg
+1 Dmg overall and +1 CS vs. Orrish
Reach: 6/Length: 78″ Inches/Weight: #11lbs/Width: 2″ Inches
ENC 30
+1 VGR checks while wielding
Prevents all aggravated wounds while wielding
Aura: Essence = 2 (wielder cannot have code of conduct: evil)
The sword bears the mark of the gray gods and grants the user an intuitive sense (1 CS) when making any Lore: Religious check relating to the gods Mizras, Malek, Elancil, and Ezrilus.
The sword is always cold to the touch; the sword glows a light red when Orrish are within 30m and the wielder never suffers any familiarity penalties against Orrish opponents; possession of the sword allows the wielder to buy Prejudice: Hatred of Orrish for half cost. When fighting against Orrish opponents, the wielder must resist against SAN or take on the bloodlust trait until all Orrish opponents have been slain. While bloodlusted, gains extra Health from the +1 VGR, until blood lust ends.
Believed lost
Henry Northfort rose up from humble beginnings as a tanner’s son in the North Merchant Cities – north of the river Beyne. He inherited his father’s business as a young man when sickness claimed both his parents. One year, when a harsh winter drove the pine tribes south in search of food, their village was attacked by pine tribesmen from the north. His actions helped save three families, and the stories of his courage spread far. He was taken as a page to a knight errant (an ex-adventurer), where he served for 10 years as page and squire before finally earning his own title amongst the Merchant Cities.
As Henry told it, in a spectacular battle along the Lonely Road (the nickname of the traders road through the northlands), his mentor Sir Oswald Bormender was killed in a battle against a large band of marauding orrish from the north. Again, a harsh winter had driven the
pine tribes and Orrish out of their normal areas to raid for food in daring night raids. Pulled from his horse, the Orrish literally tore him to pieces. The patrol he was part of began to break and retreat, leaving the way south open. Henry grabbed his fallen master’s sword and laid waste to those around him, organizing defense and driving the Orrish back from the road to civilized lands. For this, he was given his knighthood, and assumed the title of his mentor as Viscount of Dentons. Henry took wife, had children and served the Merchant Cities well. His reputation and the symbol of family power – Truevein – long held his foes at bay.
Sir Henry was loathe to start a family, knowing full well the perils of life on the borders of civilized lands. However, his reputation and the symbol of Truevein helped to keep the foes in the north at bay. Henry eventually believed he had won a peace of sorts and married, having 2 children – a boy named Cage and after the northern wars and famine had passed, his younger wife bore him a girl. The many battles and scars took a heavy toll, and he was an old man before his time. His enemies to the north knew he had aged and his reputation was soon forgotten by a younger generation. The decades of frustration and fear spilled over into the civilized lands one night.
His father was hastily armed and lead his few men into the night, amidst burning buildings and terror from an attack by an overwhelming force. Cage soon followed, catching up with his father in time to see him decapitated by an ork, though the bodies of 2 of the beasts lay on the ground next to him. The soldiers were defeated in spirit, and fell back to the great hall, pursued by orrish. Running to his fallen father’s side, he grabbed his great sword Truevein and began to run after his father’s killers. Arriving at the great hall in flames, he witnessed his mother and 4 year old sister skewered together on a goblin spear. Unleashing his rage, he first charged into the orrish and cast down the ork. Like a storm of vengeance, he turned his anger towards the goblin followers. The few remaining soldiers and villagers followed the wake of carnage – putting fallen orrish to final rest or pursuing those few who would not face him in combat. When dawn came, he was found in front of a barn on the outskirts of town. He had hacked 14 goblins to death, and in his rage destroyed all the livestock as well. He was unconscious, covered head to toe in blood, and was initially thought to be dead at the scene as well.
The folk of Dentons sent word to the council in Karolak of what happened. The title of Viscount was given to another, and Cage was forced to leave – though word of his deed spread far and wide, his rage and the danger to those close to him made him unfit as a leader in the eyes of the Merchant Council. He was allowed to take all that remained of his father’s house and possessions.
Cage was given passage to any place out of the North Merchant Cities. Invited across the Beyne river, the council decided to send him into Dunstrand. Cage was followed to the border markers and, packing all that remained of his family’s legacy, set off into Dunstrand. He was well received and many asked him to tell his tale. He made up numerous stories of why he left, and finally began to believe them himself he told them so many times. ‘There was nothing left me but bad memories’, ‘I felt i needed a new start’ – anything but the truth that he was feared by those he saved and was forced to leave. Making his way on his reputation, he stumbled through the center of Dunstrand.
He arrived in Dunstrand city and went to the warrior brotherhood of Mizras. The church took him in and he was used by the church to promote itself. After a year of being a show piece though, he left and sought adventure. His time with Mizras had introduced him to Mirgue the Doomed and he embraced his berserker fury.
Through his connections, he was hired on by the forces of Count Leon Badgericus, lord of East River Run. A small ‘rebellion’ had broken out in the Riverdans – a place called Cerran’s Grant. By all accounts a conquered, puppet territory. However, some locals were disrupting the status quo and had to be dealt with. The count marshaled a force of mercenaries to meet a mostly peasant army south of a place called Fort Sian. Cage was with a group of irregulars given to guarding the left flank.
The rest is part of the annals of The Gallants. Cage was struck down – as were all the Gallants – in Dirte’ Diaphor, a small town in West River Run. Some great evil had nearly escaped and the entire populace had been slaughtered. In 9163 Cage disgraced the name of his family and the honor of the blade. It was taken by a demon of the abyss and bent to its will to strike things which normally are treated as phantasmal presence. A black handed imprint was made upon the blade. Taking the blade, Cage’s final days in the Gallants were a terror of heinous deeds that forever will go unrecognized, nor will they be forgot. Cage and his sword were buried in a remote place in Dunstrand.
It is unknown how Truevein was found and unearthed again, but in 9164, the current Gallants returned to Tarly Castle to settle the spirit of Wendel and any restless enemies as The Maulsmen and agents of House Malor closed in on the area and search for the source of the troubles in the region. They discovered that the cult of “Intent to Kill” had been trying to coalesce the essence of T’zreal which had been sundered. In a hellish assault on the ruins and tunnels, the cultists were forced to summon T’zreal early, and bound him into the body of a minor demon. Rictor attacked the fly-demon with Truevein, believing that the demon lord would take back the power he imbued in it, and he was right. The blade was made wholesome again, but Rictor was gutted for his troubles (though lived). The blade was used to attack the townsfolk of Braddon Bog by Rictor when they tried to unearth the fallen Gallants and take them outside the ancient churchyard in which they were buried (the fallen had risen by the power of the Fly Lord demon and attacked the town)… Shamed, Rictor reburied it with Cage’s body. It is recorded that the blade had lost the evil taint T’zreal had given it somehow – it can no longer strike phantasmal presence creatures; nor does each full moon trigger a sanity crisis resulting in berserker [trait] behavior. Lost to was the effect which caused any character with a code of conduct Good, Lawful, or Virtuous attempts wielding it, to trigger it to drip blood which creates a stench like a slaughter house.