Steel Realms i20™ Characters
@RP Impact:
These materials represent the Incarna i20™ approach based on d20 use.
Standard for Steel Realms characters. Starting Money = 200 Silver Crowns (1 Cost Portion); see the Steel Realms information for Characters.
Races of the Steel Realms: The [contentblock id=playlink1] will be the official starting point, with the general Incarna Character provisions applying, and the Steel Realms an errata of changes and inclusion/exclusions for Races of the Steel Realms and classes for new options. Race may be constrained by locale, and determine class and other options including alignment.
[Races with] Long Life Thread > d20 Raise Dead and equivalent/d20 Revivify and equivalent: Creatures with a Long Life Thread (ex: Elves) cannot be targeted by either of these spells (they simply fail) – it takes stronger spells to impact the character enough to bring them back from the dead.