Dwindor Swamp

Steel Realms

The massive Dwindor Swamp was once a fresh water swamp at the western edge of Dunstrand Vale. When The Sundering sank the west shelf, Dwindor was exposed directly to sea water. It is now a swamp/marsh of immense size and dangerous flows, eddies, and tides. Fallen places of the fallen Sea King empire, as well as ruins that were once part of Dunstrand Vale dot the landscape of sunken mountains, marshy plains, and bogs. Rumored to be undying, the Witch of Dwindor swamp is said to rule her realm with an iron fist. Ancient creatures of the Sea Kings and Bronzemen are said to be her minions, along with the Orrish of Dwindor.

Commonly Known: Leaving the stable shores of the earldom of Bar-Innis in the west of Dunstrand, you enter the legendary and foreboding Dwindor Swamp. The landscape shifts and changes, where fresh water flows meet flooded lands, where the tide of the sea rises and falls, and the ancient peaks of Scar Flow thrust up from the depths. Storms are birthed daily amidst its highest peaks, and mist, fog, and clouds are a constant feature. The warm air of the decaying swamp meets the cold sea air, creating strange drafts and odd sounds. Sometimes the very air seems to crackle with energy, and fades as quickly as it came. Into this you set out, in the traditional skiffs of the swamp. The going is easy at first, following known paths. But, after a couple miles going west, the usual pathways are gone, and you forge your own path.

Knowledge About Dwindor Swamp

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Encounters: Encounters can vary because of the shifting nature of the water and soil in the area. The Black Shore (of Dwindor Swamp/Scar Flow)The Black Shore has its own, safer, encounters that reflect its traveled nature. The encounters in Scar Flow and encounters of Dwindor itself overlap at times.

Defining Moment: All of the Riverdans were devastated when, in CY 7950-7986, Nanford River changed course during the Storm Times and Dwindor Swamp became a living things itself and gained the appellation of “Mighty Dwindor”.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

In Dwindor, things grow bigger than normal. Swarms of smaller creatures follow them, and they seem to work together.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

The size and intelligence of creatures of Dwindor stems from the combined effects of Bronzeman totems and animal magics and the ancient Sea King birthing caul magic of the feared legendary Apshai Temple all buried under the debris and tides of Dwindor.

Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty is not available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden Knowledge.

Flora of Dwindor

  • Blackmoss Tree: It has properties like xanax, it helps the Orrish and creatures of Dwindor to pass the time in the stifling environment.

Soul Seeing: On some occasions, bandits and those fleeing the law seek refuge by serving the witch. They are willing to give up their old life and join the tribes. Or, perhaps become an agent of the sith – a spy, the eyes and ears of her in the east of the Vale of Dunstrand. In the cases where the witch manages to hear their please as they wander lost, she will come to them. Her people will capture them, and she will peer into their soul to see the truth. It is said the truly evil will have their eyes burned and be cast back to the lands of the humans. Those that perhaps are guilty of an accident or poor judgement, are saved and indoctrinated. If they pass the test, they are considered one of the people. There are no races that are not accepted among the Children of Eozrin.

More Materials

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic