Greenthorne (vanished forest)

Steel Realms
Greenthorne Forest was once a thriving forest that filled a region of hilly uplands over about 4 million acres. In it dwelt The Edraim (a subspecies of Wyld Elves), far away from their elven brethren to the west in east of Ynth. The last of the Edraim were gone by CY 7000, and the forest itself had been consumed by that point as well – it is thought their fates were bound together.

The First Deeping Presence ?

It is established that a some form of The Deeping of the Steel Realms existed under the Greenthorne long before it was discovered anywhere else. Perhaps it was the start of the Underlands of the Steel Realms. The forest has no known recorded Navel presence of a Numinous Mundi of Helca – perhaps this is why The Deeping manifested under it.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic