The Witch of Dwindor

Steel Realms

@RP Impact:

For as long as recorded memory of Dunstrand Vale, there has been mention of The Witch of Dwindor Swamp. Some believe she is an ally of the fallen Sea Kings. Others believe she was a creation of the Bronzemen. That she existed before both is paid no attention to. Many theories abound, but little is known of the enigmatic figure which is bound to the territories of Dunstrand. Her reach extends no further, but as the self appointed guardian of Dwindor Swamp, she is a demigod in power. She has not affirmed participation in The Godspeak Accord. The creatures of the swamp are her senses. It is said she wanders the roads sometimes, an old crone with a crow. She has come to the aid of Dunstrand several times in its history, but also has she attacked, harassed, and slaughtered its inhabitants. She keep council with none and her motivations are hidden in the mists of the swamp. The Orrish of Dwindor Swamp consider her a goddess, and venerate her directly. Her power seems absolute in Dunstrand Vale, she and her servants draw strength from the very air, water, and land. Her supposed wickedness is legendary… the portrait she paints is one of evil and selfishness.

The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the Affray of Darkness and Light” in which they seek to have no significant part.

Dwindor has a life of its own, extending from the Nanford River Mouth (though in truth to the sources of the river), along the shores of Bar-Innis, Richfield, and even West River Run, through the Scar Flow and the borders of Tarmysia. There are things buried in Dwindor of great power – things which cannot die, and yet must forever lie. It is thought The Witch of Dwindor Swamp can control some of the effects and creatures encountered in Dwindor.

Peoples Reaction to Her Agents: The people will be fearful of her presence/symbol. They know the witch is a two edged sword, and the presence of one of her agents/adherents brings a lot of anxiety. The farther away from Dwindor, they will fear it less and see it more as something they can mock and attack.

>Motto: “.

Promise of the Afterlife

It conforms to the standard Afterlife processes and manifestation.

Testament to Faith

This is for the generalized aspect of the faith, not individual deities, cults, or institutions.

Core Principles and Goals:

Common Covenant/Tenets: What values, observances, vows and activities will all those of the faith have? An oath of loyalty and service is usually exacter.

Finding Faith – Discovering and cementing the faith/follower relationship:
> [Initiate] Trials: These are trials that a character may be part of in order to prove their bond to their faith.

  1. Affirmation of Authority
  2. Affirmation of a Vow

Common Practices and Customs

This is for the generalized aspect of the faith, not individual deities, cults, or institutions.

Nerislin the Seeress

For Millenia, the figure of Nerislin claimed the title of the witch, and was very active within the Vale of Dunstrand. She has many enemies, and was known to show mercy on upon common folk with common names and blood. It was said she would deliver dire warnings to many of the common folk, helping them avoid broken bones, fires, and accidents of all natures. She is known to be one of the Witch-Seers of Volgadas.

Past Witches of Dwindor

  • Eozrin – the first
  • Neerislin the Seeress
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic