CAMPAIGN> Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).
CHRONICLE: Feather’s Rise > (Second Era of Feather)…
{– This was run on Discord and will be archived here; Each character had their own thread. –}
It is noted to be recorded and re-recorded in an archive in the secured reliquary of the Companion Library in Braddon Bog by Twitch, annalist of the Gallants and 2nd to Feather of the Gallants in castle Aqua Pluma.
{ = copied in from Discord }
Feather will be asking Ulrich to go on an escort mission. He is to cross the border into umback and escort a woman related to one of the local umbakian families in the area. It’s not an absolute stealth mission, but it needs to be low-key. To clarify, It’s a one-person job and other than your comrades you can’t tell anyone else about it
Interesting. What kinds of things is she expecting to need to be protected from?
She trusts you above everyone else in the group, but you cannot give them the details other than where you are going and why – not the who. You are to escort priestess of the White Sisters named Mother Juliette. The order wants to set up a small ministry to help take care of the refugees from Tarmysia. With the peace being worked on, a lot of folk are fleeing the peninsula, or believing they will never be able to return. The White Sisters will be there to help. Now, that may upset the peace process, or at least anger the Gwinnish side as they want that population to stay. So, Feather is arranging this to happen at the keep. Ultimately it would be one of those “better to ask for forgiveness than permission” things.
I’m in.
So, the Baron annuls your betrothal, and you hang out with Asil the paladin for a while, discussing justice, the assassination attempt and whatnot. The Baron sanctions the new castle and Feather. Feather asks you to leave around CY 1-10-9169. Will you be taking one of the horses from the castle or walking?
Horse and a mule for packing. I would like to take a heavy cloak and some common garments to disguising Mother Juliette if needed.
As well as basic traveling supplies and bribery insetives if needed to get us back safely.
mundane supplies are covered, 100 silvers from party fund is noted. Its about 150 mile journey by road length. You will enter Umbak at Fort Pavec at the border with Dunstrand, across the river. Its about 15 miles east of there. Its Jan/Feb, weather will be cold and wet. About 6 days there at a good clip, and 8-9 days back.
If she does not have a horse then she can ride the one and Ulrich will walk.
You will be 100% safe in Umbak, nothing will happen. The journey back is what you should worry most about – assume Gwinnish spies will be everywhere.
So we stick to the roads, make camp instead of going to an inn and avoid people as best we can until we are back in Umbak.
I’m giving details to Feather with a time line. If we are not back within a reasonable time frame (3 days) to send a discreet party to come look for us
{ check made } You notice on day one that you are being followed. Quite ineptly as well.
Any clues as to who they are working for?
Zilch, just that they are very obvious to you and don’t seem to care or oblivious to their own incompetence
They are on horseback
Hide and assault them. Make it look like their horse fell and impaled itself and crushed him.
Make a check to find a good ambush spot. Perception check.
{ nat 20 } Jesus. It’s that natural Battle Master instinct in you that just spots the perfect ambush and the perfect tactic. You don’t even need to make an attack. Roll. Your perfection and their incompetence come together to Doom them. You take a man captive. Fairly nondescript and average human, a local. He’s not armed with anything other than a dagger. You knock him out when you ambush him without doing any Great damage. You search him and his horse and don’t find any clues. No obvious letters or scrolls, no necklaces, no armor, no obvious tattoos. He has a purse with 23 silver. In one of his saddlebags is about a week’s worth of rations and another 60 silvers. His horse is just an average riding horse. And that’s all for tonight. Dang.
Loot the silver, take the horse and leave him alive, unconscious with his own dagger stabbed into the dirt next to his head.
Well, he has no idea of who the heck waylaid him. He might assume it was you, but never saw it coming at all and cannot say for certain. Most bandits wont kill, so it could have been that.
You travel for about another 5 days. You’re deep into the home territory of the Saelish. That’s where most of your other companions are from with their strange, gods and strange ways. It’s not unfriendly, but outsiders are treated a bit suspiciously, which is fine by you, because you’re trying to maintain a low profile. You ask a few people to make sure that you’re on the right track as you travel along Old roads that lead through old lands. On about the 6th day you can see the River crossing. You’ll make it by nightfall. The fort on the other side of the river is your first stop in umbak. On the close side of the river is a small village centered around the ferry crossing. It looks to be no more than 20 or 30 permanent residents, and facilities for trade caravans. Do you want to attempt to make the crossing close to sundown or would you rather wait till Sun up?
Go into town and see if there are any groups prepping to cross on the ferry and go across during their commotion in the hopes of being ignored.
{ hist check } You know that the checkpoint on the Dunstrandian side of the river is still governed by some Umbakian laws, and the inspectors there are Umbakian. In fact, you can see a knight’s horse hitched next to a plain barracks. This would likely be one of the famous Silver Talents – the protectors of roadways, travel and commerce in service to the national patron of Umbak – the god of justice, Balthazaar. Upsetting them would bring swift repurcussions. You will either have to go and make up a story, or somehow ford the river. It is wide, but shallow comparatively. The entire area was a flood plain, but the Umbakakians long ago channeled the river to their benefit to reduce the erosion and make best use of the fertile land. It is pretty miserable raining, which you could use as cover to get a bonus. So do you want to do what you were attempting to, or change to just a straight approach?
If it’s shallow then I will Ford the rivers at dusk in the rain
With the rain, the river’s especially a little dangerous this time of year. It’s not shallow either. It’s still about 6 ft to 20 ft in most places
I would like to cross at the ferry. I stash all identifiable weapons, armour and gear. Use the redress doublet to disguise myself as a common soldier. I tell the knight that my name is Rorschach from Mev. I am traveling to Umbak to offer my services and find work. Dunstrand has become too unstable for me and I would like the opportunity to find honest work again.
{ check made } He replies to you that mercenary work is few and far between except here in the frontier area. He smiles at the comment that you made about dunstrand. Good luck he says
Ulricj nods. Sweet
You have about 70 miles to go, traveling due east. There is a road that looks well maintained, though it appears to be a secondary road by the amount of signs of wear/traffic. You pass a few travelers who look at you strangely, but do not hassle you. Gundreal; Abbot Valois – This is a hamlet with a abbey at its center. Consecrated to the Lightbringers, Gundreal has a smithy and wagonwright. It is walled and has a population of about 500, including 100 recruits in the cloistery, training in the ways of their faith. The hamlet has about the same number of people scattered in farms and ranches. It is 15 miles east of Fort Pavec, within sight of the river that separates Dunstrand from Umbak. Population: 500. Do you want to see if you can stay the night there, or keep going? Its about 3pm
I’ll stay there, ear to the ground while in disguise
The patron of the abbey is the god Ikribu, the patriarch and maker. { check } no one recognizes you. Make a charisma check
{ check } Cold and surly from the road, Ulrich pays extra to cover his poor manners
The extra coin seems to satisfy. They already dislike outsiders. You pay a couple silvers and go to sleep. And wake up early in the morning and set out on the road again
Ahead on the road you can see what looks like a group of people coming towards you. As they get closer you can make a history check
{ check } As they get closer, you notice that it’s not really a group of people. It’s three mounted people on horseback. The one in front looks like a knight of the silver talents. They are chartered to guard the roads all across the realm, especially in I’m back. You will be stopped, that is guaranteed. He is riding a war horse that is very intimidating.
Comply, still disguised by the doublet. Same story
Deception check
{ check } “squire! Grab hold of this pretender!”
Comply. *forgive me the deception. My lady sent me on a task to help a sister of the white church. They asked me to keep it quiet for the sister’s safety. I did not wish to lie to you but I could not risk the safety of another.
His tone softens. He gathers the squier in page and releases you. He says to remember that honesty is always the best policy. And that no one ever needs to fear inside the borders of umback. He says to let it be a lesson. He does ask you for your identity
Ulrich of Autumnod
Aye. I’ve heard of you. Many of us have heard of you. And your companions. Tis a mixed history that you and yours have with me in mind. But there is no edict banning travel. You will remain safe. In fact I shall escort you.
I appreciate your guidance. May I request that once we have located the sister that we be allowed to travel back alone. My Lady called for discretion, i don’t know how their guidance will effect her plan and the greater good.
He takes point while his page rides next to you and the squier behind you. The page, who obviously hasn’t been outside of umbak, tries to draw you out and talk about the places you’ve been and what you’ve seen. Is Jean. You can be matter of fact about it, or try and impress him with a charisma check; Also, the next settlement is Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray – On the edge of falcon reach. It is a town of about 800 and a commune of arena. The further into the Eastern reaches of I’m back, you go, the tone gets softer. There’s more communes and convents of aErna than there is in the West.
{ Cha check } Well. We see why you’re not the face person for the group. It’s not a fumble and although you’re not winning any hearts and minds, it’s just plain talk, the way some umbakians prefer it. In fact, you probably come off as inoffensive and more stoic than usual which suits them just fine. Because you are traveling with the silver talent, you are very careful about what you say. And that’s probably part of the poor charisma check as well. However, because you are traveling with him, they don’t press you or ask you for any questions, they just assume that you are part of his retinue. You spend a full 24 hours here as the night and his squier and Paige and yourself fully rest are given excellent food and wine and several days of provisions for the road. Such is the advantage of being with the silver talent. On the second day you set off East again along the road
You follow a spur road that goes around the branch of the river that separates Falcon Reach. There is light traffic on it. After about 3 hours of slow travel where you are actually beginning to enjoy the weather and believe that the silver talents don’t deserve the reputation they have. You witness the night bully travelers off the road and into giving him some wine and refreshment. You know that they have their due here in them back but it is still upsetting to see. Not far after that there is a shallow River forwarding. An obelisk standing Stone is a trail marker that marks a spur that clearly leads to a city in the distance. A city that sits on a slight rise. Further north at rise becomes a slope that rises a good kilometer or more through hilly terrain to a plateau far in the distance. There are multiple settlements with their Place and Boundary Markers of white limestone clean and gleaming in the late morning Sun. The vast majority of the trade coming in and out seems to forward the river here and take a spur to the main road to the east. There is a way station marking the place as Gold Robe Crossing in multiple written languages. Everybody moves off the road for The Knight and his retinue. You are officially in Falcon Reach of umbak.
{ check } You cannot shake the sense you are being watched. You take every opportunity to clandestinely look around you, but nothing show itself. You feel like something is looking into your thoughts through your eyes, looking in.
I talk to the knight to see if they know what’s going on?
They look at you puzzled. “What do you mean?” You describe it to him and he looks aghast. “Wizardry this deep in the lands of law!? Such is unheard of, for it must be such the way you describe it!” If you would allow me sir… i must approach and assess if you are infested with fell magics for somke reason!”
I allow it.
He prays vocally over you, slowly forcing you to your knees. Its all the discipline you can muster to not punch him in the nuts. If you thought it was a show or disengenuous, you would definitely do it. Louder and louder his voice gets. His voice echoing, you open your eyes to him frowning over you. Me thinks you may be suffering from exhaustion. Let us take refreshment. I sense nothing unlholy within your vessel. He says he knows of a wine cellar and a nearby settlement. The vineyards here are not as renowned as The orchards, but they are good. You waste a day as he fawns over you constantly looking around trying to figure out if you’re just tired, or you’re mad, or there is something tracking you. Another day on the road as he attempts to lay a trap for whatever is stalking you. After a couple of days where he is paying for good meals, he shrugs the shoulders and says that he has given up. There’s nothing more that he can do to assuage your fears. The land is rising as you go further north. This must be how it got its name, friend. The distance you can see a small group of peaks that surely is only inhabited by falcons
Two more days you travel, as the plateau slants upward. Several small settlements and well organized towns. Ahead the road passes between two spires, and you can see it must flatten out at the top. “The temple and settlement is ahead. Once we get there, i will seek to make penance and pay my respects to Mother Aerna – we will part ways then.”
Its a pretty fantastic sight at the top of the “reach”. He insists you travel into the top area, known as Seven Spires, at daybreak. you can see why. The sun rising from the east hits the eastern spire framing the entrance so that it appears as a burst. It is spectacular. He stops to pray, then gloriously shouts his love of the Hearth Mother Aerna. He talks about nothing more than mundane things about hsi family and how much he misses them. You arrive, part ways, and….
{ interlude – the convergence battle } We move into the final phase… on Common Year of the realm, 2-19-9169 the chronicle picks it up: Killing Mendollin
The locals are carving onto the sides the spiers. It looks like the temple is being rebuilt and there are works projects around it. So many people are moving with efficiency. The whole entrance area is being turned into a monument. No one seems to question your escort and you are moving through multiple construction zones with ease
Good, I like easy travel.
You stand at the gates to the Travelers Bastion of Aerna in Seven Spires. Your escort wishes you well, and tells house foreigners will probably only find rest here in the Bastion or at the second inn – Courtly Wages. The bastion sounds more like a place of zealots, but the other sounds expensive. Though you should only be here for a couple nights at most
{ history check } you are here: Temple of Aerna of the Golden Hem
{ check } Actually, the knight will explain it to you, no need to make a check: Courtly Wages
What kind of zealots? The vow of silence kind or the murder you if you cross the threshold kind?
The annoying “pray with me” kind
The umbakians will never kill in that way. They beleive in hospitality, law, trials, and an ordered life
All manner of the strange portents happens about then: OUTCOMES of the battle of The Convergence
Im going to assume that you go with the more comfortable option, and the Inn of the Courtly Wages looms ahead in the drizzling rain. You stable your horse. Theres an assistant to make sure you have a slip that is a record of keeping the horse. The place looks clean as a common stable can be. Theres a covered walkway right to the Inn. Inside is a couple of small kids singing a light choral work. It is about half full, busy and calm. The noise is subdued, and the singing covers conversation from being overheard. A man waves to you from behind the bar. You give him your chit, “stables, 1 mount” he says, nodding giving it back to you. “Hungry or will you be staying?” A room to yourself would be nice. Almost as if he can tell what you are thinking, he looks you up and down. He gives you a key to a room, “Room 3, corner facing the stable. Its the quietest. Drop your gear and come back, ill have some rabbit and carrots and bread for you when you get back.” Nobody asks you your business or pry’s in any way. Its a quiet evening and a safe sleep. The next day is a quiet one. You ask where you might find the White Sisters chapter house and a woman named Mother Juliette. You get a stark stare from Flaubert, the innkeep. “Why are you seeking the white hems out? You seem like a decent and sane fellow.” Thinking fast, you claim to have a message to deliver.
{ check } well, you manage to bullshit your way past that. yea, he beleives it. You are stone faced and matter of fact. He gestures towards the temple at the northern high spot of Seven Spires. “They have a small chapel with the temple of Aerna Golden Hem that is being restored.” To reassure him, you tell him you will be staying the night again and you thank him. Warm bread, cheese, onions and a thick herbal soup feeds you well. There might be something to this Umbakian cooking – it definitely fills you up. You head out along the mile or so trek to the temple complex entrance at the high point. Before you walk out, he gently grabs your arm and points to your weapons, shaking his head. He walks in the back and returns with a strong quarter staff. You exchange your weapons for it, which he stores in the kitchen without a word. You both wave silently and he goes back to cleaning up as you step onto the porch. Umbakians sure are big. The men and women are tall and strong. Seeing all the workers, and tenders you see that no one slacks. No one averts their gaze either. Genuine curiosity but not menace is obvious. It feels like walking to the gallows you are self-conscious. But you get to the entrance, guarded by golden cloaked swordmen with shields. Of the three, one is on point, another is observing those going in and out, and another is ready to blow a battle horn. Well organized.
More > You state your honest mission and the guards tell you they have heard nothing of such a matter. One steps inside the gatehouse and confers with someone. They ask you to stand in a specific spot while you wait. Its shaded and covered, but as you look around you see a crossbowman on top of the gatehouse who has you square pegged if he wanted. It takes a while for them to find someone who knows of your mission, over an hour. At last, a woman in a light almost white grey and green trimmed robe comes to the gate. She asks to see your orders. The sealed and sigiled scroll tube Feather gave you is passed over to her. She goes into the guardhouse “wait”, she says. After a couple minutes she comes back out, and motions for you to follow her. As she moves into the temple grounds with you following, 2 soldiers fall in step behind you from inside the guardhouse. A maneuver executed flawlessly you think to yourself.
More > Inside the temple grounds you feel like you are constantly being watched. She walks about 400 feet to the east and into a stone structure that is obviously new. The sign of the Lighbringers is everywhere. The most well known sign of Aerna the Mother is above the doorway. She leads you in, through the entry hall (which is being freshly plastered) and to a side chapel. Into the formal chapel cloak room she brings you. There she takes off her shoes, and expects you to do the same. Then she washes her hands and face in the basin, again expecting you to follow suit. Finally she speaks, “I am the Celebrant of the Mother here at the temple. I have been the one that the woman Aini Aelishan has been in communication with. Our work here goes back to the time of her mother and her companions. She wished to ease suffering of those caught in the war with our common enemy of Gwinn. I have agreed to this. She is good with words. Firstly, you must tell me about her, now that you are cleansed. You must be honest. I merely wish to know what you know of her history, and the opinion of folk about her. We stand on honesty. Do not lie in the gaze of the Mother. Whether or not you complete your mission here to return with the priestess of the White Sisters named Mother Juliette is not ordained – if I feel she cannot be protected or our efforts are being exploited for gain I will not permit it.”
More > Given your battlemaster background, and your learning of Ubakian culture on this trip, honesty is the best policy. You are all business. Feather and politics is something you have mostly stayed away from, but you are a Gallant, and a soldier who follows orders. You tell her your honest assessment, which is not much. As the eldest of the squad, you have stay focus on the goals given and taken what control, loot, and ability to impose order in the town and area of Torrelson’s Ford that you can.
{ check } Not bad, but not great. She sighs, as if she seems to have expected no more or less. She asks for a lot of details of people and places, and while she does not openly condemn you, your comrades, or greater mission you can tell she’s not happy. “The world is the world. The great Mother will look after her children.” She says she will begin the preparation for Mother Juliette. While you are here, she expects decency and civilized behavior. Courtly Wages is a decent place, mostly those doing business here or a few outsiders who have made a pilgrimage. She asks that you stay there for a bit. She will keep in touch.
More > Another couple days go by and she summons you again. Again you purify yourself symbolically before talking to her. At least this time it is not so formal, you do not feel like you are being interrogated. But that soon ends as a full day of questions comes your way about the situation. You honestly dont have much in the way to answer for. Some rough numbers, some history of the refugees. The first wave was adults going ahead to set up in your area. The next wave of double or triple was to be mostly children and families. A bit of the history of the conflict with Gwinn locally. This goes on a few more times, with a day or so wait in between. She wants to know more about the locality. It feels like she is double checking all your facts in between the interveiws. They may be behind in their intelligence, as they still refer to the castle as ‘the manse’. You know nothing about land rights, but Feather surely was working on it when you left. She may be strange and secretive, but she has always been thorough in her scheming.
More > Finally after about 10 days, you meet your mark. Mother Juliette is young. You estimate no more than 21 or 22. She is quiet and demure. Her voice does not waver though. She asks you about quarters and accomodations. There was nothing more than some palettes and sheets when you saw the area last, and no shrine to her goddess that you knew of, but its a big place and thats just not something you were in the loop about. Its getting weary answering all these questions, but your sense of order and hierarchy are well honed and you focus and stay direct.
More > {check } they do NOT wear you down at all. It seems the process was designed to show weakness and something they could exploit and you utterly crush that notion, and you do it with class and in a way that impresses the order. They ask that ALL communication go through you from now on. They insist is more like it. They believe that you personally vouch for her safety and they are confident. The ‘interrogation’ ends after the 12th day and after sunrise prayers, a retinue meets you at the Inn. She has a cart and 2 mules she is driving. She seems quite at home doing physical work, and says she needs no assistance. The cart is filled with the materials for a shrine to her goddess and her few personal items. Theres no reason to search it, if Feather wants to she can when you arrive back. The weather is getting darker and there is a strange scent of brine in the air. You look up, and she follows your gaze. “The storm goddess stirs”, she says. “Here we are more sensitive to her since I am undertaking this quest. Her anger is a good sign that our efforts are righteous.” And with that, you depart.
More > What you thought was a send off turns out to be an ‘honor guard’, escorting you out of Seven Spires and turning back on the road back down into the lowlands of Falcon Reach. Mother Juliette is silent.
More > CY 3-10-9169; You are a couple days out from Fort PAvec, to re-cross back into Dunstrand. You begin to hear from travelers that the border is closed. It sounds like Umbak is amd about the PEace Talksand the events that are coming out as a result of killing Mendollin. You have an entire cart and goods to get across the river. You will have to find a way. Your options are bribe (umbak is unlikely), risk a river crossing, travel into loamwold and cross in the halfling lands (cart through there slow and difficult), or go back the way you came, go further Northeast until you get into the Grand barony of fandelok and cross there
Is there a time estimate for the Loamwold and the Grand Barony options?
Taking a cart into Loamwold is an unknown; It in the direction you need to go, but they really dont have roads they maintain (damn halfling tree huggers). Your best estimate of traveling into Fandelok is 200 total mile loop, then about 80 miles to Torrelson’s Ford from there.
North it is then – The long loop it is.
Encounter: Pilgrims! She easily gets you past that encounter, no work for you at all.
next few days
You pass into Fandelok through the Falcon Gate trade office: Encounters in the grand Barony of Fandelok
no encounters – cut back into Dunstrand into County Faer
no encounters – get through the border of eastern Barony of Crestwold
Its the border between The Saelish and county Faer. Its march, and its still raining a lot – especially near the foothills of the mountains in Faer where you are coming from.
Encounter: just another merchant. But they are nosy. Make a persuade check to talk your way out of introductions and polite road conversation. If Mother Juliette speaks, it will be obvious who and what she is.
{ check } nice. You manage to keep your cover. You make apologies and obfuscatiosn – none a complete lie, but you are getting better at this obviously. She tries not not get involved and lets you handle all the interaction. You are not sure what her history is, but you do know the White Sisters taking in those shattered and broken, and train those who wish into followers of Aerna and heal them from their psychological and physical wounds. They are often from outside of Umbak, in war-torn areas, and have experienced hard trauma. Those seeking to voluntarily join the order must serve a time of penance IN a war zone to see the evils they hope to heal.
No more encounters as you enter eastern creswold and have to hole up for a few days. Calibans sLurry, part of Dwindor Swamp, has overflowed and is blocking the road to western Crestwold. You can camp out in the cold, or you can avoid the chance of getting sick by staying in the Inn at the crossroads.
You will have to make a persuade check for staying in the Inn, a lot of people are backed up and waiting for the ferry over the floodland. If you want to stay there
{ check } 5 silvers to sweeten the persuasion
Well, 5 is a lot, but its got to counter that check. For 5 you can get a single bed room. You will have to sleep out in the barn.
Ulrich is happy use that aslinf as there is food for 2
{ checks } theres a lot of characters, and everyone wants out of the cold and wet, but you get a place out in the barn. Mother Juliette puts her hand on your arm as you prepare to leave. Looking into her eyes, she quick glances at a pair who seem to be trying to observe you through the crowd.
Does the pair stay inside with Mother or follow me outside? Is there anything about their appearance? Someone hunting us vs down on their luck people that just saw a money bag.
You take a hard look at the pair. While they do seem travel and trail worn, their goods are better than your average peasant. To get a better look, you’d have to make a performance check to get close to them in the crowd.
without being noticed that is, you CAN just walk up and scrutinize them.
Do they serve drink? Can I get a drink and have 2 cups sent to them. Give them a step up or piss off glare.
oh most definitely serving drinks. high quality or low quality?
Low is fine
I assume the server is to point you out and tell them its from you?
they both glare at you. one of them seems to be about to take a sip, when the other stops him and glares at him. then he tips the tankard over, spilling it on the floor. The other follows suit, though looks a bit unhappy. The other glares at you as they both slowly exit to the outdoors.
I’m going to keep an eye out while I’m here. Keeping a close eye on the area where the Mother is and listening for anything off.
You can try an intimidate check
{ check } You glower, mouth a few words and step towards them. You won’t see them again.
Sweet I love not having to kill people
It takes 2 days to get a ferry over the flooded area. No one bothers you during that time. Apparently you just missed brave and bold man who had been helping to escort the backed up traffic over the flood plain on some Mount that swam. It’s a description that can only match Asil. He must be ahead of you by a couple of days and on his way back to the castle as well. The fury is completely full with the two of you in your gear and a couple more passengers. It’s towards the end of the day after you’ve waited and everyone is tired. That’s when a rope securing things breaks. In looking at the crew, you’re not sure that they’re going to be able to hold. A couple of the mules are getting really antsy. You can see the ferries start to go offline. Can either make a strength check to ensure that the second line is secure or you can make a Dex check to try and grab the first line that is slowly playing out and is threatening to go into the water or you can let the crew take care of it… they are supposed to be able to handle it
Dex save to try and secure the other end and keep the ferry line intact.
{ check } You are able to grab and secure it. The crew can handle the rest. Theres a particularly excessive flooding from the rain. The journey completes without incident. It will take you about 4 days of travel in these conditions to safely return from there to the castle of Aqua Pluma. You dont see anyone else on the road besides pedlars. They are not happy because of the new orders in place by the Baron that restricts trade – they are mostly ignoring it and are happy to share a warm campfire. Theres no way of avoiding the Baron’s men watching the castle, they are at least observing everyone coming and going. Under the guise of the new trade restrictions, they stop and ask you who you are escorting and what are you bringing. Lie or tell the truth? If a lie, a persuade check, DC 12
Lie { check } I’m escorting someones daughter, i didnt ask for this, im cold tired and done so kindly piss off and let me go home
“Not so fast. And any insult to me, is an insult to the Baron! I recognize you. Escorting a daughter eh? More like kidnaping since your last marriage fell through.” They turn to mother Juliette and ask her to speak for herself to confirm this. You know she will not lie. Looking around, theres only 2 of them stopping you, but you see a camp about 100 feet off the road that could hold about a dozen. Theres a fire there, but most seem to be in their tents. Theres only a couple horses. The castle is on a spur road about 100m in front of you, and about a half mile total distance away. You can see in the distance, there a lit brazier and 2 guards at the castle gate. The main gate is closed but the postern gate is open. A couple dozen Tarmysian refugees are hauling fish up from the lake shore nearby.
Give her a moment to answer for herself. She is someone’s daughter and she is not coming as my intended. She has no need to lie to confirm my story
“I am mother Juliette of the White Sisters. I am here to assist the Tarmysian refugees that have had to flee their war-torn homeland and that the good siress Aini Aelishan of yon castle has given refuge to. There are cold, wet, and hungry children and elderly i must attend to, and more expected to come. I too am cold and sore and seek only to rest and provide succor to the people. Please let me and my escort be about our urgent business, and may the blessings of Aerna be upon you.”
More > “More to come!? I’m sure the Baron will want to know that and whatever else that scheming ‘lady’ ‘as been up to in the last few weeks. I wont stop you sister, but you should really consider the company you’re keeping. Those refugees ‘ave been nothing but trouble in Torrelson’s Ford – no better than the Elon!” He spits and motions for you to go.
More > You make it to the castle gate and they do a quick check to make sure your horse and gear are ok (theres been some sick horses last couple days) and open the gate. Inside the courtyard is a large refugee camp. You can hear a the faint sounds of a smithy. The smell of drying fish is in the air. Despite the oddly wet weather, it looks busy and everyone seem healthy. You escort the White Sister inside and the steward will find a room for her. She asks to be taken to the kitchen right away “to make sure the nutrition of the children is being seen to”. She’s already jumping in, without a rest. Well, at least they live up to their reputation. You stop by the Belvin’s Brace barracks and hear that Feather just left a day ago. Other than than, there’s been little going on. The Baron constantly monitors comings and goings. She gathered everyone in the courtyard to say goodbye, and did not say where she was going. The steward will run the facility while she’s away. Your quarters wait for you. Food and a few buckets of warm water are brought. The place is a bit stale and moldy, but no one entered while you were away.
and is there anything you want to hold back on recording your journey for the annals?
No, as the dice have proven, honest is the best policy for Ulrich
A fresh new book is taken out to record everything. Twitch, Feather’s 2nd and the official annalist of the Gallants at the castle records it all. She does not bat an eye or flinch at any detail, but records it all for posterity and adds her own notes and symbols as she goes. After a couple days, she verifies it all with the White Sister and asks you to read and sign it. Its all there as you experienced it, with dates and little symbols that must mean something to the annalist added in the margins.
The first day you are dictating to Twitch, this happens: End of June, 9169 – End of June, 9169 – The Sound…
Brother Eulogy’s Letter Feather’s Goodbye and MissiveTwitch comes to find you asks you to read and sign the annals of your travels. Its all there as you experienced it, with dates and little symbols that must mean something to the annalist added in the margins. I assume you sign it?