Basement Weaponry of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms

Many large urban areas restrict the carrying, or where the sale of armaments is restricted, an alternative and illicit set of armaments may be available. These are low quality, limited effectiveness, and in many cases improvised from scraps and leftovers. Those making and repairing these armaments often possess only rudimentary knowledge and a Toolkits – little in the way of full Work Stations. It is mostly small coins that are acceptable at such places, nothing larger than a Silver Crown.

Incarna d20™ Basement Weapons in the Steel Realms Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.
Weapons Unique to the Setting
Weapon Damage Requirements Properties Cost
Brick d4+1/3 breaks on full or critical / Thrown (20/40); found
Punch Bar d2+1/3 Fatigue only; found (homemade)
Stick d4/2 2 Hands Weakened 1-3; found
Simple MELEE (All Weakened – Improvised/Patched)
Club d6/3
Weakened 1-2; Light 2
Dagger d4/2
Weakened 1-2; Finesse; Light; Thrown (10/30) 10
Hatchet d6/3
Weakened 1-2; Finesse; Light; Thrown (10/50) 10
Knife d3/2
Finesse; Light; Thrown (20/30); easily concealed 10
Quarterstaff – Light d6/3
Weakened 1 5
Shiv d3/2
Disadvantage thrown 1
Spiked Club d6+1/4
pierce (bludgeon)
Weakened 1-3; 1 AP vs Light Armor (any match of Resilience drops to d4) 5
Improvised Ranged (thrown only)
Brick d4+1/3 Breaks on impact/ Thrown (20/40); found
Ceramic Scrap d3/2 Breaks on impact/ Finesse; Light; Thrown (20/60); found
Metal Scrap d4/2 Makes noise on impact / Finesse; Light; Thrown (20/40); found
Stone d2/1 Finesse; Light; Thrown (20/100); found
Simple MELEE (Battleworn – from watch/police, soldiers, etc.)
Having a weapon like this is a Lesser (+2) Prestige Marker per weapon.
Club d6/3
Light 2
Dagger d4/2
Finesse; Light; Thrown (20/60) 10
Quarterstaff – Heavy d6
Versatile (d8) 15
Spear d6
Thrown (20/60); Versatile (d8) 20
Long Sword d8
Versatile (d10) 350
Short Sword d6
Finesse; Light 150
Simple RANGED (Battleworn – from watch/police, soldiers, etc.)
Having a weapon like this is a Lesser (+2) Prestige Marker per weapon.
Light Crossbow d10 base
2 Hand; uses Light Bolt
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered.
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Incarna X Basement Weapons in the Steel Realms

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic