Ethereal Saelisnean Order

Steel Realms

The Ethereal Saelisnean Order is a Knightly order of the Steel Realms. They follow most of the standard practices of knightly orders, including the use of High Dundaran for public displays. These knights typically dont wear the heaviest of armors, preferring mobility and freedom of movement and travel. They are limited in their numbers, and even with that typically never field more than half that number. Their order has been in steady decline for a thousand years. They have chosen to focus more on their un-knightly brotherhood of the Golden Branch.

Rivalry: The Silver Talents of Umbak are generally not welcome. Though their charter allows them to safeguard the roads through Dunstrand, the order has taken it upon themselves to challenge those seeking to do so in The Saelish to duels. Not to the death, but the first cut. The loser must return whence they came. What was once a friendly rivalry has taken on a more aggressive tone in the last hundred years.

Charter: They are only acknowledged in The Saelish. Their home there is at Womac Tower.

  • Objective: Safeguard the Traditions and Roads of The Saelish
  • Members: Sponsored as Page-Squire-Knight; open to all races. Must be of Saelish blood or adopted by a Saelish family
  • Limits: 50 member Knights, including leadership

Principles: Justice, order, self empowerment, progress, tolerance; Prepared for death by leading a good life.


The order is not adverse to those who wish to join from outside The Saelish, but all homelanders take precedence. In their history, there have been half elves, elves, and a single halfling. All others, they generally refer to the more open order of the

  • Training: 7 years base, usually at age 10 for humans.

Ethereal Tower of Vezdy

The home of the order is the Tower of Vezdy, inside the walls of the city proper, just inside the eastern gate. It is three stories tall, with a 3 acre compound that is walled. The tower is painted on the outside, and it shimmers like mother-of-pearl. There are a stables, and multiple barracks. There is a smithy, but it was converted to another barracks 300 years ago.

An Ancient Pledge: The oaths are all sworn on the older faith of Rempheros. They have no official single sponsor from among the Caelestia, but revere them all as the inheritors of the knowledge of their faith. This is just formality, the member need not be a follower of the faith.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic