Though the earliest recorded legends of any veracity mention them and others by name or name variants repeatedly as to seem inconsistent. This is true especially in the south and Nakria, were their older name variants are still used. This may indicate that they were once originally Nakrian gods, as the Nakrian assemblege of present day incorporates all the known Celestials and the more powerful entities between light and darkness.
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
In recent times, rumors have stated that…
Created by [entity] in the year of…
General knowledge of how things progressed…
Some doctrines tell them to be powers from another place, banished, exiled and fled for some unknown reason. Their power is great, although they seem unable to return if that is the case.
The celestials demanded worship from the Nakrians and in return taught the Nakrian tribes many things, including how to tap deeper into the Merovin (animal form shifters) strain in their blood. When they came they were greatly diminished from the long voyage of wherever they had come from.
The celestials demanded worship from the Nakrians and in return taught the Nakrian tribes many things, including how to fight dragons and cause them to slumber as well. The dragons were beginning to wake in a cycle when the Celestine arrived. They taught the Nakrians not to fight them directly, but how to placate them and send them back to their dream-sleep. At that time, the Celestine mined some of the Equitas Crystals of Helca, and stood by the tribes directly manifesting to confront the dragons. Many myths and legends came from this time.
There was a great argument among their rank over the great Plan. It was abandoned by most, and forgotten. The tribes were merely their tools in the great world shattering wars they engaged in. Thousands of years passed, and the world was hurt deeply. Dragons awoke only to flee into the void of space, though some confronted the Celestine and destroyed them. After the blood of Saemon came, and the war of Light and Darkness ravaged what would become The Heartlands, the Celestials had learned all they could through allying themselves and done all they could retreated to the far southern realms to consolidate their power. Their time was over, and so the idea of The Bronzemen was born in secret.