Rackle (electricity/battery; Luxite)

Steel Realms
Rackle is the term used on Helca for the power of and technology around electricity within the circles using Science and Technology on Helca. Specifically, the Rackle technology of stored energy in batteries, it is referred to as Darvoshir (named after the Umbakian artificer that invested them around CY 6010). These are ceramic pots with copper tubing and a iron rod in distilled water. The copper is smelted and infused with Luxite that infuses and purifies it, enhancing its power for storage and use with magics. Rackle is in its early stages of development on Helca, with the primary cities of The Mech Belt being the few that are experimenting with such Technology. Additionally, static electricity is also being experimented with due to the ability to easily generate it using differing methods, though quantity is always a problem.

  • Umbakian Darvoshir: The Umbakians make a Darvoshir battery using metal extracted from the hooves of dead Draymians war horses smelted in to a pure iron rod. This seems to enhance the time the battery can hold a charge.


Luxite: Though it is not generally known, Luxite is a yellow-green crystal form of Monarch’s Crystal. It appears to be utterly invisible to Ducateon and Dwarves, and is only found in the three places upon the western continent of Ustermaya of the Steel Realms.

  1. Luxite Mine #1: Umbak, the Thunder Run Mountains the Torgrimson River runs through. Umbak and the Merchant Cities of the south both compete for its resources, often breaking out in open hostilities. Both seek additional veins of the material as well, though only one has been found.
  2. Luxite Mine #3: Ikribu’s Forge in the Fallen East; burried behind the Curtain of Night in what is now known as The Dark Lands.
  3. Luxite Mine #2: Nakria, just south of the Roj Sea. Many have sought to take control of it over the last thousand years.
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic