Orrish of Dwindor (“the Children of Eozrin”)

Steel Realms
Total Population: approx. 7-9,000 total?

The Orrish of Dwindor are not part of the dark-worshipers of their kind. They have sought refuge in Dwindor for thousands of years, first under the protection of the Seeress, then One-Claw the Ork when she diminished and finally passed in the 9100’s. They do NOT raid the lands of light, seeking to subsist with the rich bounty the mighty Dwindor has to offer. They do till some lands in Scar Flow during the night. They fish, and hunt, and grow simple crops, fungi and algae. Sometimes, they ally themselves with the Witch of Dwindor. Their culture is not typical of Orrish culture. Goblin characters can have the unique experience of Dwindor Goblins. Because of their relatively peaceful nature, they are left alone by the inhabitants of the grand Duchy of Dunstrand, though they are often targets of bias and racism when someone needs a scapegoat. They have perfected the making of the Orrish Bog Bag, and travel far and wide through Scar Flow abnd the swamp using them and their skiffs.

Like the Grollen, the Orrish of Dwindor gave up what they once were. Over time, they embraced the mystery of the witch of Dwindor, the Druids of Pranin and their stable strange faith. In fact, several times over the ages, the Orrish have unbeknownst to the inhabitants of the Duchy, fought for its causes through alliance or in the shadows. There exists a certain reluctance by the inhabitants of Dunstrand and Richfield to wage war against their kind in Dwindor, though there is still fear and malice. A lot of human customs have made their way into the Orrish culture of Dwindor, including a more stratified hierarchy. Tribes always have a permanent place of meeting – a “Council Home” where disputes are settled.


Isolation and Abandonment: The Orrish of Dwindor have resided in the area of the swamp since the days of the Sea Kings – before it was a swamp. The Orrish that reside in the swamp now are what remains of the Orrish that once dwelled in Dunstrand Vale, mostly in the west. After the Chaos Storm ravaged the nearby lands, there was a Scourge of Shadows that hunted them down and drove them to the west. They were abandoned by their traditional gods of darkness. Those that would not flee to the west, went into The Deeping. It was at this time that the Orrish legends of Dwindor first record the appearance of the creature who would become The Witch of Dwindor – Eozrin.

Eozrin’s Bounty: The witch shielded the remainder. Over time, their worship gave her power, and she used the power to shield them from the successive rulers of Dunstrand Vale. When the coast sunk into the sea, and Scar Flow and Dwindor Swamp were formed, it became the home of “The Children of Eozrin”. These Orrish reformed into territorial tribes – it is unknown how many exist exactly. Over time, the typical Orks died out – consumed by their own rage, violence and competition. There are half breed descendants, the occasional half ork and half ogre, and no darklings. While Off-Spawn of the Steel Realms may find a home here, they are not a community with a presence. They are accepted, but few find mates within Dwindor society. Occasionally, Orrish from the dark lands or The Deeping fleeing their own kind’s culture seek safety in Dwindor (even Orks), it is a known refuge. Human outsiders sometimes find their way to live with the witches people – some even find acceptance and make a family among the orrish.

Social Structure: The Children of Eozrin Orrish are not strictly matriarchal… but heredity is traced through the female side for what few rights are passed down – this is an adoption of the human custom of the Fallen East, Bar-Innis and the Riverdans of Dunstrand they are next to. There is no enforced monogamy or marriage. Everyone contributes in some way is the only rule. Some pledge bonds of love and mutuality, but this is the closest human practice has made a dent. They take care of their elderly. Hunting, gardening, crafting, etc. are all shared duties – most goblins of Dwindor possess a few skills as well as survival. The largest and the half breed are singled out for duties that best make use of their strength and size – but are not treated any different. There is a distinctly non might-makes-right perspective among the tribes.

Faith of the Dwindor Tribes: The tribes of Dwindor actually worship the swamp and Scar Flow as a great spirit, and the Witch as a divinity. Additionally they venerate Ezrilus and the aspect of Gloomfader (through the traditional stories of the Black Mother), though the goddess pays little attention to them currently. They also venerate nature through the Druids of Pranin Moorswood. The shamans interpret the signs and auguries, and seek the protections of the Witch and druids from the ancient forces still prowling the lands of Dunstrand Vale. The witch is real, she is physical, and her power rivals that of a god where the Vale of Dunstrand’s boundary extends to. She intercedes directly in the affairs of the Orrish, and expects them to obey her commands in turn (which have never been unreasonable for her continued protection). The “clergy” of the Orrish contains a few Druids (though no true members of the Davrosian order) and priests of nature. The Green Church of the humanoids also has some adherents – though few – the Witch encourages it because it extends the power of her minions.

  • Holy Days: The fall Equinox and the lessening of the sun is the holy day for the witch. The spring festival of Ezrilus is also observed. These are the only two universal “holy days” and celebrations common to all the Orrish.


Council of 5: One Claw, a priest of Ezrilus, and a shaman of the Black Mother from each tribe. They hold the reigns of power currently. Each chief has a pair of shamans, and the witch communicates directly with them. Sometimes the old Orrish ways rear their head, and renegades lead raids into the Duchy of Dunstrand, but the Orrish gave up these practices a long time ago, and will even track and slay those seeking to violate the peace with their neighbors.

Three Clan Model of Dwindor (current)

Each clan has its own chieftain. They are large tribes that have towns of hundreds and steadings of dozens. Some tribal members are still quasi-nomadic in Scar Flow – living more on the sea or in the tidal flows in the warmer months, and further inland in colder ones. The tribes secure their own lands, but mingle amongst the others based on their roles.

Eye Clan – Find the Prey

Consisting mostly of the far south and eastern reaches – this is the tribe the inhabitants of Dunstrand interact with the most. They are expert scouts, ambushers, and stealth-strikers.

Claw Clan – Grab the Prey

The primary clan that handles the growing of the biggest crops and herds of domesticated beasts for all tribes.

Maw Clan – Feed on the Prey

The most interior clan lands of the Orrish of Dwindor. The greatest warriors and war bands are composed of these Orrish. They stand watch against the strangest of the odd things that prowl Scar Flow and Dwindor Swamp.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic