The Ranger code is a bond of loyalty to their ranger brotherhood and service to the High King – as are the World Watchers. Firstly, it encompasses the standard group-loyalty oath, by which they know each other through a series of markings and habits, signs, phrases, and symbolic stories. Secondly, it is an oath of service against the darkness, Orrish encroachment and violence, and to support the lawful and orderly rule of the High King in Oerdney. Almost all take the Oath of the Day Watch.
Trail Clearers: Many Ranger Brotherhoods have a signature weapon, or rather implement for trail clearing that can be used as a weapon as well. More than a thousand years ago, a Ranger of the southern border kingdoms is said to have begun this tradition and it just became prevalent over time. These weapons usually reflect the areas they normally range in, but rangers have no absolute borders and so can change them to one more suitable for the terrain and habitat they find themselves in. Their mystic bond allows them to spend a Long Rest cycle in the wyld and attune their weapon to nature. It must be a 1 handed weapon, but gains the ability to be used 1 or 2 handed, won’t catch or blunt when trail clearing in a Natural Habitat, and gains a +1 Initiative when in a Favored Habitat. Many rangers will have a personal weapon made for them.
Pass-Sign/Wyldsign: The Rangers almost never leave any written trail of their passing; they communicate to each other and the Druids using the ‘Wyldsign’ (pictographs used by the Pine Tribesmen and Druids)’ They leave the signs in hidden places only they would know to look. When collaborating in combat, they also use a Stalkers Sign to silently denote paths, movement, and combat.