Early this morning, a man was pulled from the rock berm in the harbor. He was fishing and witnessed the taking of the ferry landing to the east by a strike force of Gwinnish marines. Then swam down river and into the harbor. He overheard them say that in one last bid to lock down naval power Gwinn landed a force right in the delta. Slack tide, lowest in months. 100 soldiers.
They showed up right before dawn. Dogs caught the scent of them though – it only gave us moments. Brave souls, the ferrymen held them back long enough to cut all the ropes, even the deep lines. I was hidden in the riverbank when I overheard them say the town won’t see ’em coming and they will cut off all the retreat of a force of 100 coming from the west. I speak their tongue – grandma taught it to me where I grew up in Tarmysia. Anyway, struck out as best I could to warn you all. I’d say you barely have an hour.
Barons guard captain Garran says he already sent riders to the army. Two days ago Gwinn landed a large force on the Moorswood shores again, drawing away the barons men and Duke’s army in Crestwold. They cannot return in time, though riders are sent anyway. He shows a hastily drawn map of Torrelsons Ford. “The main points of defense are the old Briarwood, the keep road and plateau, the shipyards in the bay, and the main road to the east where they will try and flank.” He points to the keep. “I’ve got 10 house guards with heavy crossbows and some teamsters with rocks to throw from the top, clubs and spears defending the keep and road. Inside are the barons 4 man personal bodyguards and cooks, and cobblers and cleaners with an agent of House Malor minding the gatehouse – she said she did not need any more. I’ve rounded up the rest for you. Town watch of 7, the remaining militia that did not go with the army – 3 minor wounded, 5 wounded soldiers from training/accidents and volunteers totaling about 30. The watch has crossbows, and axes and staves. The soldiers have armor, crossbows, and spear + short sword. From the stores we got about 20 javelins too and 14 spears. The militia have some javelins and spears. The volunteers… anything they could grab. The sailors have all been armed from navy military stores, them and the dock hands make a force of about 40 – but they’re main job is to safeguard the docks and boats. Tal Beckam from House Malor said to give this to you… the harder things get the harder you should squeeze it. She may be able to help.”
If their forces are typical, their soldiers will have heavy studded leather, and big sea axes. About 20% will have crossbows or heavy javelins… hand axes may also be thrown. Their front rank will have wicker shields used as cover in a line as they hit, and cast them off once the fighting begins.
CY 9168, May 13th The forces of Gwinn went all out to try and destroy the primary naval facility of Dunstrand in Torrelsons Forge. Since losing Tarmysia to the Gwinnish invaders, Dunstrand’s navy is less that Umbak’s now. Torrelson’s Ford is the only facility that can repair and service military vessels (though only small to medium ships). Also, a new dock and garrison for marines was almost finished – 60 more military personnel of the Earl of Bar-Innis (patron of Baron Cerstwhile) were to be stationed. As such, it was a primary target for Gwinn. With the potential of peace through appeasement looming (which Mary and The Gallants are trying to avoid), Gwinn shifted troops and made a huge play to cripple the naval yard in Torrelson’s Ford. There are over a hundred military personnel already stationed there, and thankfully some warning was given and the majority of the ships took to the river. The Tide Watcher’s operation in the east of town prevented the sacking of the non military elements of the town. Talisen waited in the “bait tent” for an attack that never came, though he was able to intercept a contingent of Troglodytes – well known to be paid for by a Gwinnish agent – that crossed the river and attacked a couple dozen people holed up at Donk’s Inn. A ragtag lot led by Talisen “Red Sleeves” who arrived to help repulse the Troglodytes was led to the docks. They focused on saving the civilian operations of the docks, hoping the navy could push back the worst of Gwinn. They managed to save both civilian ports of call, the warehouses, and part of the navy yard. Using powerful water manipulation, the fires were put out and burning barracks saved. One of the priests (Christopher) of the Briarwood used a loaned scroll to manipulate earth and save Talisens life – sacrificing his own. Talisen managed to live (with a lot of guilt) and only Tess, the town ropemaker who was left for dead but only unconscious, managed to live, of all those [major figures] led by Talisen on the assault on the forces of Gwinn in the bay. They managed to defeat about 2 dozen irregulars and fire starting teams, and a dozen Gwinnish marines. The repair yard for the navy, and it’s only large ship (a new frigate – sailed out of the harbor before the attack), burned to the waterline. The Gwinnish marines left with more than a couple dozen, and some irregulars. Half the naval personnel in Torrelson’s Ford were killed, and almost all of the other half were wounded. The ferry crossing down the east road was sacked and burned to the ground as well – a team was sent to begin repairs the next day. Its going to take months to repair the facilities in the harbor, maybe more. The town was spared most of the destruction and its well known due to the efforts of the Tide Watcher! The Baron and his contingent, barricaded in Cerstwhile Keep overlooking the town, were never attacked.
CY 9168, May 14th – Aftermath/Bella: The clearing where Bella makes her home was looted by Gwinnish forces on their way to ton and back to the delta landing point. She does request an audience with the party at the remains of her glade – she has captured a man named Steven Foster, an agent of Gwinn on the other side of the river. She believes this agent was supplying the Troglodytes. He is Tarmysian, and bribed the troglodytes with trinkets. It was only a distraction, they were cowardly after the previous Gallants and Lizard Folk raid killed almost a third of their number. She hands the agent over, and the party interrogates and gets nothing new – he is a simple hireling from a village in Tarmysia sent to try and enlist their aid once and then leave with the retreating Gwinnish forces. He is handed over to the Baron’s agent. The PCs now have an introduction to Bella – a local herbalist and potion seller who is really increased her wealth under the previous Gallants by selling some of her products to them and aiding them. She is a retired adventurer. She says she hid with the lizard folk enemies of the troglodytes in the delta west of town in the fight. She refuses to acknowledge that she was the one seen on a flying carpet soaring over the river to the cliffs of Blaylon’s Reply north of town… she just says “nope, wasn’t me”. She tells the group that she will no longer make her home in the [now] ruined glade. House Malor has become more interested in her and she wants nothing to do with them. She gives the party another amulet like the one given to the by the lizard folk as a talisman to indicate friendship with their tribe. “I am moving closer to them – i will make my home close to the ancient ruins your previous group found at Gelch Pond; everyone knows it. It is outside of the town proper, and therefore i won’t have to endure the close scrutiny of House Malor or put up with their questions. I will have the protection of the Lizard Folk, more than before as i have helped their tribe’s fertility problem and there will be many new warriors in the years to come. Seek me there, and tell House Malor to stay away… I may be retired, but I am still powerful, and I still seek to keep on with my practice and herbal experiments. This place has fantastic ingredients and i was generally left alone, but if i have to, i will move on.”
CY 9168, May 15th Aftermath/House Malor: The group is approached by Tal Beckam (she runs the curio shop and is the local agent of House Malor), and introduced to Apprentice Ilma Volington – Apprentice Arcane to the Order of House Malor. They gift Talisen with a “Dove Pouch” – a white pouch in which sits a white dove. The pouch is magical, it protects the creature within, keeps it nourished and clean. on the strap is a bone tube, wherein a message can be placed. If the bone tube is dropped into the pouch, the dove will take it, take flight, and return to its handler. In this case, her. If it cannot, it will return to the rookery in Torrelson’s Ford. The party passes on Bella’s message, to which she replies “I see. She has been most uncooperative, however we have sensed little arcane powers being used by her, she aligns with her mystic powers in another way. This gives us less authority over her, but i take her warning as a sign that her hostility make escalate. Her use of the flying carpet perhaps explains the strange flying object seen at night in the last few months, at least the Gwinnish may have finally put that issue to rest.” Apprentice Volington thanks the party and asks that they use the pouch judiciously, but to keep her informed of their intentions and movements. She gives nothing away in questioning, other than to say House Malor’s interests have increased in Crestwold, and their representation proportionally so. “However, Lady Mary… by way of Master Anwin was correct. There is some presence with its eye focused upon this place and The Gallants efforts in particular. It is more than Elancil… it is… wholly foreign to the conflict with her. We have sensed even another presence as well… a foul one that hides in darkness. Beware the dark. Beyond this there is nothing I know.”
Talisen offers his perspective: “I’ve only seen the lower order of apprentices deployed in the field, the Apprentice Servile. This is a huge step up – above it are the 7 Journeymen and then the masters of the order. We will be watched hawkishly from this point out, but likely supported more as well.”
Aftermath/Town: The new marine barracks will have to be repaired, but the navy barracks survived, as did the navy’s defense tower. The new frigate “DN (Dunstrand Navy) Black Corina” – named for the current Earl’s niece – will dock at the guest pier until her new dock can be repaired. The 30 marines intended for the barracks will arrive within a matter of weeks and will likely use the frigate as a temporary barracks. An additional 30 naval personnel – including crew and support for the new frigate – will arrive shortly after. Overall, the support for the new military presence has been set back 3-4 months. The 2 war sloops, also sailed out of the harbor, were unscathed.
CY 9168, May 16th There is an earthquake. This one is the strongest yet and does minor damage all over town and some flooding. The Ferry is up and running again. Word comes in that the Earl’s army in Pranin Moorswood AND Gwinnish lose dozens as floods rush miles inland on the edge of the woodlands along the sea in the Scar Flow. They drown in a slurry of mud, embraced by that which is neither wholly earth nor sea. There will be a truce as survivors are searched for and the dead found and given rites. Apprentice Volington says that it is not natural, and part of the reason she is here. “That it affected both sides of the conflict on the edge of Dwindor shows that Elancil has nothing to do with it. That, is worrisome, for the powers in Dwindor also seem to have no control over it else they would surely not draw such attention. I have sent for more assistance.”
The Briarwood has begun to lose its luster – the Gwinnish must have done something to it (?).
CY 9168, May 17th – town meeting + party hires troubador to sing their songs for a month
CY 9168, May 24th – long rest and help; 5 to 6 for helping
CY 9168, May 16th – A quarter people are dead. Find out that House malor saw it and was prepared. Protected the key families to ensure stability of Dunstrand.
CY 9168, May 25th – set up for druids
27th return
28th Bella asks for refuge
29th party moves Bella into the Villa in Rakefield
30th Deal with access to hidden libarary