A Record of Service to Milord Adalius

A Record of Events and Expenditures in Service of Milord Adalius

Current members :
Mikel Farrier, Bostric Marden, Jairo, Nail, Macchus Vali, Kirg

Assembled on Spring 1st, CY 9166

Day 1:
Pre-employment test- find four hidden jars

Nail is arrested for guard bribery
Jairo is fined for disturbing the peace
Jairo is arrested for guard bribery

Mission successful, meet back tomorrow for employment results

Day 2:
Contract signed
Obey the laws of the earldom
On retainer, payed 2s/day to be available for summons
5s/day in the field
Basic travel allowance for basic food, lodging and necessities
Paid upon completion of retrieval, or at the end of the week
All items acquired during missions must be returned to Earl Adalius for inspection, and a bonus will be paid for extra items found

Quest: find a book
A farmer’s journal: Krohn, writes poetry
Settlement – roughly 2 ½ days away
Buy with allotted $

Set out today:
Nail legally sanctions a duel between Bostric and an Jack the Shepherd. Bostric is victorious, all bets are covered and recompensed

Day 3

Day 4: 2pm arrival at settlement
Krohn is dead, seek his descendants
Liam, Krohn’s grandson has been paid, we were welcomed to any remaining items in the former farmstead
Nail’s ankle is sprained in search

Items acquired:
1 flask
4 journals, binding damaged
One rock (on Nails person)
Old doll (on Kirgs person)
Fine bowl, polished

Day 4: head home
Arrive at home, day 6, 2pm arrival

Day 8, spring week 2: Mission assigned – investigate “haunted” house
2 ½ days travel
Day 11: arrival

Preliminary assessment: small manse, two levels, one solarium, private chapel + cemetery, built against a swamp. High walls, one gate

Macchus injured during regular investigation
Jairo injured in flagration incident
Nail injured, incapacitated for his own safety
Bostric injured during regular investigation

Findings: study– books, compulsion to record autobiography. Potentially causes death–13 finished, “and now I die.” Names match gravestones
Ballroom – mannequins staged for dance. Gramophone removed
Powder Room – mirror, compulsion for preening. Mirror broken, doppelgangers emerged (defeated)
Solarium – large honeypot plant, produces some form of acid
Fireplace: secret passage in chimney– hidden junk room. 8-year-oldish child wearing signet ring. Very malnourished, many scars (tortured), very pale.
Graves: names on gravestones match finished autobiography; Zombies are raised from graves on contact with graves/stones
Chapel: windows w/ slats, 1 door (carved, locked, no traps. 1 key, 2 reliefs adjacent: 1 ring, 1 jewel). Emblem of light church, but no entry for light. Closed with abjuration?

Day 13:
Upstairs: Child’s room: doll-house with illusion magic. Ghost doll (destroyed), visible in dollhouse. Also visible: hands+glowing eyes under bed downstairs.

Downstairs bedroom: trapdoor under bed.

Cellar: ladder down. Water at bottom. Represses light.
5 barred cells: open, full of cracked bones, broach in water
Wine cellar
Guard room
Torture room: feral ghoul (defeated). Head returned for evidence
Retrieved a key and broach for chapel

Child has legal claim to the estate as son of the original family. Father tortured his children. Some form of curse involved. Father became ghoul.

Human skeleton on altar, knife in chest.
Upon door opening, depressurized
Altar radiates cold. Sigil on tapestry under skeleton
Altar produces mental voice offering the manse in reward for sacrifice.

Ringing the bell awakens the dead in the graveyard.
All undead have been dispatched, appropriate rites performed by Jairo.
Mannequins awakened.

Jairo’s goat has been killed, request funds for replacement.
Oil flask emptied, request replacement

Arrows expended:10

All party members injured in combat with undead and animations
Kirg perished in combat: request appropriate funerary rites. Corpse retrieved for burial.

Leave the manor, rest and attempt recovery.

Day 16: second day of long rest
Current Party: Macchis Vali, Jairo, Mikel Farrier, Saul of Penn, Nail, Bostric

Final day of Rest
Nail hears Careless Whispers

Day 22 rest ended
3 days travel to return home
Home day 25
Each Paid 81s(work)+10s (party loss)+40s (danger pay)

Day 27 Kirg’s funeral
1 week downtime
Holiday in 5 days: floating of the baskets. Won’t be on call

Current Party: Macchis Vali, Jairo, Mikel Farrier, Saul of Penn, Nail, Bostric, Gaius, Tim

2 days downtime
Day 37 -Payday
Paid 18 s each

New mission-day 42
A cave was revealed by an earthquake. found bones and cave drawings. Investigate. Adalius to accompany.

Preliminary assessment: some form of crypt. Bodies laid to rest deliberately, with small trinkets.
Cave paintings indicate multiple purposes in the structure, possibly initially a shelter before a crypt. Similar to Nacrean culture. Likely between 3000–8000 years old.

Rope handrail laid. Cave turns downward. Natural reservoir, tunnel extending further in.

Room with writing, sickening moss pollen (wetted for safety)
Magical lights along walls, respond to presence.
Writing similar to druidic or celestial?
Stone double doors, open when knocked

2nd room has rats, 2 sand pits
Sand pits cause lethargy.
Room causes irritability
Passages to sides: lift doors, very heavy

3rd room has sand pit with stone in center,
4 pools around: 3 glowing stones retrieved from pools.
Room causes distraction
Sitting on stone causes a meditory hallucination
Mirror on farthest wall, shows personal self-impression. Inset in wall.

Injuries sustained by Macchus, Mikel during normal investigative duties

Current Party Members: Macchus Vali, Mikel Farrier, Timlin, Jairo, Gaius

Level Up for all dungeon participants

Message from Countess, New Quest.
-reports from a hamlet of disappearing travelers. Rumors of large humanoid bird–harpy?
Traveling to address issue

Day and a half travel

Harpy dispatched
Macchus sustained injuries combatting Harpy
1 night spent in field
Day& ½ return

Archeology stuff

Camp infiltrated by shadowy creature. Creature dispatched.

Payday: 45s each