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The Guards of Maithen Plateau

Posted on March 5, 2025

Part of/Prelude to Disturbance at Spakaya – The Dog Fort of the Riverdans – an Incarna adventure.

GM Setup: Background/Current State


A force of Orrish have been sent by Ushtay (attendant of a Black Herald of Everdark) to The Maithen Plateau to secure the passage to Spakaya – The Dog Fort of the Riverdans against potential threats and ensure that the ancient evil standard can be recovered. They got sidetracked from scouting and securing and have been seeking loot in the earthquake-opened Watch Vault; Going through the rubble and finding bodies of defenders and Orrish swept into the back chamber during flood and crushed/drowned. The way was sealed and warded and these left to rot. The Orrish have been going through and stacking up loot for weeks!

These will follow the typical Steel Realms Orrish Fighting Forces and Tactics.

They are led by Ar-etey; Unholy trio OrcPaladin 5th >
STR 18, CON 17, PER 15 > Health: 35+15 = 50
Champions of Strength and Darkness > w/3 Shadows
Hide Armor (2 Resilience/min 17 STR) and a Maul (2d6; 13/18/28 + 2 resilience)

Current State: A rare bred formorian giant Colossi of Nihilism, Twistings, and Piercing Depths came with them – protected from the sun-bane by its chaos aura. Drawn to the residual anima energy in White Lake, it climbed to the heights and sunk within the sunless depths of the lake – it sends its fog banks and storms out and senses through them. It leaves the rest of the party sent alone, and they leave it alone – not knowing what else to do at this point. Neither will come to the aid of the other.

The Plateau of Mists

The anima forces the druids unleashed still ripple in the depths of White Lake. The forces led by the champion of the Unholy Trio witnessed the off-spawn giant crawl into White Lake and have since learned how it communicates via elemental messenger and leave it alone. They have grown confident to leave off their mission to it, and have begun looking to loot the area, having found the recent earthquakes have reopened the entrance to the Watch Vault of Kayul.

Normal visions chance % +


  • 1-6 normal
  • 7 = cloudy, fog banks roll out of hills onto the plateau intermittently
  • 8 = overcast, foggy, and rainy (50% thunderous)
  • 9 = overcast, rainy, and sharp wind gusts of 50kmph (75% thunderous)
  • 10 = Substantial downdrafts, buffeting winds, rain off and on, spontaneous mists, thunder and lighting.
    > Movement halved; large fog banks roll out of hills enveloping travelers until wind lashes it away
  • 11 = Dark storm clouds, rainy, thunderous, wind gusts of 90kmph
    > Movement halved; freezing mists that form intermittently – encrusting ground and whatever it touches in frost
  • 12 = Lightning storms, cloud river deluge can sweep characters away in wash outs,
    > Movement halved; freezing mists that form intermittently – encrusting ground and whatever it touches in frost, thunder causes a vacuum after – sucking the wind out of characters and living things

= Chance to understand its all coming from the high lake!

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Exploring the Ruins of Arvban Keep /DONE

Posted on February 6, 2025

Exploring the Ruins of Arvban Keep takes place in Arvban Keep – Picket Keep of the Riverdans.

Current Situation

An advanced war party has arrived in the keep ruins. Scouts explored the area a couple times – coming overland and mapping out a route for the Rock Worms from the Hawktail Hills. The second pair was small enough to get into the collapsed pit to the under caverns, killing one as it gave way. River Rangers of Tufflim tracked them and reported the trail and a ranger in Bondeu checked out the places they were likely to go and spotted them. Three bands of 15 goblins each have arrived. The first two were overland, the last recently, by Rock Worm tunnel – all from the Hawktail Hills to the east. The last group -sappers – came with a shaman, a worm tender, and their minions. The shaman summoned a swarm of bats from the surrounding hills as a day watchers and alarm bell. The goblins have been working to clear the under cavern and collect treasure.


Washout: 3 rocks set to trigger with rope
W = Watcher (Spider and nurth rider with whistle for bats. )

Upper Keep

2 rhoon @ day – trinkets, money wooden nickels
2 giblin
4 rhoon – trinkets, money wooden nickels; Hide, plank dex 9, con 15; 15hp
Bat swarm
Jr shaman, Warlock 1 (minor pact) invoc =
Necklace of fingers including children!; sun steeler charm=when he dies by combat eldritch blasts lashes out at killer

The goblin shaman had a note of another shaman coming and a calendar marked with an exact date/time for the ritual of interloper defiance! Also had note on when they could expect another group of 15 goblins to arrive – could have been ambushed! There is a note as well “dig in corner, pay hoo-mans, more help”;

Fire pits all covered.

Cornerstone Dig Site

There is digging equipment scattered about and an obvious attempt to dig and break out a deep cornerstone of the keep’s wall.

Dc 15

Corner stone relics from the keep if the pcs can get them – they will find the goblins are trying to excavate it:

Cornerstone Loot: Lady’s lace shawl (40sc), a silver bracket with the Arvban family name (100), a silvered shortsword with a leather sheath with Arvban family crest stitched on it, several stone and wood engravings with eastern Osten Paullus sayings on them (mostly focused on the Rasturi aspect; 50sc), a banner in a wax sealed quiver of the Arvban family crest (50sc), a bird nest with 4 eggs, a wooden army set from the dead brother of the Arvban namesake (30sc), an ancient blessed Holy Symbol of Whelm (still empowered; 50sc), a wreath of the holy symbol of Darupet (preserved – will begin to age once it is removed… but empowered for 2 months). A stone tablet with an engraved ode to Lady Celia Arvban (25sc).

Covered Area

Tarps cover this area, using the remnants of the wall as anchor points. At its edge, half exposed to the light is a camp fire pit that obviously has had recent use. Nothing seems to stir… you estimate at least 6-7 goblins could fit under it.
Day: 4 goblins are sleeping
Night: 4 goblins are on paired patrol

Open Campsite

A pair of bedrolls sits next to a small campfire. Next to it is a stack of foraged wood – enough for days.
Day: 4 Rhoon awake
Night: 4 Rhoon asleep

A couple of the passageways have had canvas covers put on them to hide them/camouflage them.
Net trap – a goblin can trigger it to drop from the ceiling
Pit trap w/Animated skeleton of black bear they killed!
Noose trap 3d6 + suffocate
Branch/spike trap 6+2d6
snag trap
falling stone trap

Under Keep

Alarm spell at one point = entrance to under caverns
Spider of Go-zenx 2 @Daylight; @Night they are in #__
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/5e_SRD:Giant_Spider – webs covering the entrances to underkeep

2 Nurth scouts w/spider eyes
Goblins – https://dnd5e.wikidot.com/lineage:goblin
Lead by a https://www.5esrd.com/database/creature/goblin-hill-champion/
2 spider riders
Shaman of Gloombringer – https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Goblin_Shaman_(5e_Creature)
Orrish calendar with a date marked out for the Rite of the Interloper’s Defiance in about 30 days
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/5e_SRD:Swarm_of_Bats x2 – controlled with drum + whistle
> 1 is used as warning alarm in daylight hours

Pit to the Under Caverns

25’ deep hole into the ceiling of a cavern below.
This is trapped, and rubble can push pcs into the pit into the cavers below.

Under Caverns

The under caverns were not really even known to the normal inhabitants of the fort. Old family treasure was hidden in it – normally accessed from the stream that ran into the ravine. This was widened, and sealed up again when the treasure was interred. Those who knew where it was were killed in a different battle about a dozen years later. The goblins thought they had found a king’s treasury with what they could see – the cavern has been collapsing slowly over hundreds of years. Its a kings treasury to them, but hardly the bounty they thought.

Carrion crawler (spawn of the rock worms) = entrance to the tunnel shaft into the underlands. Can crawl along the ceiling and surprise.

Coal Vein

DC 15 Perception – light is needed!

Pushing through some rubble and dust, you come across a vein of coal in the cavern – certainly a fortunate circumstance as it could be used without having to bring fuel in.

A Special Kind of Coal

[ i ] -> stone craft, mining, or smithing of any kind; DC 17

Here is also a vein of metallurgical coal they meant to mine to make high quality steel.

> As a finders free, the PCs can negotiate action (persuade vs. persuade) or just accept the average. The reward can be granted as a Rolling Reward.
Position of strength = advantage
Average: a +1 dmg dagger for each PC
Major: Minimum + 10 arrows/bolts with +1 damage for each PC
Extraordinary: Major + Craft Token = armor repair in Riverdans for each PC

Hidden Hoard from the Rebellion

In the caverns was a slab covering
DC 22 Perception = Slot for pry bar.

one of the hoards of the family from the Arvban rebellion (PCs could get a % share of value) – there was some slight blackmailing that could have happened, and a share of the value of the items found. Blackmail from correspondence. Engraved on the underside of the lid covering the shelf “For family, for honor, for Bondeu”

[ normal goods ] 4 religious offering bowls
4 silver settings + cookware
9 alabaster vases
12 statuettes – icons of the wyld faith archetypes
Partial family history on engraved tablets
3 sets crystal decanters
40 family trinkets
20 sets of campware for trekking
11 trade bars
1,462 sc
2,801 copper
2 fine long swords
5 short swords
10 maces
20 hand axes
30 spears
30 daggers
40 helmets
3 suits half chain
Dozens of rotting leather + studded
30 small wood shields
4 short bows
= ruined; 5-10% value or __ for lot

+1 Reputation for finding this as the Orrish would have taken it for the metal!

Tunnel to Underlands

Rock Worm is in topor, could be killed before it moves off to widen the tunnel?
Worm Keeper + 2 spore minions (spores control the rock worms)
Spore drop about 60 in
Save vs disease dc 12 or 2 malaise regain 1/long rest any exhaustion is doubled… breath stealer spores.

Tunnel to Ravine

There is rubble piled here.
DC 16 Perception to notice it was filled artificially, not a collapse, and that it must open into the ravine by its position.

Shrieker at entrance to the outside exit of under cavern stream, in the shade.


Use the site location description.


DC 17 Perception check to notice something amiss.

The raiders have been putting their stash in the rocks here. These are the results of weeks of minor, non lethal raids in the countryside.

TRAP: a strip of leather will unwind, exposing spores.
> Save vs disease dc 12 or 2 malaise regain 1/long rest any exhaustion is doubled… breath stealer spores.

a bunch of metal tools, a few farm implements, horse shoes, nails, anything that could easily be grabbed from about 1 -2 days away from the last month. There is leather bags (goblin skin), a few old nets and a a lot of rope, twine and cord and poles for creating travois.

Returning Raiders

15 are out counting even further away! Three groups of 5 have been killing and scavenging, ready to grab the stash in the ravine and return to the Hawktail Hills army is..
Goblin War Bands (5 x 3 group) +1 off spawn for loot carrying per group of 5

Tactics: totem holy symbol can command the off spawn! 1 in each group = last to fight, command off spawn fight first! Off spawn will charge to distract while 2 goblin groups flank in.

1-4 on d6 come back at night; max 3 days @4am
Powerful stench will give away
They are to meet in the foothills where the road begins and then come up as a group.
D6; 1-5 is this plan = yes
If the washout is used: there is a knock clacking of stones as a password

There is a sign to be set at the courtyard at the top; if it is not there, then enemies have come; Sneak to ruins at night. Scout. Attack in three groups.


Disturbance at Spakaya – The Dog Fort of the Riverdans

Posted on February 5, 2025

Disturbance at Spakaya – The Dog Fort of the Riverdans is an Incarna adventure.

Spakaya – The Dog Fort of the Riverdans sits in the Dovender Valley in the Hawktail Hills where the Riverdans of Tufflim and Pelmon meet. Travel through the The Maithen Plateau is required to get here.

GM Setup: Background/Current State


A Driving Mission: Ushtay, an attendant of a Black Herald of Everdark from the forces of the dark champion Histrak Frostmonger has been sent here to excavate for the remains of the evil Standard of the Severed Head of the dead darkling Split Eye (see History of the fort) if any can be found. The fallen dark-spawn was drowned in the final battle for Spakaya – The Dog Fort of the Riverdans. They are also to determine the viability of having rock worms tunnel to it and recreate the breech as an attack point. The latter is a cover for the former and most of the raiders have no clue (in case they are captured). Raiders were sent out to make sure the area was clear of scouts. And then they were able to capture the shepard’s family… and perform a human sacrifice for evil magics to find the standard. And now a hint of where the remaining piece of the standard may be found and so they have tunneled down the kitchen stairs into the armory and stores area to finally find it – under the guise of more sapping for metals.

Current State: It’s taken days, and little progress has been made on the sapping work. Really, the raiders do not have the tools for the job for re-connecting the breach tunnels, but they are doing their best. The Black Heralds attendant is leading a team of sappers and finally finds the broken standard piece right before the PCs arrive. It attacked and killed a goblin, and they had to burn its head. They have reburied it and are trying to figure out how to get back to the main force in Blue Willow Valley – the head snarls and wails and makes too much noise for an overland trip. Both the priest and the shaman know. They are running out of options and believe they will have to kill one of their number to summon the Black Herald of Everdark from their base to take it.

Daytime Lookouts

Ushtay, the attendant of the Black Herald of Everdark in service with Histrak Frostmonger, summoned a swarm of insects from the surrounding hills as a day watcher and functions as an alarm bell. They are in the tower, where the goblin carcass lies that was offered in sacrifice.

Lingering Visions of the Fall of the Fort

In addition to the normal horrific visions of The Maithen Plateau, there is a unique impression left behind from the perspective of the darkling champion that once commanded the war banner’s power.

Suddenly it’s as if you are seeing out of another’s eyes. Your breath is ragged, you feel like screaming as the faint glow of the sun coming over the horizon is revealed. All around you are torn bodies of the fort’s defenders, burst open like a volcano. All around too is the sludge remains of goblins and orks burned under the Sun Bane. A few Orrish have gathered and hunkered down in the shadows of the broken fort, and the terror is palpable. Another sunset and you are sure you can get out, the others’ deaths will cover for you. But then, about midday there is a low rumble and the cliff side above bursts open! A deluge of water, rocks and soil sweeps you away, grinding you in its path. Rocks are battering your skull and ribs as you tumble, you feel the hot blood filling your mouth and you cannot breathe as you are thrown about and ultimately buried alive. You clutch the broken piece of the standard with its strange head atop it. Your last sight as darkness claims you is the standard you grasp so tight twitches in your hands, and the head’s eyes open up to revel a soul so tortured and broken that you gasp and swallow earth and rocks and die horribly, in terror and alone.

Those experiencing this are traumatized. They must make a DC 10 Sanity check or they are Stunned for a round.

PC Setup: A Call for Assistance

The newly christened “Hawktail Coalition” (CY 9169; Pelmon, Monaides, Glois, Tufflim, Bondeu) has set aside differences and finally been brought together by the incursions from the dark-spawn enemy. Pelmon and Glois are bearing the brunt of the raiders’ incursions, with the main advances from the Hawktail Hills out into the Blue willow Valley to the south and Scael’s Basin and the wheatlands’ of Glois. The containment attempts have resulted in great losses and spreading raids from the Orrish. The west foothills of the Hawktail Hills are the site of constant battles – a half dozen smaller breach tunnels with defensive fortifications at their entrance have taken a tenacious foothold.

The League of the White Lily in the Riverdan of Monaides has brought in professional mercenaries from the northern merchant cities and made a formal alliance with House Du’Orlok and the “Stone Horns Druidhold” of Pelmon Ridge to contain the dark-sapwn.

Getting There

The fort is remote, but with a commanding view. To get there you will need to go through the old abandoned high Maithen Plateau, and follow its road to even higher to the Dovender Valley.

Entering the Dovender Valley

The PCs may sense the man infestation of the power of the Attendant of the Black Herald; It is being augmented by the powerful dark visions still present in the valley are a from the broken Standard of the Severed Head.

DC 20 Perception – Smell
> strange brimstone like smell

DC 20 Perception – temperature
> seems slightly colder

The Keep at a Distance

Scry/Far View (familiar, etc.): Any such recon may draw the attention of the Ebon Shrike.

From the base of the massive sheer cliff, rises 800+ feet into the sky at the far south end of the valley. It is broken by an escarpment with steep slopes on both sides about 500′ up. You can barely make out broken walls of a ruined fort at the edge of the escarpment with a commanding view. Attacking it would have been suicidal when it was in use.

Base of the Escarpment

The fort commands a clear view north of the Dovender Valley and the tower on it probably saw west far out into the hilly uplands for miles. On either side of the crag were rocky slopes – one of them probably provided a path up, but the entire area appears to have been washed out and both slopes are covered in soil and rubble now growing with grass and scrub.


At the top of the slope up is a gap between a southern cliff face that keeps rising to a sheer height of another 300+ feet. The entire area is smooth and earthen, covered with green grass. An open courtyard gives way to the back of the keep’s inner fortifications. There is no defense wall – it was scoured away long ago. The remaining walls are little more than 1m high in most places. No doors remain, no roof or covering is present, and there are gaps in the inner walls. A tower’s remains on the west side has its outer bailey/entrance barricaded. A lumpy tarp-covered partially walled area is on the east side.


Perception DC 15 ( Advantage if seen another mark)
> mark “2”; 2 skeleton for animation


An area chiseled out of the cliff face but only 3m deep as a mining camp. They first made a giant lean-to to keep the sun out, carved it out, and the goblin contingent used it as a base until reinforcements could arrive. Now it has a wall of stone rubble going 1.5m deep with murder holes put in front of it. It has a single thick blackskin tarp covering a 3 x 3 break in the wall – it is only for goblin sized SF 2 creatures.

Looking at the base of the cliff side opposite the courtyard by 10m, you see an unmistakable recent excavation. An area about 2m tall has been excavated into the cliff and a rubble fortified wall built in front. A single thick black oil cloth covers a 1m square entrance at one end of the wall.

Perception DC 15 – vision
> looks fire treated and very heavy (wont blow aside with strong winds)

Perception DC 20 – vision
> 3m deep carve out based on rubble volume

Perception DC 25 – vision
> spot murder holes

The tarp is set to attack as a half HP Lurker Above
Inside during the day is always 3 goblins with bone dart throwers (4 darts each)
D4 pierce; + womblatt (first round has a chance of surprise Advantage if murder holes not spotted)
medium and heavy armor are proof against it (-2 attack, half damage)

@ Event: Ending

The Black Herald of Everdark will arrive when the PC’s get close to uncovering the broken standard. EVERYONE will Experience the Dream Sequence – The Sacking of the Dog Fort!

A dark form is seen over the remains of the ruined keep. Some fiendish manifestation of evil holds a staff in its hands, its red glowing eyes show it is struggling and moving erratically. It holds what appears to be a staff, holding it as far away from itself as possible for its form. The tip of the staff has a set of cold black eyes, shining as bright in a bruise colored spectrum. From it, snarls and howls are heard. There is a struggle between them.

In one round, the Black Herald will gain control of the item and fly off with it at maximum speed. This will give the party a single round of ranged attacks, but at long range ( Disadvantage), and another one as it flies away if they win the initiative. Its a long shot, but the Black Herald wont be able to do anything other than fly and concentrate. If they somehow kill the Black Herald, it will drop into the rubble in the keep. The PCs will have to kill the Vargouille, but it will be half health.

It will be crafted into the Staff of Agonayth (remains of the split-eye Standard of the Severed Head)
= +2, sinister only, head is a demon vargouille; as long as its alive: 1/day @ x3 range = detect good/evil, darkness, command; all greater powers are sound/vocal (scream/shout/snarl) based

  • Severed Head at will:
  • Severed Head 1/day:
  • Severed Head 2/day:

Outcomes & Rewards

Bounty on the Orrish

Dark-Spawn Loot/Goods: The selling of Orrish made goods/loot outside the Dark Lands has serious issues, and often the best value is 10% of normal.

But the druidic magic that once stood watch here is still there, albeit weak.
> Primordial Awareness will reveal this once the herald’s assistant has been defeated, it will trigger a vision if enacted.

A mountain goat shows up and stands there looking at you. It seems to be trying to get you to follow it. You climb the rugged cliff face up another 20m to where the stream is coming out of the ground. The goat paws at it. It headbuts it with its horns, like it is attacking it.

Any character drives a weapon into the spring source, it will bubble and froth with pink water. Drinking it restores 10 points of health and minor restoration + dispel exhaustion 1 and all infections. After each character has drank, there will be enough to fill a small drinking skin with a 10 point healing potion for each PC.

FIND FAMILIAR at the dog fort
Spirit of one of the Dovender Hounds until its re-summoned/dies
Sense Orrish 250’ (rough # and direction) as an action for 2 rounds

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Delvers Maw

Posted on February 4, 2025

iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip

Minotaur Madness of Matchalck by Kelly Jon Berger is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

WARNING – This is NOT FOR EVERYONE. The DnD Basic rules are not the DnD you are used to – like or dislike the current edition, its got some key differences. Power is seriously nerfed. There is little variations between classes, race is a class and modify more than class alone, etc. See session details and pre-made characters for more information.

Is surrender an option?
The only retainers that will be available to the party are human/level 0 (“normal human”) – this was a common means of using cannon fodder to prevent character death.

Delvers Maw
2nd level characters x 4 min 8-10 total levels under 4th)
Made by rock worms; carrion craw. Overhang thats fortified. 5 miles away from civilization.
– building attack tunnels inthree directions
Staging point
Mission: hit them hard while three tunnels used and forces tie them up, destroy cave mana/supplies/equipment

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Minotaur Madness of Matchalk! (DnD Basic adventure)

Posted on July 27, 2023

Minotaur Madness of Matchalck by Kelly Jon Berger is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

WARNING – This is NOT FOR EVERYONE. The DnD Basic rules are not the DnD you are used to – like or dislike the current edition, its got some key differences. Power is seriously nerfed. There is little variations between classes, race is a class and modify more than class alone, etc. See session details and pre-made characters for more information.

The Plot

Type of Scenario: Fulfilling an [Epic] Quest / Setting: Caves or cavern


On the eastern borderlands in the barony of Matchalk (of the southeast Duchy of N’Lokrha), an evil Minotaur has escaped from somewhere and is terrorizing the frontier. He has even had a few warriors of the fighting pits (berserkers!) escape and flock to him as a cult – worshiping strength and killing! The worst of the local population of monsters and civilized exploiters has gathered and is preparing to launch an attack. The Baron Sir Rustin Onrad has put the word out. Yours is not the first band assembled. Each group that has volunteered for the treasure and glory has not come back. You hope to capture the fame and wealth of those who have come before. The Minotaur and his “tribe” live somewhere in the east of the town of Staghelm, in the low hills before the foreboding mountains in the east – the border of The Darklands. The grateful folk living on the edges of these lands will shelter and feed you and point you in the general direction – but the influence of the minotaur himself is strong, and even those claiming to have found the lair get confused and turned around when seeking it. The Minotaur awaits behind his labyrinthian confusion, his servants preparing for war! Can you stop him in time?

Source: Some of the concepts and ideas are taken directly from the minotaur in the Caves of Chaos in the published module B2 – Keep on the Borderlands. Otherwise, the glue holding it all together and original plot ideas are all Kelly Jon Berger, 2023. The Fantasy Name Generator was used to quickly create some names for the “classic” flavor.

Home Base – Staghelm

Baron Sir Rustin Onrad rules the Barony of Matchalk. He is a fair (Lawful) man, and holds the common reward (of $100sc each) if the PCs are successful. The Mayor (Lawful) ensures each are given equal treatment and mundane goods replaced. In addition, the four town council aldermen handle sponsoring groups. Within Staghelm, The Scattered Geese Inn will be your base and you may always find him or his assistant there. The town of Staghelm is where helpful and likable people will be killed if the PCs do not prevail.

Alderman Hanry hires the PCs: Roll 2d6 for reactions to determine the amount of help he will give. The better the 2d6 reaction check is, the more improved conditions the PCs will have when in service to the quest. Reaction 12+ = Presented with 5 +2 arrows from Hanry’s family’s stash (once, when they first meet).

While in Service to the Baron

Resting: After each excursion the PCs can eat and sleep; heal 1-3 (d6 HP regained; 1-2=1 / 3-4=2 / 5-6=3) and rest (remove any exhaustion penalties). Humans rest easier, and get +1 on the d6 healing check.

Recruiting Retainers Hireling and henchmen can be found in town. A good reaction from the alderman sponsor will result in a higher chance to be able to hire them. Retainer recruitment is 2d6, modified by the Recruiters charisma.

Mundane Goods: The following goods can be replaced every night at no cost: 1 flask of oil, 5 torches, 1 week non preserved rations for each PC and retainer. A retainer or mule can carry a single EXCAVATION KIT. For services of the “mystical variety”: Theurgi Emporium

  • Excavation kit: hat/helm, pick axe, shovel, 2 burlap sack, hammer, 10 spikes/splitters, 10 candles, lamp, crow bar

Loot Storage: The alderman sponsoring the PCs will safely hold onto the loot the PCs bring back to town with each trip.

Rumors in Staghelm (The Scattered Geese Inn)

The PCs can attempt to hear rumors about the situation. They should send out one character to gather them. The maximum number of rumors heard is equal to the retainers allowed by their Charisma (+1 for Affable). Roll 2d8 to determine which rumor is heard; for each make a ✓ Bribe of $20sc OR Reaction (2d6/6+)

  1. Most victims were taken and eaten, there are few left to rescue.
  2. The minotaur has collected many servitors – but not all of them get along!
  3. [False] There are many caves in the area of the minotaur; the caves of chaos are said to all lead to one large cavern.
  4. Humans from the lowlands kidnapped and forced to work – probably excavating caves.
  5. Dwarves from the hills kidnapped and forced to work – probably excavating and making traps.
  6. The influence of the minotaur is strong, and even those claiming to have found the lair in the past get confused and get turned around when seeking it again.
  7. An evil cleric was seen from a distance praying over the minotaur to grant healing.
  8. The raids against merchants and settlements have collected many quality weapons, expect the foes to be better armed than normal. (d8 weapons!)
  9. [False] A fair maiden is imprisoned in the caves.
  10. Many blame the evil conjurer Thasior for the scourge of the minotaur – it is his crest after all! Perhaps he could be made to answer questions about the fell monster.
  11. [False] Even in normal times people have gotten lost in the area. (People always get lost though, it’s just not any sort of magical confusion at fault.)
  12. The fighting pits of Norswitch in the north of the Barony have lost the wild berserkers of the hill tribes – they say they have gone to fight for the minotaur. The Pit Masters will surely want to counter the bad publicity.
  13. [False] Beware of treachery in the party – the minotaur sends infiltrators as potential retainers!
    (In normal times, perhaps – the Baron’s servants are screening the retainers to prevent this.)
  14. Evil merchants of the City of Ados are said to have sent a delegation to the minotaur. The Bank of the Silver Stacks representative at the Dalry Crossroads (where much of the agriculture of the area is collected) can surely tell you how to get them to return to the fold.
  15. [False] The minotaur is hoarding all the magic items for a great sacrifice to his dark god; None of his minions get to keep them.

Rumor Follow Up

Following up on all the rumors, spending more than a week away from Staghelm will reduce the Party Reputation by 1(they will seem uninterested or just interested in collecting easy money up front). After they return from the last followup, there will have been another raid and people killed and taken captive. Alderman Hanry will state “Though you may have gained valuable information, the violence has continued and the folk are angry.”

  • Return times take 1 day less since they know the way and can move at top speed.

3 Day travel to Norswitch to see the fighting pit’s Pit Masters of Norswitch
✓ Bribe of 30sc OR Reaction (2d6/7+) > Tell them “The pits run with water, not blood” and it removes their rage when they fight.

2 Day travel to Dalry Crossroads to see Sira Gresor, sr. banker for the Bank of the Silver Stacks.
✓ Bribe of 40sc OR Reaction (2d6/6) > Tell them “The stacks run black” and they will surrender and retreat, leaving for Ados in the west and not returning.

5 Day travel to see the wizard Thasior in his tower.
✓ Bribe of 100sc OR Reaction (2d6/8+)
M-U can Search (d6/1 + Int) to know something is amiss. Nervous, does not seem like a confident Magic User.

  • I’m not saying I know this creature or how it came here, but he answers to Kulseus.
  • If he challenges you to single combat, do not trust him… he is not honorable.
  • He may have stolen a ritual book that is giving him power. He would find a place to hide it, so his power could not be taken.

First Mission: Scouting

Alderman Hanry says “Since it all began, we have no sense of what’s excavated and what’s befallen the Redweck, Bredon, or Culcheth villages and surrounding steadings Can you get an answer and scout out and note on a map what and where the caves and camps are? If you fail, maybe the last one left can escape and return with the map to help whoever comes next. If you succeed, you can be better prepared for what you face.”

Mission: Check out the three settlements, map the area around the Caves of Chaos
REWARDS: +1 Reputation

Raid at Dawn / Raiding Party

As the party is setting out, there is a raid deep into the barony and they are the targets. These are fresh recruits without much skill or confidence. You can surrender for $20sc each character.

#PC = Swordsmen > F1, AC 7/HP 7, sword (d8)
#NPC (retainers) = Crossbowmen > 0 level human, AC 8, HP 2, 10 quarrels (d6)
1 veteran Lt. > F2, AC 5 – chain mail, HP 12, sword (d8+2 str)

The Ruins of Redweck and Surrounding Farms

The village is a ruin, sacked and looted multiple times until there is nothing left. Superficially, there appears to be no survivors and nothing left to find.

  • 3 hr Survivor Search: (d6 + Int/3+); 3 survivors ($15sc reward each)
  • 3 hr Scavenge Search (d6/5+); 1 week preserved rations

Caves of Chaos Wandering Monster/Random Encounter: 1 on d6; d6+4 = encounter

Leaving: (d6 + Int/4+); Avoid the Labyrinthian Confusion OR +4 hour and return to town and make another Wandering Monster/Random Encounter check

The Ruins of Bredon and Surrounding Farms

The village is a ruin, sacked and looted multiple times until there is nothing left. Superficially, there appears to be no survivors and nothing left to find.

  • 3 hr Survivor Search: (d6 + Int/5+); 2 survivors ($10sc reward each)
  • 3 hr Scavenge Search (d6/4+); 1 week preserved rations

Caves of Chaos Wandering Monster/Random Encounter: 1-2 on d6; d6+4 = encounter

Leaving: (d6 + Int/3+); Avoid the Labyrinthian Confusion OR +4 hour and return to town and make another Wandering Monster/Random Encounter check

The Ruins of Culcheth and Surrounding Farms

The village is a ruin, sacked and looted multiple times until there is nothing left. Superficially, there appears to be no survivors and nothing left to find.

  • 3 hr Survivor Search: (d6 + Int/4+); 4 survivors ($20sc reward each)
  • 3 hr Scavenge Search (d6/5+); 1 week preserved rations

Caves of Chaos Wandering Monster/Random Encounter: 1-3 on d6; d6+4 = encounter

Leaving: (d6 + Int/3+); Avoid the Labyrinthian Confusion OR +4 hour and return to town and make another Wandering Monster/Random Encounter check


At night, while the PCs are camping in the dark, Orrish attack! A Goblin Horde * (optional)

1-2 on d6 – Renegade goblin horde will be coming out of the mountains. #PC x 2

Spotting them/Surprise: Search d6 + Int/6} at 300′ / Search d6 + int/5 at 200′
They start with slings (d4), then run at the PCs with clubs.

Searching for the Minotaur

Experienced Foes: The Dungeon Master should add intelligence to the play of the monsters – they have learned from experience. They can use flaming oil, traps, warning horns, ruses/feints/tactics and surprise, noise distractions and attempts to chase away, and the magic/high quality gear from dead adventurers is fair game. The more intelligent the enemy, the more sophisticated experience they can draw on.


Exploring: Characters must rest (24 hours) after every excursion, or suffer a -1 “to hit” and damage rolls until they do.

  • Camping at night to rest: -1 on rest checks for healing.
  • Full Day Resting or Camping: 1 Wandering Monster check (1-3 d6); An elf can hide the camp to reduce it to 1
  • Spoiling Rations: Check each day (d6/1-2); Minotaur confusion makes purify food and drink harm half the time/seem like it works

Labyrinthian Confusion


  • Adv on stealth to surprise or ambush
  • Surprise Occurs on a 1-2 on d6.
  • Captives: Torture/charm attempts will result in seeming cooperation but the confusion will take hold of the captives/charmed ones and they will lead the group to a random cave. It will take 4d20 hours each destination – randomly checked (they may take lead captors to same cave again). Random Destination in Caves of Chaos:

    1. Men
    2. Orrish
    3. Natural cave 1
    4. Natural cave 2
    5. Natural cave 3
    6. Natural cave 4
    7. Minotaur

Wandering Monsters/Random Encounters in the Area

Only the “breath of the minotaur” can counteract its Labyrinthian Confusion effects in the area. Assume all wandering monsters have been exposed to this. In addition to its confusion, the long term nature of the problem has attracted a few unsavory types and the patrols that normally kept away some elements no longer do. A normal Wandering Monster check is a 1 on a d6 for an encounter.

  1. Evidence in the scrub and hills – The trees are being cut down not just for burning for wood but materials show they are being cut for construction. Rubble is being dumped from excavations.
  2. Battle Site – Only hacked and ruined mundane goods are found here. There was obviously a battle, though no bodies are to be found, there are bones nearby. ($3d6sc in 1 hour search)
  3. Crab Spiders; 1-6 will ambush the party from a burrow or tree (expert ambushers; +1 surprise melee range)
    – Drawn out of their normal hilly dens in the Labyrinthian Confusion
  4. One Time Encounter (once only; re-roll if encountered already)
    • Band of 5-8 (d4+4) 1st level Dwarves; Searching for their kin, Reactions (2d6) or they attack!
    • Sprites
    • Robber Fly and 1-4 killer bees
    • Harpy
    • 1 Ghoul, 10 skeletons – ex-priest and his minions the minotaur killed to get to the altar.
      Has a holy symbol of Sun Stealer and the priest can cast Protection from Good (affects all his “flock” using Shared Faith)
    • Insect swarm – infected with disease (save vs. paralysis) or suffer a -1 to all physical stats until they get a full (3hp heal) rest.
  5. Boar (angry and confused; +4 To Hit on first attack)
  6. Fire Beetles; 2-4 will ambush the party from a burrow or tree (check surprise melee range)
    – Spawned by the Altar of Chaos
  7. Human Raiding Party; 1-4 Veterans (half armed with crossbows)
  8. Orrish Raiding Party; 2+d4 Goblins (sword/d8) and 1 Orc (2h sword/d10)
  9. Neanderthals; 1-6
    – Savage hill people coming down from the mountains now that patrols are not keeping them away
  10. Bandits; 1-12, armed with spears (d6)/half may have slings (d4)
    A band of villains looking to take advantage of the confusion (sometimes they are chased and eaten!)

The Caves of Chaos

Redflower Plateau:

Exploring the Area: Each 1 mile square that the PCs march across should be checked for Wandering Monsters as they pass through. Each time they attempt to travel in another direction out of it, they must make a check against confusion.

  • TIME: Exploring each grid area (1 sq. mile) takes 6 hours due to the Labyrinthian Confusion.

Common Features

  • Rough walls and passages unless noted
  • Dark unless noted
  • Generally, single file in corridors, roughly 10 feet wide, 10 feet tall (to accommodate a minotaur)


  • Surprise: Characters are surprised on 1-3 instead of the normal 1-2
  • Morale of Retainers: Checks have -1
  • Breaking down doors is harder (1 on d6 only)
  • Going Down a Passage = The character in front/leading the way must make a Search check: d6 + Int/4+ they actually go the direction they want. Otherwise, roll randomly to see which way/passage/exit they actually go.

The Excavated Caves of Men

Steel Realms; Minotaur - Cave of Men

Steel Realms; Minotaur – Cave of Men

> Within 1 Mile: There is no trace or hint, it is well concealed.
> Outside: A tiny bit of smoke can be seen coming from the cave mouth.
Caves of Chaos Wandering Monsters: 1-3 on d6; d10 1 encounter
> Inside Features: If @Shrine Intact, then CONFUSION.

Veterans (drawn by the promise of sacking villages and towns) + traders looking to assist and sell loot; here is all sort of mining materials and misc goods. Other than the berserkers, the human minions cannot stay in the main lair with the goblins and orks, they do not get along. The humans are well organized.

Kill Pockets

If @Men Warned all beyond the kill pockets in rooms and corridors are armed and have +2 AC from cover if possible. Regardless of map size they are 10′ wide x 20′ deep. Each failed door opens and the door breaking loads a trap triggered on getting to the next door.

  1. a d2 dart to spray in area per open attempt – Save vs wand
  2. 1+1 point of spattered lit oil covers area per open attempt – Save vs breath weapon
  3. grease bladder bursts, -2 AC penalty – Save vs petrification -1 pen per open attempt; can only be cleaned with wine and vinegar in Hall room or washing off completely
  4. $cha-$ching trap of Lakem – Save vs spell of 1 blinded for and hour unless they offer the god $50sc

Doors: (d6) if @Men Warned; Near each is lit with Continual Light of the neutral god Lakem. There is a cleric that keeps them going each 30 days with a ceremony of shared Faith.

+Entry Chamber (room)

The men here are speaking crudely, and dressed in furs. They appear to be primitive hill people from the east and north – Neanderthals.
2 Veterans out front + 2 Veterans inside – 1 in each alcove. Defense Alcoves (+2 AC cover) + Crossbows w/10 quarrels

If one gets away they will drop portcullis in retreat. Warns Guards 1 and rushes to notify the rest of the complex @Men Warned

Instead of just crude carved passages, looking beyond the floors are more flat, lanterns and magical bulbs instead of torches light the place, and doors bar entry to many rooms. It seems the rough exterior was meant to disguise the presence of more organized force.

G (garderobe; toilet room)

Well (room)

Supply Room

Tools and equipment used for the slaves to excavate. The tools are stolen from settlements and caravans and in poor shape, worth only $50sc total.

Slave Room

Dwarven craftsmen and 3 families are enslaved and kept captive here. Many killed already to hide construction secrets. Leader “Garrack Shield-Bender”; If freed he will modify a shield in 1 week to make it a +1 magical. If it is a dwarf’s shield, it will be adapted to their grip and stature to give +1 added AC vs. goblins and smaller than man-sized creatures. 300sc reward too.

Guards 1 (room)

6 crossbowmen, short range

Hall (room)

This is where food is cooked and meals eaten. There is a colder drop larder with a sink/mini pull from well at the top.
Rand: D6/1-2 2 veterans and 2 traders in here

Office (room)

4 traders + their leader are here doing inventory review, map making, betting boards on raids (sickos!), book copying (stolen as loot) at any given time. There is only $25sc worth of goods. Evidence of The Bank of the Silver Stacks.
Leader of the Traders: wand of detect magic (12), potion of healing

Game/Den (room)

There are all manner of games here, board games, math games, darts, bag toss, etc. There is $50sc in goods. There are 2 traders relaxing here at any given time. If @Men Warned then 2 guards with crossbows from Guard 2 room.

Guard 2 (room)

Two F2 (AC 4, HP 11, AL: Neutral) elite guards live here. They have crossbows and 10 quarrels, a vial of holy water, wolfs bane, and battle axes (d8 + 2 to hit and damage). they only carry about $25sc on them, but their quarters are nice ($50sc in value)

Shrine (room)

Shrine to Lakem and home to followers. There is an altar and $100sc in goods.
Cleric 1 x2 and 2 faithful followers (zero level men). If 1 dies they will surrender and buy their hostage release by the church for $50sc each.

Private Chambers (rooms)

A trader lives here. A simple and ordered room with bed, desk, watered wine skin, etc. Each has $5d20sc.
D6/1-3 a trader is here. If @Men Warned they gain +2 AC for cover and will have a crossbow ready +1 to hit (restrained entry), and can put out/negate 1 oil flasks or torch.

Common (room)

A room of leisure and exercise for the veterans. There is a barred door to the jail, the keys to the cells hang on the wall.
Rand: D6/1-2 for 2 veterans to be here at any given time.

Jail (room)

The door to this room is barred from the other side. Inside is a small cell and a large cell. They are empty currently, but a whip and club on the wall are well used.

Barracks (room)

A large living area for 24. In one corner are nicer accommodations for the leader. The far end without a fireplace has no light.
2 wake veterans are here, with the leader. 8 veterans are asleep unless @Men Warned
Each footlocker contains a full kit and $10sc.
Leader of the Veterans F3: helm of the explorers (+1 saves; 1/Day Read Languages + Light), Potion of healing

Loot (room)

The secret loot room hides all not given to minotaur. $300sc mundane goods, $312sc, $489cp, jewelry of 5, 5, 10, 10, 20, 25, 25, 50, 100 and $150sc. $100sc in art, $100sc in rugs and tapestries, potion of animal control x2.

The Excavated Caves of Orrish

Steel Realms; Minotaur - Cave of the Orrish

Steel Realms; Minotaur – Cave of the Orrish

> Within 1 Mile: PCs can make a search check. Elves and dwarves get +2 to notice the smell of the Orrish caves.

Although you are getting turned around and your memory is hazy, you smell a greasy smoke on the wind. There is a settlement of living creatures nearby.
(Dwarf/Elf) It smells like evil Orrish!

> Outside: Smoke from a greasy fire rolls out from the cave complex. There is cave moth 10′ wide and no visible guards or barricades.
Caves of Chaos Wandering Monsters: 1-4 on d6; d10 1 encounter
> Inside Features: If @Shrine Intact, then CONFUSION.


2 orks hidden just inside concealed. Spider of Gozen buried to the left of the entrance.

Guard Chamber (room)

4 Berserkers – Other than the berserkers, the human minions cannot stay in the main lair with the goblins and orks, they do not get along. The berserkers are only active during the day, and they sleep at night when the Orrish take over guarding the entrance. There is a room off the guard chamber where they sleep.

Shrine (room)

This is a shrine to Sun-Stealer. There are 2 acolytes spider-keepers here. There is evidence of animal and human consumption here – this is where they eat their meals and torture victims to sacrifice.

Goblin Acolyte: Cleric 1; hides (AC8), 5 hp, mace + 3 Spider of Gozen: (as Crab Spider; poison is paralysis in 1 round)

Goblin Chamber (room)

10 goblins + Head of the Goblins: poison for his weapon, potion of healing w/Hunters Instincts x1

Hunters Instincts: The (Chaotic or Neutral) character draws on their full breadth and depth of killing experience; if the character can ambush with surprise, they can backstab on their first attack like a thief (+4/ x2 damage) – ranged weapons can only be used at short range (no added to hit bonus). Or, the (Lawful or Neutral) character may automatically go first, ties resolved by Dexterity scores.

Ork Chamber (room)

3 orks; (+2 to hit/damage from strength) + Head of the Orks: amulet of protection from good, potion of healing

The Hidden Cave (Altar of Chaos Chamber)

Steel Realms; Minotaur - Altar

Steel Realms; Minotaur – Altar

> Within 1 Mile: Upon entering the grid where the cave is, if there is a Cleric in the party, they will sense powerful evil and chaos, as if they had cast Detect Evil. Though the confusion hides the source, it will be sensed.
> Outside: Search (d6 + Int/6+); +2 for a dwarf to notice signs of recent disturbance of the ground and hillside. There has been an attempt to hide or conceal something here.
Caves of Chaos Wandering Monsters: 1-6 on d6; d10 1 encounter

2 Excavation Kits are required to dig through this swiftly (1 hour), otherwise 4 hours and another Wandering Monster check) if only 1. Otherwise, after an hour it’s obvious what’s needed.

> Inside Features: Walls Inside: Pictures engraved crudely of scenes of raids, scenes of sacrifice, minotaur, Sun Stealer, crude area map and incantations reflecting their evil plan for domination or destruction.

  • Surprise: Characters are surprised on 1-3 instead of the normal 1-2
  • Morale of Retainers: Checks have -1
  • Breaking down doors is harder (1 on d6 only)

Dark Gods Blessing: Sun Stealer has empowered the altar of evil and chaos. Undead are all protected as if they possessed a lesser amulet of protection vs. turning (all turn as a ghoul); Unless @Minotaur Dead or @Altar Destroyed, then magic or silver is required to hit any of the undead.


Cold Beetles (like Fire Beetles but frost)

The Skeleton Wall

Hanging from the ceiling are several chains. Secured on them are smaller chains with skeletal hands of various sizes. Hanging off of them. As you stare at it, the chains begin to rattle and the hands flex. You realize that the wall, filled with pieces of the dead, is alive!

12 skeletal hands; count as skeletons. Immune to fire damage, AC 6, 1 HP. 1 damage/2 grapple = held per Hold Person for #rounds = 4- Strength adjustment.
Chains radiate a blistering D4 cold within 5′ on either side each round Save vs Breath Weapon/no save if held.
[ i ] A burned on glyph: Dark Gods Blessing

Prayer Room

=> Door bound shut if @Altar Warned! / Trap: crossbow (d6 x2)

The Mockery of Faith: Zombies are “chanting” in ragged breath.
[ i ] A burned on glyph on each: Dark Gods Blessing

Clerics of Sun Stealer

Cleric 2nd (leader) AC 3, HP 11(4), mace +1 (d6, Chaos Dedicated) 1/day +d4 vs lawful!; 1 Spell 1/Day
Gift of Dark Vision: Can see in the dark like Infravision 30’
Major Holy Symbol 1/Night can raise a fallen foe (a PC) as a zombie; can heal 1 zombie per round for d4+1 with no action

Cleric 1st AC 4, HP 7, mace (d6)
Minor Holy Symbol 1/Night can heal one of the living faithful for d4 1/day

Altar of Evil Chaos

=> Door bound shut if @Altar Warned! / Trap: fire spray (d6 20’x10’ area)
Protected by the remains of those sacrificed on the altar.
[ i ] A burned on glyph on each item and undead: Dark Gods Blessing
PROTECTION FROM EVIL: All saving throws are made at +4 if the alignment of all PCs is Lawful

The room is dark, but there are several beetle creatures that radiate a sickly blue light – they scuttle to attack you.

The minotaur was drawn to it, dug out the cave it had been hidden in, killing the few servitors that had been keeping it up and keeping it hidden. He began to capture and sacrifice victims to it. It is amplifying his power (spreading the confusion of the minotaur), granting the minotaur a higher Charisma to the retainers that come seeking to ally themselves with it and gain loot when unleashed upon the nearby lands. The promise of looted towns, torture, burned bodies, and fresh slaves and foodstuffs has managed to draw quite an assortment.

#PC = cold beetle protectors (like Fire Beetles, but frost) + 1 weakened skeleton (HP 2); AC 9, HP 40

Cause Fear (30’ radius)
> Retainers will not be able to approach from fear (automatically fail a save), only PCs

Evil Bolts: D4+1 magic missile attack out to 60’ each round, save vs. wands for zero damage

Ritual Book on Altar

Search: d6 + Int/5+ Amidst the sacrificial implements you see an open book stained with blood, the pages move like they are alive!

Evil Ritual Book: Upon the altar is the evil ritual book of summoning the minotaur; AC 8, HP 25 (magic or silvered weapons to hit; fire does double damage)

Until then, the book opens and pages will flap – throwing the bones of the skeletons onto the floor and making a Weakened Skeleton (HP 2) every round. 1/Night it can spray a covering of Yellow Mold in a 20’ radius around it. It will wait until it can affect the most PCs

Rewards: When the altar is destroyed…

There is a loud crack and thunder echoes across the countryside. The haze over the area begins to retreat and the sun shines brightly, driving it before it. A golden figure appears over the remains of the altar “Long have the gods of light sought to finally lay to rest this ancient relic of evil – a corrupt and broken hearth in the home of evil. You have Mother Aerna’s blessing. We thank you for your great deed! Go with the light brave adventurers.”

  1. @Altar Destroyed = True
  2. Each PC within 10′ gains 1 use of inspiring Horrors: +4 to hit on next attack. The painful memories of those killed focuses their anger. Double damage for whoever struck the killing blow.
  3. Removes the Labyrinthian Confusion from the area – limited to only the minotaur lair caves
  4. -1 morale all ally creaturess and minotaur
  5. Lawful Reward: Puts all Lawful characters and retainers within 60’ at full HP-1 (unless they are undamaged)
  6. Light Gods Favor: Each character will also gain a single-use ability to cast a double strength Light spell as if they were a first level cleric, without the need for a holy symbol or prayer. Once used it is gone forever.

Concealed Passage / One Way Exit (under the Altar)

The Natural Cave 1

Steel Realms; Minotaur - Cave 1

Steel Realms; Minotaur – Cave 1

> Within 1 Mile: A small bit of black smoke.
> Outside: It is dark and foreboding. You do not see any movement at the entrance, but there is a small bit of smoke whisping out.
Caves of Chaos Wandering Monsters: 1-2 on d6; d10 1 encounter
> Inside Features: If @Shrine Intact, then CONFUSION.


There is a lit brazier and fire pit. There are remains of bones and palettes for several humanoids. There is a passage into darkness.

Trap Cave: Green slime, treasure hidden about, collapsing ceiling, dwarf check
Spinning slabs slow movement for slime.

Curved corridor going up, looks like it will come out above cave entrance of they can excavate in time

The Natural Cave 2 (rat cave)

Steel Realms; Minotaur - Cave 2

Steel Realms; Minotaur – Cave 2

> Within 1 Mile: A small bit of black smoke.
> Outside: It is dark and foreboding. You do not see any movement at the entrance, but there is a small bit of smoke whisping out.
Caves of Chaos Wandering Monsters: 1-2 on d6; d10 1 encounter
> Inside Features: If @Shrine Intact, then CONFUSION.

The wererat drew the rodent swarms and giant rats as part of a plan with the clergy of Malek; they were initially drawn by the labyrinthian confusion and scavenging the area


There is a lit brazier and fire pit. There are remains of bones and palettes for several humanoids. There is a passage into darkness.
Net trap, ceiling

Ambush Chamber (room)

Portcullis + Paralyzing poison arrows; Giant Rat and Rat Swarm push characters into the crevice = Take hostage, food
Camouflage pit trap

Captive Chamber (room)

Live captives from other traps in caves, lycanthrope will use as hostages; Shrine to Irrigi the rat god and a holy symbol of Lekam (Malek).

Rat Warrens (room)

1 Rat Swarm; only halflings can fit. This is where the loot that the group has skimmed goes.

Short sword +1, $220sc, 2 suits of chainmail (human), 2 suits of leather (human), gems: 10, 10, 10, 20, 40, 50

Rat Lair (room)

The wererat is here. Has a crossbow and 10 quarrels w/paralyzation poison.

There is a once beautiful captive woman in chains here that the wererat has taken as his own. She is pregnant with twins – wererats.

The Natural Cave 3

Steel Realms; Minotaur - Cave 3

Steel Realms; Minotaur – Cave 3

> Within 1 Mile:
> Outside: It is dark and foreboding. You do not see any movement at the entrance, but there is a small bit of smoke whisping out.
Caves of Chaos Wandering Monsters: 1-2 on d6; d10 1 encounter
> Inside Features: If @Shrine Intact, then CONFUSION.


There is a lit brazier and fire pit. There are remains of bones and palettes for several humanoids. There is a passage into darkness.

Trap Cave: treasure hidden about, shrieker (brings wandering Monsters), portcullis trap
Gas/spores/more shrieking

The Natural Cave 4

Steel Realms; Minotaur - Cave 4

Steel Realms; Minotaur – Cave 4

> Within 1 Mile:
> Outside: It is dark and foreboding. You do not see any movement at the entrance, but there is a small bit of smoke whisping out.
Caves of Chaos Wandering Monsters: 1-2 on d6; d10 1 encounter
> Inside Features: If @Shrine Intact, then CONFUSION.


There is a lit brazier and fire pit. There are remains of bones and palettes for several humanoids. There is a passage into darkness.

Trap Cave: treasure hidden about, gelatinous cube, pit trap, rubble collapse trap, water trap, poison trap on chest death, boarded up passage is shifting wall trap

The the Minotaur’s Lair

Steel Realms; Minotaur - Cave of the Minotaur

Steel Realms; Minotaur – Cave of the Minotaur

> Within 1 Mile:
> Outside:
Caves of Chaos Wandering Monsters: 1-5 on d6; d10 1 encounter
> Inside Features: CONFUSION


Guard (room)

Always on duty with a warning horn.

Feast Hall

Berserker Leader; platemail, 2 handed sword, potion of growth

  • Larder (gross human and dwarf pieces)
  • Kitchen
  • Supplies

Barracks 1 (Orrish room)

#PC goblins + 2 orks

Barracks 2 (berserker room)

#PC berserkers

Animal Pen

Slaves (room)

Human women

Reception (room)

Covering the walls are crude murals. Violent, sexual.

Minotaur’s Stairs (room)


Treasure Chamber (room)

2 cave apes (apes, white)

Treasure Type C = Double % chances (min 500sp, 1000cp) / 250sc in mundane goods / Potion of diminution, potion of levitation, Dagger +1. 10 arrows +1


Lit, oil lamps; here dwells Kulseus the Minotaur. If PCs get turned around, enemies will rush in automatic surprise first time, after that first attack – Hear Noise check to get a warning

Satellite Chamber (room)

  • Confusion passages (twisting) – The passages between chambers turn and wind – never in a straight line for long enough to use ranged weapons effectively in.
  • Torture/Center/Ambush Room – The concealed doors cannot be discovered unless @Altar Destroyed. The minotaur uses this room to ambush confused PCs.


If the PCs do not stop the minotaur now, their murderous rampage will be legendary… bards will sing of it in sadness, as well as the PCs failure (and blaming them).

Victory: Only the killing of the minotaur will constitute victory conditions and gain the reward. At least 1 PC must be alive.

  • $100sc each

Defeat: @45 days = attack, adventure over

If the PCs do not stop the minotaur now, their murderous rampage will be legendary… bards will sing of it in sadness, as well as the PCs failure (and blaming them).

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