Saivelaugh Return / Civil War (ancient blood rec) – Ancient Blood, set in the Steel Realms on the Riverdan of Bondeu.
CURRENT ADVENTURING GROUP: Belim, Beedel, De’Vosa, Rabat, B’Hein
Returning to the main plot: To clarify… You can basically do a good job and get things mostly right and move through it heads down collecting the lineages. Or, you can get involved and try and right a few things as you go which will leave some lasting change. Neither way is right or wrong (both have impacts on campaign results), its just a matter of interest. The more “side treks” you do, the more word spreads ahead of you and you will find direct opposition – you are already experiencing this. The more you just stay focused, the less time and opportunity those powers have to thwart you.
@ start = CY 9142, Month 12, Day 30 traveling south from Athlapoole; travel for a while will be at half the normal speed as you work to spread word of your deeds and show your faces and increase your fame.
[BELIM] Before moving on to the Riverdan of Tuflim, we are going to visit the Saivelaugh elves (the Grebell Forest is on the border between the Riverdans and County Faer and Bondeu Riverdan) to discuss local politics among the humans. Specifically, an assurance that whatever happens – and we can neither confirm nor deny anything might happen in the local power structures, but at the very least the Athla Hills will be restored – we will stand by the existing good relations between men and elves. We can take the road to East’s End into Tuflim from Pellan to West Torbin – it should be a lot less traveled and fewer people will see us… we can get the lay of the land without great fanfare I hope. [BEEDEL] Are you sure about this? [BELIM] I checked the map, what do i look like? [BEEDEL] I mean the other part… I can sense the paths through the ‘dans – human and natural. [BELIM] So yeah, this should mostly be fluff except in the context of keeping a rapport with the elves. [BEEDEL]”Rapport”… yea. “Fluff”… uh-huh. Just as a reminder mr. fancypants, if you are going to lay claim to Elmtown, and we are going back to Zerburre, you should probably go through the Althla Hills and through there. 1) it shows the road is open again, 2) no one is sending word in that direction – time to self promote as you say, 3) you probably want to see what you are laying claim to as warden…====== WHAT BELIM RECALLS ======
Edmon Telri, Koreelam village in Grebell Forest, stole necklace of Hale – fell and broke. 3 Faey elves. Killed by spirit, corrupted shute of a soul tree. Belaya shamed by spirit killing the village. The elves called us ‘friends’. we can ask them for help in future. – Whenever we have downtime near the Saivelaugh elf territories Belim will try to make contact and request an audience with Belaya so he can tell her how much they’re meant to be together despite all the taboos and blah blah and “her wish is my command” and all that BS. Just more fodder for entanglements or bitterness after she kicks sand in his face or turns out to have a family or whatever.
Belim plans to ask to speak privately with Belaya of the elves of Saivelaugh; this is the part of him that believes in – or wishes for – some long lost chivalrous world of courtly love and all that. He has a historically questionable belief in a past ‘age of heroes’ where elves and men fought side-by-side, and dreams of the restoration of that Arthurian romance kind of thing. { Belaya (Bellaigha) – female elf party leader. Had to roll reaction – 20 – Belim fell hard. }
Belaya is symbolic of that for him and he’d ask for a token from her to carry, or to hold her hand, or some such nonsense. His spiel is that he’s felt some eternal connection between them since they met (what a poof ) and while “I am no bard with pretty words, not an elf of noble lineage, and this is probably all forbidden anyway. I have to live and move in the world of men and will probably marry one of my own to satisfy the politics of my people but promise to do anything in my power to protect her and the Saivelaugh clan” because chivalry etc.
You parallel the river on its north side to get to the bridge that crosses the Athla River again. This is a secondary road since the main road between Serdoff and Pellan has had the forest overgrow it during the… well, at least during the time of the Grimm. Hmmmmm.
The group takes its time, enjoying meeting folk on the road, headed to the Athla Hill country now that word of its opening is spreading. Instead of heading east and south, they cross the bridge and head towards the stone bridge on the road to Pellan – covering more ground. Ten miles to the bridge on a winding road. They share stories with all, emphasizing their role. At the end of the first day, they cross the bridge and camp on the other side. There is a lone rider with two mounts setting up camp themselves, and they join them. Ken, a courier from the Count of Faer, keeps the group engaged and passing on more information than they perhaps intended – including letting slip a hint of seeking the local ancestry. It is well past sundown when he nods, and looks at them sternly. “I tell you this. I just came from Zerburre. I know that family. I also know their reputation – and anyone amiable with the powers that be should be suspect. They invited the Sunbelt Merchants – traders from Faer – in to log the Grebell Forest and they split the profits with them. This is not hidden, though not advertised. I have heard rumors and comments from them that clearly reveal that the Grimdowns, while tragic, was a boon to them for some reason. I have also heard that their claim upon the land has its… ‘problems’. One priest told me years ago to seek the ‘Witches Wound’ in Zerburre for answers. Before you choose to accept all that you have, I believe you should return there and seek out answers. That is all I can say to your tale. I am sure, my master, Linnis Faer, would support you and your efforts.” The night passes restlessly. In the morning, Ken leaves early as the sun is rising, wishing you well and reminding you of the ‘Witches Wound’. “I bid you all well, it is rare that the folk of the Riverdans finds good people like yourselves as allies. At least I believe I read you right. Fare thee well, perhaps we shall meet again.”
[BELIM’s THOUGHTS] Holup. This guy’s couriering for the Count of Faer? A county that’s, like, bigger than all the Riverdans together amiright? If he’ll carry it, we’ll try to send along some letter of introduction and good will or something. Assuming we’re not aware the Count is some evil psycho or whatever. “Hold before you leave, good sir. My friends and I would have you bear a token of goodwill to his gracious Lord of Faer.”The group quickly convenes to write a letter of introduction, following Belim to his tent to get paper and pen. “Anyone know who the current ruler is in the county? Faer is governed by the family that was once brother to Lord Forthright…” “There has been a shift – this is all the land tells me”, says Beedel. “Wait a second. I have this funny feeling our cattle raid years ago was into County Faer…” Beedel nods his head – “yea, it crossed the boundary.” “Shit.” says Belim. “If asked, that totally wasn’t us.” B’hein just shakes his head, while Rabat nods knowingly while rolling his eyes. Rabat speaks up, “Yea, Faer aint no place for thieves and fencers like me dead brother. Linnis Faer rules there, the “golden axe” and regent of county Faer. ‘Es the most loved leader in Dunstrand right now. He lost an arm fighting Orrish years back. The count just passed away a half year ago and Linnis foiled an assassination attempt on his 11 year old nephew (and heir to County Faer) Mica. He all about law ‘an honor.” Belim writes a quick letter of introduction with everyone’s full names, to the effect of: ‘Greetings to the regent and heir-guardian, from your grim-effect-destroying, peace-keeping, totally-not-cattle-stealing friends over here in the Dans’.
Taking the hastily scrawled letter, he rides away to the east – the direction you were going. He rides at a fast clip, obviously a courier with a message to deliver, his second horse right behind him. As you break your own camp, you must make a decision… return to Zerburre to explore this “Witches Wound”… OR… go east, to the town of Pellan and on to the elves and East Torbin – the crossroads to go to Tuflim or County Faer. Belim wants to return to Zerburre. You look west, the road to Spanlet and Zeburre in a two day rate of a lazy publicity campaign. Looking east, Pellan is a easy days journey while moving slow to keep talking to all travelers and spread the word of new territory and your deeds in the Athla Hills.
The LETTER will reflect the outline section (from the “goals” part of my notes):
* Charter a new Bondeu-only timber company to replace Sunbelt Merchants. The benefits of Bondeu resources should remain in Bondeu.
** Then break the Sunbelt Merchants’ control in the southern villages. They can trade, but they don’t get to control the place. (These steps run the highest risk of violence and ave likely broken down already.)
… So the letter to Faer was based on the widespread perception that he is this ‘great and fair handed’ ruler; it’s an appeal to “If you’re really such a good ruler you should understand that we can’t let a merchant company take control of a neighboring state’s lands and resources. The people of the Riverdans are no longer going to sit by while the rest of the world steps on them.” In the most diplomatic language we can muster.
+2 days to get to and stay in Pellan. The group self promotes. De’Vosa embraces his authority and settles some personal disputes. The group learns of the nature of the harvesting disagreement between Elves and humans, and the Sunbelt Merchants role. They are ruling the town, and are given the LEGAL authority by the Burren family to settle disputes. Basically, Pellan has become a classic “company town”. Elves are sabotaging logging, but no human has been harmed. The group develops a good self promoting routine where Be’heim orates to get the initial word out, Belim rallies to make everyone feel good, and the group breaks into 1-on-1 story telling. The forest has overgrown one of the Tri-Towns between Pellan and Serdof. Its a bandit haven now and the centerpoint of the ‘struggle against the elves’ (as they magically grow the edge of the forest and slow growth at its center to help humans with resources). Rabat sucks some dick for information… which seems to mostly consists of “I’m coming”.
+1 days to east torbin. There is a small briarwood thats been abandoned for at least year, with an elven garden in it. The elves quit entreating with humans, and are also sabotaging logging (no humans have been hurt here either). There is a religious dispute between green church (woman priestess of Rastur) and Ikribu over the nature of courage. They are about to come to blows. LJ visits to usurped shrine to Ikribu and the Preceptory of the Order of the Tri-Light (knightly order of the heartlands – mostly a Lightbringer order now). Belim’s penis vanishes. Then it reappears. He has a dream wherein a voice of authority whispers “And there’s plenty more where that came from…” Belim and De’Vosa have a long conversation about Ikribu – it appelas to Belim’s blacksmithing background. Belim begins carrying lay holy symbol.
+1 day in east torbbin. The group decides to try and usurp control of the factions, with Beedel for the Green Church and De’Vosa for the Lightbringers. De’Vosa challenges the knight (he has a squire and page) to a non-lethal duel and wins! Both fight honorably. There’s a decision to ‘put a cap’ on things here… the best that can be done is about a 30 day truce. Hopefully the group can bet back to Zerburre, do what needs to be done, and return by then.
+1 day tracking down elves. Elves are unhappy!
+3 days back to athlapoole and edge of Elmtown Gap. They gather a few to tack the old trade route back through Athla Hill Country and to see the town of Elmtown that Belim has chosen as his wardenship. Its mostly uneventful, though there are still obvious signs of Feywild influence fading. Colored mists, strange smells and sounds, and a vague unease. No exploring is done though, and they arrive in a town with the last name sign being “Leaverville” – in reference to everyone leaving when the Grimm was in full force. Seeing a light that might be settlers or bandits, they pursue it into the woods and it leads them into the old dry river bed of when the Nanford River flowed through the area – Belim falls from his horse in the drop and the Will-o-Wisp that lead them on their chase attacks him and De’Vosa – along with its 4 friends!
Saivelaugh Return, southern villages:
– Twin River counties at odds with the Duke.
– – Also Cerran’s Grant, ostensibly for the benefit of the Dans, is in fact controlled by TRC.
– Cunaigh family fears assassination/eradication, due to bloodline vs. Burren
– Connor – Sunbelt Merchants
– East Torbin conflict: Brother Belkan, Mother Mixalli (wild faith, druid, not green church)
– Clue: Tower of the Stag token (Mondaides capital)
– Shinnian – challenged Devosa. Sounds like the ‘resistance’ building against us due to our boat-rocking.
– We may be able to gain access to (an evil/necessary?) place, per Belaya
– Father Daryal of the green church
– Saivelaugh Accord is too vague; people (Burren and Sunbelt Merchants) are taking advantage and profit is leaving Bondeu for County Faer via Sunbelt Merchants.
– – Residents in fear of Sunbelt Merchants
While Belim and Rabat leads the homesteaders to make a temporary encampment along the road to start working on Elmtown, the rest of the group heads off to Zerburre city to search for the Burren family ancestry. It seems an old Inn has already been re-opened along the north side of the Athla Hills on a road spur that used to go through the hills to Kindredale. The PCs decide to check out how it is faring on their way to the city. The weather turns cold and a slight snowfall starts as they are reaching the inn at sundown. There are only a few travelers.
+1 Day
+2 Days
Earthquake outside of city where party meets up; 3 days of assisting in recovering from damage…
Day 1 Recover lost animals and goods
Day 2 Rescue people
Day 3 Healing and recovery
+3 Days
Earthquake in the city!; 3 days of assisting in recovering from damage…
Day 1 Inspecting/Assessing
Day 2 Rescue people
Day 3 Healing and recovery
+3 Days
“Stacey” asks party to find her husband. Went to the Soft Seat Bathhouse and never returned. Vague notions of what he does – import/export… probably crime.
Searching – the party talks to the guards, usual spots, tracks, and in general does their best, but after a couple days things dont add up. The family is not known by Burrens, and leads just go nowhere. The owner of the bathhouse says he knows him, regular customer, rents private rooms. During this whole thing, the party finds out that other people have gone missing – people who did not perish in the earth quakes – at least 6. Victim 4 and 5 were adventurers. The B + B owners can be deceived to give up their gear instead of treating it as lost and found unclaimed – there is an unpaid bill of 20 silvers. DeVosa has a startling insight as they sit, assembling all their evidence, and sees that the bathhouse is central to the vanishings. During this time, Rabat is sent to find the “Witches Gash” (supposedly the oldest and REAL family crypt) – it turns out to be a ravine in the hills NE of the city. He reports back about the same time as the revelation of the bathhouse that there are no guards, and that the metal grated door has been torn asunder… from the inside.
+2 days
Victims 4 + 5 mundane gear is worth about 200sc. It includes a medical kit with 10 salve (1 per wound) and 3 bandages (Medical check +1 healing). There is also a fancy dining kit worth 50sc. They had 2 medium shields, and studded leather each. There is a halberd with a decorated pole and blade worth about 1750 (balanced: +1 initiative and +1 attack), and a longsword.
Long Rest
Meet with Contact
League of the White Lily?
== GM NOTE ==
9/9/2023 We are just going to proceed with the adventure as it currently is. You are looking into the old family crypts and to confirm some suspicions about the records in the official family chapel in the keep. Party is down one member for this session.
CY 9143 month 1, day 19
Destruction of the Monster of Zerburre –
Erdon the Formless – a monster mimic – went into torpor (apparently not killed by the Burren ancestor) until the earthquake opened up enough of the rubble to allow it to escape. There is a fight in the bathhouse, where it has taken the place of the owners sister. Reminiscent of “The Thing” a horrible fight takes place where they kill it. There is a massive celebration.
Someone is spreading rumors the PCs set it all up. The crypts are closed by the family and sealed – no more ceremonies or offerings to be done there ever again.
The PCs brace the Sunbelt Merchants and Connor Jackshon their leader in Pellan over the clash with the elves over the Saivelaugh Accord. On your way out of Zerburre, you made a pit stop in the west Athla Hill country, and were headed to Pellan, gathering volunteers and trying to raise support for your cause.
This is the name the group adopts!
Along the road you stop west of Athla Hills. Word goes out that you intend on challenging the Sunbelt Merchants and taking back the logging rights for the Riverdans. There is no word from their allies, the Burren family in the capital of Zerburre. Over the next couple days, a few ragtag volunteers come in – scouts, hunters, and teamsters mostly. All told about 15 men flock to your cause, along with a few families and camp whores. You move on to the Pellan Cross and the Pellan Fields south of the river. Here you encounter your first opposition. After a couple days, a hunting force is met with long range skirmishers – mercenaries stationed in Pellan wearing the colors of the Sun Axes (a bonded mercenary band out of country Faer and associated with the merchant group). It seems word is spreading. The main road is clear – travelers are fearing rising tensions and word is spreading. After another couple days, a few militia from Athlapoole arrive and sightings of enemy scouts are constant. A rider comes from the Athla Hills direction, bringing word from the ranger Ken (Kenneth) – your contact in Faer. It seems a force of ex-soldiers who want to settle in the Athla Hills and their families are making their way to your position. Your own scouts tell you that a barricade has been set up on the road north of Pellan. A messenger from the Burren family demands that you immediately drop this show of force, disabuse the notion of wrongdoing to all present, and take anyone wishing to settle the territories they granted Belim to them and abide in peace or they will end his Sheriff’s appointment.
TOTAL: 15 light irregulars, 5 light infantry, 25 logistics/dependents, 8 light skirmishers
Kenneth messages the PCS – there is a supporter sending troops for a confrontation between the Burren family and allies Sunbelt Merchants. The PCs will get a messenger, asking them to meet on the road north of Pellan.
CY 9143 month 1, day 24
Belim writes a missive and sends it to Athlapoole – to be distributed in a few days to coincide with a likely battle…
“The current rulers of Bondeu have failed to adequately protect its people, resources, wealth, and prospects. Rather than standing by, we choose to put our own lives at stake to right these wrongs; and in place of support, we’re offered attempts at intimidation to coerce us to inaction. To those who would leave Bondeu under the heel of its adversaries: We reject these threats and choose to fight for the good of this country, not the comfort and enrichment of its rulers.”
-Carli the absolutely beautiful bard (3rd level; lore/20 comeliness), traveling to the north, hears word of the Grimm curse being lifted and tracks the party down. “I was traveling through Cerrans Grant to East River Run when rumors of the Athla Hill Country opening up again were circulating. I checked into it, and your names were the ones mentioned. Almost had caught up to you in Zerburre, but then I hear that you’ve upset the balance of power. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to chronicle this… whatever it is.” She seems to be gravitating more towards the paladin – a noble knight (normally the symbol of power and authority), and is redirected to the tough front man, but eventually ends up with the nutjob half elf who wears a new disguise daily and uses his portent magic to win a perfect reaction with her (essentially the best panty-dropping pickup line ever heard in Dunstrand, but will never get chronicled). She will travel with them to chronicle their journey to restore justice. Shes from Grand Barony of Fandelok south of dunstrand and east of umbak.
About 4th day on the Pellan Fields off the main road, a fast riding messenger arrives from the north: “I am Kielan, and I am a Trail Dove of Dunstrand – I have been instructed to find you and deliver this message.” De’Vosa notices the messenger came in from off road, unerringly, before entering the road just north. The Trail Doves are a messenger service out of Dunstrand, once a branch of House Malor but independent now.
You are given a sealed scroll tube. The messenger says “I am told no reply is needed. I bid you good day, and remind you that the services of the Trail Doves are secure and fast… (he looks around) Well, perhaps less so in the Riverdans, but the nobles here avail themselves sometimes of affiliate services… good day to you!” With that, he remounts his mule and rides north, the way he came.
Greetings seekers of the bloodlines. You have more allies than you know. I seek to provide aid, such that I can. Your mission is known to a select few and it seems you are forcing issues ahead of schedule. Some of these few think to abandon you to your fate, others (of which I am one) believe that you should be supported. Please travel west of Pellan and meet me at the old ruins of the caravanserai of Cleight’s Bend – the family there has a bunkhouse for travelers and is sympathetic to our cause. I will be there in three days’ time. Do not go to Pellan in the meantime or confront the forces of the Sunbelt Merchants gathering near there. I will be alone, and you will know me by a yellow bandana.
The group recounts what they know about Cleight’s Bend. Three and the bard decide to go there, scout it out for a couple days to make sure its not a trap, and rendezvous.
The entire crew backs off, recrosses the river and marches 5 miles to edge of woods and makes a defensive camp. The camp is made in the dry riverbed of the old nanford. The followers think it is auspicious. Behind makes his horse chase an owl away to play on the fears of the peasant culture. The group has a week of food and water. Belim orates to the entire group and can get the nearly three dozen combatants each morning in his rallying speech.
> no one tries to obscure camp…
After going there and scouting, even meeting with one of the Cleight Family and staying the night there disguised as a traveler, Belim insists they find a high spot and see if they can learn more about the flying creatures they have seen twice but cannot make out. By freak chance, they scale a small hill with a perfectly framed view south over the small river to an area a few large insects are going in and out of! Giant wasps!
They meet with the family, find out that strange creatures have been attacking prey in the area (impacting hunting and their ability to provide to travelers in the caravanserai they operate). The wasps have, in actuality, killed a couple farm hands and livestock dogs! The PCs agree to search, knowing already where they problem lies. The family offers to help, but Belim gives an excuse. The eldest son seems to be very calm, and believes they will be back for their help since its such a big area.
The group decides to attack at night, when the majority of the hive is resting and lethargic. They use mint from the family gardens to make a spray they disperses the pheromones of the wasps to reduce the swarming effect. The queen’s pocket in the dried up pond is discovered after the 2 soldier wasps are killed quickly at night. Faerie fire lights up the pocket – a small swarm, the queen and her soldier are attacked. The queen goes in deeper into a warren they did not know about (they find out later it was an old lizard folk lair, abandoned when the river changed course). The queen take a couple rounds to come out of lethargy – she is guarded by 4 goblins with dung encrusted AND poisoned weapons! Belim draws on his action surge to lay waste to the queen before she can attack, and De’Vosa and he take out the goblins with solid tactics from the paladin and a fools headlong rush and trap triggering by Belim – who gets the ceiling caving in on him.
They cast around and find a figure layered and buried in the mud standing up – like an egg planted victim in Aliens. Insects – centipedes, wasps, ants carry food into her mouth and take away the excretion. As her own lethargy wears off and she struggles to break free, De’Vosa recognizes her countenance exactly – she is the daughter of the hag they killed from the ancient tower home of the Cunaigh family! Shes come to avenge her mother! Belim smashes the orb, a Nymph Eye that grants its owner the ability to possess targets, that is embedded with her in the mud. It would have charmed one of them and taken them out of the combat, but Belim is granted a strange vision from the local area when the horrific eye – staring at him, is broken and the spirit imprisoned within given release! De’Vosa smites and the magical and combat might of the party is focused on her – the most powerful things that they can bring to bear. Her disadvantaged state causes her to go last, and fortunately she is dispatched anticlimactically before she can do much. #sad
The Vision: Like through a glass, darkly, you see scenes of a dragon colored blue and it’s hunters. There is a great battle, many are killed, and the dragon is triumphant though wounded heavily – its blood cast over a large area and turns blue. The fallen knight that led the host carried some sort of orb they thought would protect them… that was taken south by battlefield scavengers. The flora seems familiar – perhaps nearby.
> A voice is heard in your head… A word of power that compels – when spoken it will pull power through the void and force a target to answer a single question, divulging as much as they know.
None of the family were involved and no innocents killed. They are groggy and reveal enough information that the party can tell they were possessed at different times. It would have been disastrous if the party had used them as guides and their bodies would have attacked the party – forcing the PCs to kill them probably. The family is very grateful. Belim tells them what the group is doing and their cause. A couple older boys from the family join the cause and return with them. They recruit one friend on their way. The group returns to the hidden camp. They can see outsiders from Pellan in the area as they return along the road – it seems as if their camp position is known to the enemy.
CY 9143, Month 1, Day 29
TOTAL: 15 light irregulars (leather + improvised buckler (AC 12); dagger, spear), 5 light infantry (studded leather + light shield (AC 14/1 resilience); spear, dagger), 11 light skirmishers (AC 11; dagger, slings or self bow)
+ 25 logistics/dependents (hand axe or dagger); Morale = low (automatically flee if their current leader goes down)
CY 9143, Month 2, Day 4
TOTAL: 20 light irregulars (leather + improvised buckler (AC 12); dagger, spear), 7 light infantry (studded leather + light shield (AC 14/1 resilience); spear, dagger), 11 light skirmishers (AC 11; dagger, slings or self bow)
+ 29 logistics/dependents (hand axe or dagger); Morale = low (automatically flee if their current leader goes down)
CONDITION/SUMMARY: All your forces (Fighter 1st) would be considered light and very mobile. The logistics/dependents (zero level) are not going to capable of following any complex plan. They are a mob however, and Belim has been drilling them for days and using his leadership abilities. Once use of Commanders Strike will serve for multiple of them to get a surge attack as long as he personally is leading them. You have a total of 67. You will go through all your food in about 5 more days.
De’Vosa Actions: Training the newbs and holding regular services in the evenings for any who want to attend. While the volunteers have not been told he is a landed knight, but they see him as one.PCs Scouting Results = ??? The total professional forces in Pellan are only about 30 (but all professionals and more heavily armored/armed than your forces), plus some locally recruited scouts/screeners. The head of the Sunbelt Merchants group has stayed in Pellan, along with his right hand man who is a priest of Balthazaar. Theres a group of half dozen loggers – strong with axes. There is a group of 4 mounted screeners – generally not combatants but harassers. There are screeners operating around the town, constantly on the lookout for approach – it probably cannot be by stealth. The majority of their forces are light full kit infantry that normally operates as caravan escort. They have pulled them all in. There is a core of half a dozen veterans EXTREMELY loyal to Othric (who looks to be about 45 years old!). They have also pressed into service the local watchmen (though are paying them hazard pay). All total, about 40 combatants and a dozen or so that will, once their scouting is done, will flee to the edges of the battlefield. Thus far, The mercantile leaders seemed to have stayed in town. Banner of the mercenary group now fly openly in Pellan, along with the of the Sun Belt MErchants in their compound.
Beedel’s Animal friendship day before: You can probably find a Boar. It’s not going to serve as a soldier but if you do get into combat it will be an ally giving you the help action every round which basically gives you advantage on one of your attacks per round.
Approach: {Belim} Whatever the composition of our forces, this is our first battle and we have to keep the tactics of troop movement, attack, defense, etc. relatively straightforward. ‘Less conventional’ tactics will be the domain of our characters (and NPCs) with powers beyond simple combat.
Condition: Outnumbered = NO – If we’re outnumbered, we’ll put the mobile units on our right wing only and attempt to roll that enemy flank back on itself.
Condition: Adv or match = YES – If the forces are roughly evenly matched, or if we have a numerical advantage, we’ll put more mobile units on each wing and attempt a flanking/encircling maneuver.
Organization of Units: Less mobile forces will be massed in the middle to cover each other and provide a solid center.
Basic Tactics: If flanking succeeds the goal is to drive enemy forces back on themselves and drive them against our massed center.
PLANNED PARLEY: {Belim} Start with a request to parley; state terms that SB merchants and their forces must leave Bondeu; but really this is meant to be an opportunity for intimidation and weakening the confidence of enemy leadership. Devosa’s (and anyone else’s) looks and ‘presence’, intimidation skill from Belim + cutting words from Cali if we can coordinate some kind of contested checks; any other subtle ways to erode confidence. To be clear, we don’t want them to actually leave – we want to fight them but with diminished confidence. So we’ll make the terms unacceptably bad so we don’t accidentally have them surrender, somehow. (Leave all your equipment, all your money, blah blah)
CY 9143, Month 2, Day 5
scouts say the road block has been increased in the number of people manning it; the PCs bypass it going overland but leave Rabat behind to watch and make sure no forces are coming up from flank or behind.
PARLEY OUTCOME: There is no change in the demeanor. The Merchant agent contingent watches from the edge of town, including a known cleric and his attendant, and a Wizard of the Halas Blaze war brotherhood.
An ambush of the ground using magic and an attempt to steer the battle there is thwarted by a dust devil storm – the first taste of magic in battle the PCs have seen.
The battle is over in a matter of about 15 minutes just north of the town of Pellan – the head of the loggers, Jessup Finch, manages to sway the loggers to put down their arms while they are fighting with the head of the mercenaries, Othric, and roll the mercenaries right flank. A few of the mercenaries are killed and wounded, but most are captured for bond. It takes several minutes to untangle the combat and then go through formal negotiations and surrender. Othric certainly had no desire to be caught in the middle of a civil war, and does not want to entertain fighting for the PCs. They hand over their war chest and promissory bond notes and keep their gear. They are escorted to their camp and take several days of food and drink, personal monies, and field equipment and head back to wherever merchant city their bond is out of.
The town is quiet – not a soul is stirring outdoors as they all wait to see what comes after the battle. Despite reassurances, the locals wait to see if any other forces ‘take the field’. As you survey the town, only a few animal sounds can be heard. After several minutes, from one house on the north’s chimney belches black smoke – blowing south. Its probably some signal to the townsfolk that it is over, though they still wait to see what happens next.
In the mean time, the merchant agents have retreated to a fancy two story house in the town of Pellan. The PCs attack it, and the house is caught in an explosions and flames. All the merchant agents are slain. Jessup Finch gathers the loggers and forms a fire brigade to keep the flames from spreading. A makeshift medical camp is set up on the north side of town where mercenaries and volunteers that were wounded are being treated. There is a general search to make sure no more merchant forces are hidden in town.
At sun down, a full accounting has been made. While the townsfolk and PCs make sure there is no further damage and make sure no other Sunbelt agents are fleeing or hiding, a group of their agents infiltrated their office in the logging camp and made off with the company treasury. The PCs find out later when a few of the townsfolk report that they saw them enter and flee as fast as they could, laden with a strong box. A few of the tools in the logging camp were spiked for sabotage, but were fixed as Jessup’s reputation among the loggers swayed their loyalty. Though the treasury may have been absconded with, there is a full set of equipment, scribes and accounting materials, and transport materials. A runner is sent to Rabat and those manning the barricade.
CY 9143, Month 2, Day 6
The next day the baggage train arrives in the town. The barricade on the road to the north is emptied and materials brought back – it turns out those manning it were pressed into service… bypassing it was a decision that probably saved their lives. The townsfolk rest and the town is mostly silent. Scouts are positioned along all the roads.
The sun rises on the second day after the battle and there is a quiet sense of normalcy hanging in the air. There is a crowd at the logging camp and folks are wondering what to do next. The volunteers in your rag tag army are wondering what the next steps are. There is enough in the logging camp to sustain them for a week, but your army has to be kept fed and supplied. Foragers have been sent out, but word reaches you of rumors that whispering voices (word is some say they are elvish) are heard from the Grebell Forest and they are afraid of pulling more trees or even hunting or foraging at its edges. There is sure to be a lot of runners and messengers scattering across the entire Riverdan right now. Those with relatives in nearby settlements have already sent word where possible.
Belim (and Beedel to protect him) heads to the edge of the forest. When the wind blows, there is a faint whispering! Se sends B’hiem to ride an hour in each direction to ensure its intended for them, and it falls silent in both directions about .5km outside of the edges of town and logging camp. The elvish voices are warning the faelen (human) to not let their petty violence spill into the forest. Belim speaks loudly that he swears it will not be. Upon this, the whispers fall silent. It takes the rest of the day to calm the townsfolk and get things back to normal. By nightfall, the first few interested parties from the logging town to the east arrives to confirm the rumors.
Rabat and B’heim have been working on listening to the townsfolk. Theres a lot of questions on what next for the volunteers. Are you done? Is this a rebellion? Who is going to pay? Are there uniforms? Everyone knows you are waiting for the bond money, in the mean time will they get paid? Certainly no one would trust Carig the money lender in Pellan? He worked with the Sunbelt Merchants. Belim gives the same speech he gave to the recruits initially.
The current rulers of Bondeu have failed to adequately protect its people, resources, wealth, and prospects. Rather than standing by, we choose to put our own lives at stake to right these wrongs; and in place of support, we’re offered attempts at intimidation to coerce us to inaction. To those who would leave Bondeu under the heel of its adversaries: We reject these threats and choose to fight for the good of this country, not the comfort and enrichment of its rulers.
The river changed course and the old men complained; the Duke gave Cerran’s Grant to the Riverdans and the old men let the Twin Rivers and criminals take it away; the trade roads are fallen to disrepair and lawlessness, and the old families do nothing; the Athla Hills fell into darkness for fifty years and the rulers let the people flee their homes and dwindle. The time of the old men has passed.
Cali is in the audience and supports his words. There is a low hum of enthusiasm, but the poverty and a thousand years of being beaten down mentally weigh heavy. A few more of the townsfolk come over to your “army” to ask questions and a half dozen more join in the hopes of accomplishing something. The volunteers from Athlapoole seem the most vocal and persuasive. Speaking of which, you get a letter from Addoye in the evening asking what should Athlapoole do? They are afraid of reprisals from the Burren family. Word has spread that Belim’s appointment as sheriff has been revoked and he is wanted “for questioning”. This was a couple days ago, by now the family is getting word. You have no spies in Zerburre and dont know whats going on there… but you should prepare for the worst. Its going to be a few more days before the wounded are healed.
@ +3 days after the battle!
CY 9143, Month 2, Day 8