Adventure in Meargensdale Vale
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Adventure Ideas in Meargensdale
- Spies for the Orrish raiders (see #2)
- Large scale raid by goblins; precursor assassination attempts of important people leading up to full blown raid by dozens.
- Kidnap and ritual sacrifice by Dark god priest (goblin or ork servants)
- Criminal Gang violence
- Adventurers searching for treasure, giant blood, and bones – awaken spirits of the dead > Desecration can lead to hill giant zombies
- A Necromancer was run out of town, they say he was trying to speak to the dead spirits of the giants!
- Bandits on the roads
- Incursions from other lords trying to take steadings and farmland
- New money moves into the area and competes with local nobles or merchants
- Troubles between elves and humans > Bee troubles, people getting lost, game being scared away, trees being spiked to ruin axes for logging
- Half elven settlement troubles
- Kobolds have been seen dancing in the moonlight in the forest. Are they preparing for war, or just celebrating… no one knows the cursed cousins of the Ducateon mind’s. Someone needs to find out, before it’s too late.
- There’s bad blood between the landowners and merchants that sell the goods. The teamsters are caught in between… Both sides are hiring mercenaries.
- Trees are dying from a strange disease in the east of the vale.
- Nurth tunnelers are robbing the graveyards of bodies and treasure
- Kalurians (centaurs) get agitated with a human settlement too near and raid it.
- The Deeping gains in strength and the Nurth and other fell creatures begin to prowl the woods day and night
- Formorian giants decide the time is right to get vengeance on the locals for taking the land they once had
- A spider menace has broken out in the north woods – is it a natural aberration or some dark magic?
- Someone saw one of the Faye-Born dark elves at the edge of the woods. Or perhaps it was the river’s edge, or skulking along one of the roads.. Or maybe it’s just nothing more than a rumor.
- Adventurers came through swearing an ancient map had lead them to believe there was a long-lost Ducateon fortress in the hills west of the headwaters. They were never heard of again.
- Someone has discovered the shackles of the shadow serpent in an ancient deep lake.
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