The Champions of Strength and Darkness were a normal part of Orrish Fighting Forces and Tactics, these were feared throughout the new heartlands from about CY 7300 to 7600. They were also a core of the massive ORrish army that sweep into the Fallen East, claiming it as The Dark Lands. For a while, these terrorized the central and southern heartlands mainly. Led by “knights” of the Unholy Trio, these long range raiders were composed of the best warriors of the goblins and led by a single Ork of surpassing viciousness and strength. They wielded magic that could protect them from the sun bane for a few brief moments. They raided remote settlements deep in the lands of light in the daytime, spreading terror and violence. It is believed that these elite units simply were not feasible to keep up for the Orrish, they took training and time. The violent competition to be part of their composition is also thought to be a detriment. There were never priests among these groups – the elite champions would often be competing with command for the group, so they were eventually removed from the raiding bands. They were never used against the Lich Lords. The goblin contingent was anywhere from 20 to 40.
Every now and then, these appear in the south heartlands and Dark Lands, but they are rarely seen any more.
Although venerating the whole Church of Darkness, their primary focus is as a Paladin of Sunstealer. These are typically orks.
= Proficiency Bonus War run: as bonus action – double move, reckless attacks, opportunity attacks get Disadvantage