Vraxen Follows


*9142, Month 7, Day 9;* Vraxen had been following, trying to catch up to the group after doing some scouting in the local towns. The locals are hostile to him and it was slow going. He found out very little for all his efforts, nearly getting into several fights with the locals. Too late he discovered the group would provoke the wrath to such a degree by where they were going. He managed to discover some of the locales were preparing a ‘welcome’ for his friends who they knew were adventurers that would stir up trouble, and eventually wandered in at the last second, to watch the Suffering Tread’s effect of bending space and pulling the hunters in ambush and the rest of the group into its effect. Terrified, but fearing for his companions, he examines the area where he last saw them. Hearing the Tread return, he simply waited and hoped that he would rejoin his companions.

Gritting his teeth he grips the round as vertigo descends and his pulse pounds in his ears. Just when he thinks he will scream, the bottom drops out from under him and he falls into a cold darkness.