A condemned criminal may demand the test of the Heart of Light. This is known to few and not part of formal Umbakian law though it is deeply ingrained in the old traditions. It is reserved only for those nobles and special cases who may find a way back to the light from a deep darkness – those sentenced to death for high crimes and who have no recourse as all evidence points to their guilt; only those favored by the gods could succeed in such a contest. It is ONLY available to those native-born Umbakians. If the right of the trial is invoked, only a Justicar of Balthazaar (or the King of Umbak) may officially ordain the trial as binding. No follower of the Dark Chrurch can ask for the trial without pain and damage. They are forbidden from participating.
They must slay no one during their trial, but those they fight must not be slain themselves. They must fight each back to back, broken “only by a moment to pray” between each fight. After any victory they may declare themselves proven – and must accept the reduced penalty. The lashes are given by a cat-o-nine tails whip which sparkles and flashes in the noon sun from the polished blades of metal embedded in it. Many do not survive the lashes. All the opponents the condemned must face are from the Order of the Silver Talents. Death or victory are the only outcomes from a fight. Any who walk from the trial completely must give up 50% of all goods (not weapons or armor) and land to the royal house of Umbak. Those who demand the trial are allowed their choice of weapon, shield, and armor from those they they once possessed.