Shadren (Nurthling “faith of the shadows”)

Steel Realms

The Shadren is an evolving faith, founded by the Nurth of the Steel Realms but has spread outside their society to some of the lesser and oppressed Orrish. It is primarily focused around “family” stratification. Their faith is a simple one, oriented around the family and survival. The mother is both she who gives sustenance and protects the young, and walks her children from the grave into the depths and the Cave of Shadows – were their spirits dance to the music of their clan on sacred nights, and consume the sacred offerings she shares with them – and they are but shadows and cannot hurt forever more. The Nurth understand on some primitive level all that has befallen them, and that their faith is one that is symbolic and constructed for them alone. It is based on a search for allies and a means of survival over a thousand years or more.

The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the Affray of Darkness and Light” in which it seeks to remain apart from.

The Nurth are bound to their 6-limbed Black Mother (Gloombringer) who has her helping hand in every crib and womb, the Blind Father (an animalistic aspect of The Lord of Beasts – Darupet) who casts about blindly in his endless hunt to feed the people, and sometimes the son – the “desired one” (Sun Stealer) who enforces his parents will and teaches the people how to fight in anger (this is bad, but necessary – he is the ‘Son Stealer’ in this regard, a corruption of the original idea). Also sacred to them is the great demon Tizre’al – Lord of the Flies – a servant of Mog Creoch; his clergy are known as the Grub Masters, and able to summon a Devouring Spawn of Mog Creoch.

These three are the cycle of life to the Nurth. Lastly they believe The Deeping to be a manifestation of divine will of Sun Stealer – though he takes Nurth and teaches them to be angry, he blunts the anger of intruders with The Deeping, causing confusion on their enemies.

Grub Masters: The Nurth have a saying – “All will be food” – this means nothing is wasted. Those that die are food for those that live. The Grub Masters are servants to the great demon Tiz’real – Lord of the Flies – a servant of Mog Creoch.

They also serve su_permalink id=”17072″]Umbravoep[/su_permalink] the ‘Night Flier’ – and tend to the bat caves that produce guano for fertilizer in the fungus caves. The grub farms of maggots that produce flies and other insects help feed the bats.



“Light Swallower” – Offering [major]: Sacrifice a living, sentient creature as part of rite + 1 essence (temp; returns in 1 day). Requires consumption of Nurth blood to function as well – One use of Channel PER to be used in the next 24 hours. Any use of the radiance spark to make light has a 50% chance of being “Dark Light” – swallower of light and darkness. Illumination is washed out gray/yellow/sepia, and this will do [hard] damage equal to the Conviction of the ceremony leader to any who brought forth the light or darkness for a number of rounds = Power Level each round the illumination effect in active (doing the same damage to ceremony leader once as well). Otherwise, it will shower the area in a spark shower. Each mote (2-12) in the shower has the chance (Conviction check) to dispel any light or darkness based effect it touches, and aggravate every wound those touched have, no matter how small (VGR to resist).

Promise of the Afterlife

It conforms to the standard Afterlife processes and manifestation.

The Cave of Shadows: The mother is both she who gives sustenance and protects the young, and walks her children from the grave into the depths and the Cave of Shadows – were their spirits dance in front of a warm fire to the music of their clan on sacred nights, and consume the sacred offerings the gods share with them – and they are but fluid shadows without form imperfections and cannot hurt forever more.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic