FROM: Last Treasury of Ancient Blood (pt 1) – this is what is left over:
12 +1 arrows that ignore natural (trees, brush, rock outcrop, etc.) minor or major cover (not full) – crafted from cattails of the Athla Hills by the druids of the Briarwood there.
> Normally a full or crit destroys an arrow. On a full in Dunstrand Vale, a d6 is rolled. The arrow only is destroyed in a 1 on a d6. Otherwise, it can be recovered.
= Gifted to Bron by Samedi!
Feywyld Crystal shard that glows moonlight 10′ and is +1 magical. This is fashioned into a spear tip and enchanted by the Church of Light in the Burning Stone Forge in the City of Pareado of County Faer as a favor to De’Vosa. The wielder must Attune themselves to it (1 Essence) = It does an additional base d4(2/4/8) dmg vs. normally corporeal undead, +1 DC on turning.
Pristine magical feather – 1/Day wielder may cast feather fall spell – augmented by the druids of the Briarwood in the Athla Hills.
Fine dagger (+1 silvered, non-magical)
‘Wizard’s Safemark’ – A brassard worn on the arm that was crafted by the Wizards of League of the White Lily using remnants of materials from the heroes of the Athla Hill campaign, it augments a wizard’s normal capabilities. The wielder must be a wizard of at least 2nd level and Attune themselves to it (1 Essence) = If the wielder has the Detect Magic spell as a ritual spell, the range is doubled. Additionally, there is a scroll with the Ritual of Safemark binding which the wizard may use if they possess the Shield spell and Mage Hand cantrip. They must sacrifice 1hp permanently as part of the ritual, and they may cast the Shield spell on themselves 1/day without using a spell slot. Additionally, they may cast Shield through their own spell slot on an ally within the same range as Mage Hand. If they possess Oath: Fidelity to the League of the White Lily, they may cast Blade ward (as a Reaction!) 1/day as well on themselves.
Dark-Spawn Loot/Goods: The selling of Orrish made goods/loot outside the Dark Lands has serious issues, and often the best value is 10% of normal.