Characters for Hunting Mendollin

These are the Characters for Hunting Mendollin to be made for the Hunting Mendollin adventure if the PCs are not high enough level and approach #2 is used.

DONT GET ATTACHED TO THESE CHARACTERS – THEY ARE SINGLE USE. Each player will create a PC of 12 total levels for fighting Mendollin directly; Using standard PLAYERS HANDBOOK classes and races w/some basic i20™ changes. Some may be more difficult than others to accommodate, but a single paragraph back story is all the GM will need to do to make it happen. The Game Master should not have to put a lot of time towards making these characters. These characters know each other intimately and should are nominally good – advancing their titles, reputation, and interests of the High King. They are heroes in the classic sense of the word and should be built to be compatible ethically with each other as part of The Raiding Larks.

  • Generation: point buy. Sanity always 11 or 10 for half breeds
  • Larry’s 12th level halfling “Pip” has his own stuff.
  • Magic Items will be from DMG only; they will have any items that survive go to their offspring.

    +1 magic armor, +2 magic armor, shield +1 and shield +2, munition +1 x10, munition +2 x 10, weapon +1, weapon +2

    robe of useful items, wand of lightning bolts/wiz/sorc/warlock +1, belt of hill giant strength, boots of the desert giants (cannot be knocked prone, leaves no footprints sand/earth + /travel move doubled over sand; attune 2 elemental = cannot be moved by spell or effect), boots of levitation

    Potions: supreme healing x3 (each character; 10d4/20 + 20 = 40 as an Action), oil of sharpness +2, oil of sharpness +1, potion of fire breath, potion of growth, potion of heroism x2

    Misc/rings: ring of resistance x2 (specific dmg type), ring of sands (stealth +4, meld into sand, sand stride, sand storm (sleet Storm) and Wall of Sand 1/day) OR 2 MINOR ioun stones (*) – SEE GM!

  • Key Feats like Durable have changed. But they still do what the flavor portrays, just slightly diff specific mechanics. So take it if you want, you will get something like it out of it.
  • All members of the group have a full Group Concordance with 1 Character Weave to share.

All -5 move travel speed (not combat) from wounds while not unencumbered.

Practice Scenarios

This is only if the PCs want to arrange for a few quick encounters to test out the mechanics of higher level PCS. These will not be run encounters for any other sessions, campaign characters or others. Anyone is welcome to use these for ideas.

#1 – Cornered: A band of watchmen in the Barony of Morguile were slaughtered hunting a night stalker. Soldiers were then sent and discovered a slaughtered wealthy family in the city of Drenden, and cornered (using water fed by the sacred Well of Oingreith) the vampire servant of the Lich Lords after chasing it to long abandoned lands of a family that faded out (an ancient ridge line surrounded by waters it cannot pass). Several priests and soldiers have died, though thankfully not “returned” over the last week keeping it held at bay, waiting for a group to kill it once and for all. Its name and background are unknown.

Vampire >

#2 – Blackmail: A noble of Fandelok is being blackmailed by a rival. It will impoverish him but he has little known friends among the nobility of Gladnor, so they want the rival taken out. The rival has been discovered to be leaving for a undocumented vacation and is at a small villa in the remote country-side. He needs to be captured – no witnesses!

#3 – Escort: A man, destined to take the reins of the Order of the Red Hart, has taken ill and been hexed (he cannot be affected magically – its been tested) in his journey. The PCs need to step through a teleport portal and escort him the rest of the way where the High Commandery Hall of the order can provide the means to safeguard him. They believe it is the last and most powerful member of a coven of hags he and his companions killed several years ago getting revenge.

#4 – The Stand: There has been a recent increase in the raids of Orrish on the inside of the Tolkisson Range. Its slowly spreading west. A major tunnel in the west of the Barony of Morguile has been found. The World Watchers have sent scouts, but before a reconnaissance in force is sent, a cap force needs to be ready in case the Orrish react and send a horde in the night.