Narduar Holt

Steel Realms
Narduar Holt is a remote and forbidding place. The Ducateon survive just fine in the cold clime of the north, as the majority of their settlement is underground. Inhospitable to the Orrish, shielded by temperature from other races, protected by allies from the undead, with little to no competition from allies… this Holt has thrived. Originally a standard holt, it has grown to a metropolis of 90,000 – one of the largest of Ducateon Settlements of the Steel Realms. Its forges and mining bring coal, metals, and gemstones from the earth they trade with. Their stress is low, and the Outholt bustles – though mostly only in the summer in the north.

From the Holt comes the Ducateon Way Stones, these illuminate many areas in the upper reaches of their Holt for visitors – it is said to be an awe inspiring vision from the edge of the Claw Bottom Cliffs that overlook it, an entrance from the Outholt above ground. The Ducateon Way Stones are raw Tunnelite, and only fluoresce and are tenebrescent under UV light – these are mostly used in the Narduar Holt of the Ducateon in the north.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic