Anwin has regained some of his essence back from the Book of ___
Demon Servitor
(Paradox 4) – Anwin has a dread demon Anwin took the chance on after he was attacked the first time. Freed from haunting the manse of Anwin, the demon is one with Anwin’s shadow, awaiting his command.
Kinetic 3, Occult 3; Divine 1 > Mind Beyond, Ghostly Presence
Anwin took a huge chance on such a demon, and it paid off.
2 fiends of desire
> 1 looks and has aura exactly like him
> 1 is going to be used to channel magic and appear as if the spells were coming from him.
3 earth elementals (minor), 2 air elementals (minor), 1 fire elemental (minor),
3 apprentices
– marnie
– helas
– antony
1 familiar (crow)
1 fiend of travel (black horse)
1 fiend of combat – black hound
Jump 6, Melee 3, Evade 1,
8 guards
Melee 4, Shoot 3, Propel 2, Evade 3, Soak 4, Streetwise 4
2 agents/assassins hidden in the crowd
Melee 4, Evade 3, Soak 1, Camouflage 5, Stealth 6, Streetwise 6