Posted on February 4, 2025
Armor Suits are Defensive Measures that are worn. An appropriately sized and fitted set of Armor will have the same relative impact on Encumbrance, regardless of size. In many settings, there any many individual Notable suits of armor with long histories.
Basic Role: Let PC members pick one each
Designated Healer: Roll under wisdom for each target PC +1 healing on a rest
Designated Athlete: Open doors +1
Designated Investigator: +1 spot hidden
Designated Occultist: Detect Magic # times = int bonus
Designated Scout: f/r trap
Designated Scholar: Roll under INT to know something relevant
Socializer: +1 for hiring NPCs/reactions
SPEC Role (has requirements) Fighter, Elf, Dwarf
Ranged-Harrier = Ranged goes before movement if initiative is won
Charge-Leader= +1 to hit specific creature type if initiative is won
Line-Holder = can direct a Hireling Shield Wall (these three auto make morale checks)
> 3 hirelings carry a shield each for additional +1 ac and they take dmg and heal as a unit; when they “die””, the wall breaks, shields and armor are sundered and they all die. At least one enemy must engage them, The line may protect 1 other character each round preventing them from being targeted unless there are more than three attacks in melee range.
One character will be the “Recruiter” – the person recruiting retainers (cannon fodder) and setting their morale – usually person with the highest Charisma score
Each player will control 1 retainer normally, the Recruiter any extra. Retainers share paired PC initiative and can go first so the PC can use as few resources as possible and make the best choices.
Posted on February 4, 2025
iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip
When checking for Reactions (2d6) with an NPC or monster, it will be noted that you can bribe them as an alternative to get a desired result. If you choose to employ Reactions, you cannot bribe afterwards if it fails.
Intelligence will also grant a adjustment when searching an area (1 in d6 to notice something normally).
Posted on February 4, 2025
iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip
Death Wounds: A character taking damage that drops them below 1 permanently takes a death wound. Unless they can be healed to 1 or higher before the end of the round, they will die. They are considered Wounded and can ONLY heal no more than their Constitution modifier (min 1) – regardless of magic or multiple sources – for each rest until they regain all their HP.
Resting (24 hours full rest) can be done roughly (in the field – Bad Rest; -1 on Rest checks) or comfortably (in a bed with good food and care – Good Rest; +1 on Rest checks).
Apothecaries are places of healing and recovery. It is assumed all settlements of any size have access to Basic Medical Facilities. Many sell healing potions and lesser (natural) materials. It is assumed they are a place of Good Rest and safe (no encounters). Additionally some have Medical Services:
(neutral; no modifier on Rest checks). This translates to: <=2 [1hp] / 3-4 [2hp] / 5+ [3hp].
Posted on February 4, 2025
iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip
Minotaur Madness of Matchalck by Kelly Jon Berger is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
WARNING – This is NOT FOR EVERYONE. The DnD Basic rules are not the DnD you are used to – like or dislike the current edition, its got some key differences. Power is seriously nerfed. There is little variations between classes, race is a class and modify more than class alone, etc. See session details and pre-made characters for more information.
Is surrender an option?
The only retainers that will be available to the party are human/level 0 (“normal human”) – this was a common means of using cannon fodder to prevent character death.
Delvers Maw
2nd level characters x 4 min 8-10 total levels under 4th)
Made by rock worms; carrion craw. Overhang thats fortified. 5 miles away from civilization.
– building attack tunnels inthree directions
Staging point
Mission: hit them hard while three tunnels used and forces tie them up, destroy cave mana/supplies/equipment
Posted on February 4, 2025
iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip
iBase Congregations are groups of pious characters that are tended to by a Cleric, who is its leader. All members of a congregation must be the same alignment (or Neutral) and follow the same deity as its leader. A Cleric PC can be a congregation leader. They can have a maximum number in members equal to their Charisma # retainers in their congregation. All congregation members must have a consecrated holy symbol for the benefits to be taken advantage of.Original Shared Faith Materials for iBase.