Ox-Birch Cut (Freelands of the north)
Ox-Birch Cut is the area of the main east-west passage from the Kaaldian territories of the hinterlands to the free folk lands and the city of Thurlow on the coast. Inhabitants tend to follow the
Freelander Way. It was once a vast birch forest that has been cut down long ago and is now tundra and some tiaga. There is a vast amount of trade moving through the area. In the spring and summer it is especially busy – guards and mercenaries are plentiful and many goods are flowing. Spring brings flooding, which is the greatest danger of the season. In the fall and winter it is dangerous – the cold and sleet kills many. Trade is sparse but very lucrative. Few brave the passage north without great monetary offering. The Prowl Packs of the Lich Lords also roam the area in winter.
- CY 8590 Splintering of Blue’s End: Theodrose warns the forces of Kalascor, Kaald and Gwinn, who allied just long enough to put a Bone Plague Army of the Lich Lords in a three way squeeze, driving them into their own source of power in Blue’s End in Ox-Birch Cut. It left nothing standing.

North Drift
On the north side of Ox Birch Cut is a set of mountain valleys and the holdfasts of the Granite Blood peoples – ancient Pine Tribe blood that settled the area and cull the herds of the Stoychev Fields (home of the famous “Winter Ponies”). The hold-fasts are created out of the jutting rock hills in the middle of the open plains – they are places of refuge in the winter for men and horse alike. Each has a clean water cistern and large common caverns. The Granite Blood tribe are mostly nomadic, but their warriors watch over the hold-fasts and at the peak of winter, for a month, the peoples take refuge. They cull the herds of wild horses in Ox Birch Cut on the southern edge of Kalascor and Frostshine – the elven kingdom in the north.
South Drift
South Drift is a collection of towers and fortified towns on the south side of the Ox Birch Cut pass in the northlands.
Unique Creatures and Encounters
A few of the Walking Pinelings still stand vigil.
[contentblock id=knowref1]If nothing is indicated, assume Common Knowledge.
Most Recent Stirrings
Early Years