Feather’s Missive

At the start of May, 9169.

To each of The Gallants of the following comes a sparrow in a quiet moment. It is silent and finds you when alone and out of ear shot of others. It whispers a message to you, in the voice of Feather.
Recipients = Krespar, Brother Eulogy, Atreus, Athena, Jesse, Huff, Asil, Ulrich and Kynar
– none know how many/who also received the message.

Pin Feathers…

This may be a farewell, but it is not with any certainty that I say this. The Aelishan and Rellian families are deeply immersed in the politics of Bar-Innis and vested in the fate of Dunstrand. Allied now, we are seeking a means forward, staying in hiding, and require distance and some time to gain perspective. Peace with Gwinn seems inevitable, but do not lose heart. Continue doing what you do best, prepare for the future, and support the people. Continue seeking for means of influence and wealth, even if the nobility or authorities seem hell bent on making you seem unfriendly to the free folk of the Earldom and the Duchy. If the peace is signed, stop, honor the agreements, cease plots and plans. Fall in line, stabilize the lands as best you can and trust to fate that all will resolve itself for the best. Do not believe any reports of sightings, capture, or anything seeking leverage from capture or imprisonment of her Lady Mary Rellian, Viscount of Dogwood Flats.

Both Mary and Feather are no longer present in the castle of Aqua Pluma.