Bale Fire Manifestation: It was originally consumed by the minions of the Unholy Trio, but it drove many mad and destroyed some too. Then a way was found to bind it to their aura instead, giving them all a greenish fire-like aura abut them which protected them from the Sun Bane and withered their enemies. Over time, this too burned up the internal life resources of the Orrish minions, and was reduced to holding the effects of the Sun Bane at bay while its power was channeled to bring forth a demon from the shadow of each of the Orrish in the horde, doubling its size. This act drew life force from the Orrish, causing them to lag behind the demonic entities they spawned but still keeping them alive. The demonic horde was swallowed by the Cosheus Abyssal, and the lethargic army of Orrish forced to retreat back to the Dark Lands.
A piece of desert sand laced with Sun Stealer‘s blood and burnt by the fire of demons – fused into an obsidian shard that has wispy green flames licking off of it. Tt is also sometimes called the Kaleidoscopic Staff as it was used as a weapon by a powerful demon warrior (whose name is lost) in the time of The Sundering – lost in the great cataclysm, thought to be swallowed and crushed by the earth itself. It is about 7’ long jagged pole-shaped chunk of obsidian, flecked with green. As the shard is moved, the flecks float about inside of it. Either light or darkness magics cast upon it causes all things around it to casts strange shadows, and a kaleidoscopic effect in the vision of all nearby – disorienting and captivating all at once. Thought to be destroyed, the item was carried off to The Deeping by the Nurth, making an appearance at the Battle of Three Deep, after which it was secreted away by the Ducateon to prevent its use in the world again (they could not destroy it).